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masturbation? (Christians)


Registered User
Jul 31, 2003
The big question, is masturbation a sin? I have heard it is, only if you are thinking about impure thoughts (such as sex, nudity) But is it considered a sin if you watch tickling and masturbate? Lets say fully clothed, foot tickling.
According to most Christian religions sin was described as the act AND / OR the thoughts involved in wanting to commit such act.
Ya Hadda Wanna........
in fact "WANNA" is a sin all by itself.

I sin
Exodus 20,14:
"Thou shalt not commit adultery"
This is what the Bible says.

This is a translation from an Italian Catholic website:
But think about masturbation. Masturbation is wrong because it is selfish, since it is regarded as the act of a person that isn't able to love, and seeks a pleasure that is only illusion. If sexuality is dialogue and sexual language in the maximum way to express a person's love and affection, self-eroticism is a denial of that expression. For example: spoken language is a way to communicate with other people. Masturbation is like someone speaking to himself, with no chance to get in touch with other persons. So masturbation is "allowed" only to young people, but only as a step to reach a full-grown sexuality.
--end of translation--

Seeing it another way:
Why do you masturbate? To feel pleasure. That is a selfish act. So ask yourself: Is selfishness a sin?

Sorry for my bad English, I hope you understand me.
I was told that the restriction on masturbation comes from the story of Onen (sp?)

Feel free to correct me but I believe Onen's brother was recently married and passed on before he had the opportunity to "spread his seed" to his wife...and in the old traditions/laws, the closest male relative had to do it in his place...that closest male relative being Onen...and Onen just couldn't fornicate with his sister in law--nothing personal against her, but the guy just lost his brother, and now he has to have sex with his sister in law? Rough...anyway, he couldn't perform and took matters into his own hands 🙂p) and spilled his seed...which was against the law, as he was supposed to be making said seed useful by putting it into his sister in law...

So the moral of the story is: It's not okay to spill your seed...

Addendum from my POV: It's ok as long as you bring tissues to catch it...then it didn't technically spill...😛

p.s: I know this was specifically asking for a Christian perspective...and I'm Jewish...but I do recall this story having a Biblical origin...so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...

p.p.s: I LOVE MASTURBATION!!! NO ONE EVER SAID THE LADIES COULDN'T DO IT!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *runs off into bedroom with a 12 pack of AA batteries and a big grin*
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Wait, camel, yours runs on batteries??? I need to update mine them. It runs on diesel...
you really can't fart without commiting an actual sin. thinking of tickling or masterbation is a sin. that's for sure.
i heard if you masturbate while thinking about positive moral upstanding values and religious faith god will be like "YAY YOU ARE A WINNER AUTO-GO TO HEAVEN COLLECT 200 PLZ" like you have to fap to the thoughts of jesus dying for your sins or loving your neighbor and helping him out with his yard work and such, and also you have to masturbate in the missionary position because this is the way the bible intended
I remember hearing that its better for the seed of a man to fall into the belly of a whore, rather than onto the ground..

Please don't think I got that from a realiable source however.
Cognitio said:
I remember hearing that its better for the seed of a man to fall into the belly of a whore, rather than onto the ground..

I would tend to agree! ;~)
masturbation is no sin. I don't care what any religion that wanted people to deny themselves happiness in the name of god says. Anty religion that demmands sacrifice of happiness for NO reason (because masturbation isnt harmful in any way and in no way hurts anyone else, therefore the only reason to not do it would be to show just how commited you are to god) and all that. so forget it, that bullcrud was written 2000 years ago by people who thought the world was the center of the universe. Masturbate all you want.
This Ain't The Cool Smilie, It's A Dude That Went Blind From......

Norm, The Sisters Of Our Lady Of The Sacred Beano Will Pray For You....downwind.... Last Time I Checked, There Were No Farmer's Daughters Wanting Anything From Gt. Hell, If Self-service Is Good Enough For The Oil Companies..... And It Does Save You Some Money Sometimes....ok Bad Example.the Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Staff Thine Own Rod...shake Thine Own Snake....wiper Thine Own Viper.... You'll Put 1-800-concibine Out Of Business
Greetings everyone. This is my first post on this forum. This seemed like an interesting discussion, so I thought I'd add my two cents' worth:

The Bible says that adultery is a sin, but that lusting after a woman is like committing adultery in your heart, and so is a sin also. When you are masturbating, you are lusting after someone (it need not be a real person, nor need it be lusting after sex). It doesn't matter whether you are thinking about sex, tickling, or anything else. If you are thinking about something for the purpose of sexual gratification, it is lust in your heart, and so would be considered a sin.

Note: I am NOT saying that this is what I believe. This is just my interpretation of the teachings of Christianity.
But then, at one time, it was a sin to read the Bible.

