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2nd Level Green Feather
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I remember when Lesley was tickled on Desperate Housewives playing Teri Hatchers mom. Her boyfriend kept tickling her sides as she laughed and said it tickles, I'm ticklish. Finally Teri says exasperatedly, she's ticklish,OK, now stop.
In this clip from "The Great White Hope", James Earl Jones plays boxer Jack Johnson, and tickles his girlfriend, Jane Alexander. In wmv only.
Leo, thank you for the many clips, great memories and new surprises here, we seem to share a liking to the classics. One that may never be found was Jennifer Love Hewitt from her short lived show on Fox called The Time of Your Life, spin off from Party of Five. Only lasted a half year. She applied for a job as a dog walker and during the interview the dogs licked her feet in sandals causing her to laugh and exclaim they're licking me. She meets her friends while out walking them and they lick her feet again, she yells stop licking while laughing. Loved the scene, little hope of seeing it again. Once again thanks for your efforts. 🙂
Warning: this is not great quality. I actually have this clip in much better quality on a videotape....I just don't have the means right now to digitize my collection, I have to get on that soon, I don't want to croak and have my family find a box of mainstream clips!!!!
Anyways.....this is again, from the original Juggler TX cd-rom.........two clips from, I believe, Rai (italian tv).
A bunch of beautiful models have their feet tickled by a show contestant, then their faces are hidden as he tickles them again, and has to figure out which girl is which.
These are the original mpeg files.
Hiya Leo,
I had almost forgotten about cd clip collection! That does go back a few years at a time when clips were first being posted. Thanks for sharing these, good to see again.
JUGGLERTX! Am I dreaming??!!!!
Big hug!! Wow....only 120 posts since 2001, ladies and germs!!! But his influence is still felt! Clearly this is a man who picks and chooses his posts carefully!
Getting this CD-rom, back in the day, was LIFE CHANGING, Maestro! Thank you! Some clips would be lost forever if it wasn't for you!
When did you make that CD-ROM? It was like 1999, right? It was way early! I am almost positive I got it from a post you made on Tickletown or somewhere else. And reasonably priced, 20 bucks for, like, 100 clips.
I pored over that CD-ROM as if it contained the lost films of Awesome Welles!
So happy to see you're still with us. Your title may be "TMF Novice", but to're a member of the highest standing, whatever they call it, a magenta chocolate-covered feather, whatever the highest rank is, under Owner and Moderator. TMF Caesar. Something like that. That sound good to you? Hail Caesar!
I almost don't want to stop writing, because who knows if I'll ever talk to you again, but there's definitely more clips from that CD-ROM coming down the pike so....the whole Forum thanks you! It thanked you then....and it's still thanking you now! I'm thanking you, too. 🙂
Great to see you, sir.
( and as for Warlord sorry, but I am not aware of that clip but thanks so much for reporting it.....people have been writing and asking me about various clips.....and it just goes to show you....all the mainstream clips we've captured over the's just the tip of the iceberg. Let the hunt continue!!!!)
Since were posting old clips, does anybody have a copy of that one m/f foot tickling commercial that was posted years ago? It started out with a married couple on a couch, the woman's socked feet is on the guy's lap. He or she ends up ripping off the woman's sock and throwing it at the other person and the other person rips off the other sock and retaliates. After that the guy ends up tickling the woman's feet and she laughs. I don't think you can hear the laughter though because there was music and a kid's voice was narrating it and talking about how his mom and dad are still in love or something of that matter.