Well, if everyone's rushing to worship me, maybe I'll start a cult. And if I'm truly safe from the fence LonelyKimiko, I'll make sure you're wife No. 30. 😀 😉
THANK YOU so much to everyone who's replied. It really was a lot of fun sketching this one out. I'm also really glad everyone who's in the pic is happy with how they're drawn. That's what was the most important thing about this to me.
BigNorm - Was I close? I think the brown hair really brings out your eyes..... uh, eye. XD
TKLVR18 - Is that reasonably accurate to what you look like? I hope it's at least not bad for a written description. 🙂
TicklishGiggle - Oh wow! I got a compliment from the "World's Biggest Smart-Ass". Now THAT'S impressive! 😀 I'm glad you liked the devil horns (I figured you might). And LonelyKimiko's right. You're a cutie. 😉
Hawaiian Prince - I think I'm afraid of an f/m pic of the guys on this forum. I'm on a few too many revenge lists after this pic. 😉
Budweiserbob - Mmmmm... Truckload of beer..... Glad you liked it man. Incidently, for more info on alcohol and guys name 'Bob', check out the song "Bob" by NOFX.
Killerk - I don't need any specific sacrifices, but I must say, after seeing the pics of some of these girls, I wouldn't mind a one-on-one tickling session (as a 'ler or a 'lee).
Once again, thank you all so much for your feedback on this pic. The challenge now is trying to get this kind of feedback with my NEXT one. :weird:
Stay groovy!
Snail Shell