Shit sometimes I think just being a male is a strike against you here
...I dunno... I'm pretty old and pretty creepy and pretty dumb and pretty horny. *smile of satisfaction.
... so I don't have any idea if any of the young ones here consider me a creepy old man.
Cure: Age means nothing. Go to a gathering, and don't be creepy.
How not to be creepy at a gathering: Socialize, shoot the shit, try not to sit and gaze at women's feet the whole fucking time, and talk about ordinary things, like any other party. When you try to interject into a regular conversation with "you know I like that spot under the big toe heh-heh-heh" you will notice people - fellow TMFers all of them - staring at you as though you came out from under a rock. Seriously, it's the same effect as walking into a bar where you aren't welcome, the music stops, and everyone turns to look at you. You will also notice every female in the group switching places in the little circle, discreetly putting a guy they are comfortable with in-between you and them. You have now been locked in the creeper box. And it will take years of perseverance to climb back out, if you ever manage to. True creepers completely fail to understand why this is the case, usually with the argument "why not? we are all there because of a common interest." Well yeah we are, but it's an interest we still share with those with whom we are comfortable. And that comfort has to be earned.
Age really does not matter. As long as you can hang out and bullshit effectively with people who like to hang out and bullshit too. Some of the older gents at gatherings, and I'm meaning 60+, have a bit of a hard time, simply due to it being hard to relate to the age group of a different generation, and vice versa. They're not considered creepy. 30-somethings shouldn't worry about a damn thing. I started going to gatherings at age 30. I'm gonna be 34 in a couple months. So far they're the best years of my life and I've found the best friends I've ever had. And next week is Bella Bash. Seriously, when one rolls around, get out from behind the computer, scrape some cash together and jump in. It's either that, take your chances on Fetlife, or buy that cat and jerk off to the images forum forever more.
You had me fooled, C.A.B.! I always thought you were my age.....or younger! 🙂
"I'm as old as my tongue, and a little older than my teeth."
This is one of the best posts I've read in a long, long time. Well done![]()
Well im 46 and i feel like im seen as a creepy, old, perverted, man. its not fair i tell ya!
I dont have a cat I have widdle baby trees. Does that still count as creepy?![]()
I find it is very easy to get along with the younger folk when they are properly bound and gagged... more manageable as well.
I find it is very easy to get along with the younger folk when they are properly bound and gagged... more manageable as well.
Unfortunately I have to agree that being a guy is strike one. However, you can very quickly overcome the assumption that you're a creeper (regardless of age) by just... not being a creeper 🙂 If you find yourself talking to a girl who is giving you a bunch of bullshit, move on. As few and far between as the normal, cool guys are around here, the same can be said for the girls. There are some nutjobs out there, for fucking sure. I don't think your age makes you any more or less likely to be a weirdo. Personally, I have a strong preference for guys in their early 30s to early 40s. It's just how I roll. I tend to assume guys in their 20s are immature and lack basic social grace. An unfair assumption to make, but I'm right A LOT. I'm also wrong quite a bit, which is why I don't judge someone solely based on their age. If I did that, I'd be a derp. And derps only attract other derps (usually. There is the occasional sad story of an unsuspecting non-derp being derped by a derp... but that's another thread entirely.) So don't be a derp, regardless of your age, and you should be a-okay.