Just ask any Christian cleric from around AD 250 to sometime about AD 1500.
That would be a big negatory in my understanding. Given I'm a somewhat modified Christian, masturbation isn't a sin as much as it is simply a waste. So while it isn't smiled upon by God it isn't an act that will have you damned to hell. It is a way to manage a mortal desire for pleasure when one is not of the age to take a mate and multiply.
Officially speaking, masturbation has several requirements for it to be classified as a particular sin by Christians and inparticular Catholic christian standards. The nature of the sin is determined by the person's mentality, psychological health, and knowledge/depth of the debauchery when committing the sin as well as the level of attachment to the sin.

In the catholic church we have two classes of sin: mortal and venial.

A mortal sin is a serious sin, such as murder, adultery, rape, incest, etc.

A venial sin would include masturbation. A venial sin is considered a "popcorn sin" by many priests despite what the official position on it often states and the level of the venial sin is determined by the emotional attachment, need, fixation, and abuse of the human body for wanton disregard and self-disrespect.

It is because of excess and the like, and not the act itself, that masturbation can evolve into a mortal sin. Official canon speaks of it as a mortal sin because that is the final evolution of that particular sin, but it is possible to counter and intercept it before it gets that bad.

Most people however, religious or not, never commit anything beyond a venial sin with masturbation, and this is particularly true of young people experimenting with their growing and changing bodies. Horny teenagers who may not have boyfriends or girlfriends, or any other outlet for their sexual frustrations wouldn't be penalized either.

Once more and again, masturbation, like any sin, is more than just the act of commiting it. Its the degree in which you sell yourself to that sin (mind, body and soul), give in to that sin, make it a vice, and let it create such a presense in your life that it becomes something that rules you, in whatever manner that is.

Venial sins are easily forgiven (by God in advance and reenforced/validated through the act of confession by priests, etc.) because they don't impose radical, sinful change in a person's life. Mortal sins however, while still forgivable, endanger your soul and degrade and weaken it. With mortal sin, its easier to fall into deeper and deeper levels of debauchery which then leads to evil itself.

We all commit venial sins all the time, sometimes without even knowing it or realizing it. It would be someone's pride or arrogance to believe they don't sin or that this isn't a sin, but it is, albeit one that is nowhere near as damning as some believe in ignorance. You'd be surprized how many people just assume it because they only read or look into it so far and so draw their own conclusions based on conjecture rather than knowledge.

With all the PMs I recieve asking this question, I often answer it the same way, albeit more indepth and detailed. It really is a simple answer to give, yet the issue worries so many.

I am glad that it does though, to an extent. It shows me that people have a conscience (whether misguided or not), and that they want to be doing whats right, regardless of their situations.
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This is exactley why I don't get into too many religious discussions. Christianity in general seems to pride itself on the double standard and utter confusion.
Sometimes it all comes down to this....
"do you beleive in God?"
"do you beleive in God my way?"
You're dead.

nuff said
I suppose now would be a good time to lower the tone and put some Monty Python in...
There are Jews in the world.
There are Buddhists.
There are Hindus and Mormons, and then
There are those that follow Mohammed, but
I've never been one of them.

I'm a Roman Catholic,
And have been since before I was born,
And the one thing they say about Catholics is:
They'll take you as soon as you're warm.

You don't have to be a six-footer.
You don't have to have a great brain.
You don't have to have any clothes on. You're
A Catholic the moment Dad came,


Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.

And so on. Surely as interpretations of the bible have changed over the centuries, some of the concepts and interpretations of sin will have changed too.
hehehehe, you said came, hehehehehehehehehehehehe

here is a religious poem i have

it is called "the sacred sheep of wisdom traverse into the morning jesus daylight, o' sacred blesseth sheep 'o sacredness"

sex is natural
sex is good
not everybody does it
but george michael is gay

it is full of religious enlightenment that is better than anybody's nonreligious epitaphs


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*janes off after reading this thread*

There...I feel better...I think if people masturbated more, and relieved stress, the world would be a much more relaxed place!!!
haha, you sound excited, perhaps you must masturbate more to calm yourself
what an interesting question.... I have a priest friend whom I'm sure has committed this sin numerous times. 😛
Ok, may one of use Christians that all of you seem to love to bash give some input? ( 😉 ) Esp. since the question is directed to believers?

Camel, you are 1/2 right about the reference to Onan. Onan was the second son of Judah, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, who later became Israel. Judah's oldest son, Er, has been slain by the Lord for his wickedness (Genesis 38:7). What did he do? Don't know, the Word doesn't say. Perhaps the oral or written Jewish histories record it, but Genesis doesn't. The tradition back then (for those of you who didn't go to Sunday School or catechism (sp?), this was before Moses and the Law), if a man died and left a widow and no children, the next oldest son was to take her into his household, "lay with her" (King James for sexual intercourse), and cause her to concieve, creating a blood line for the dead man and his wife. Onan did not want to do this, since the child would be considered Er's child and not his. so he spilled his semen on the ground (Gen 38:9). If you read the chapter, he wasn't masturbating but pulling out before he ejaculated in her (I believe the correct term is coitus interruptus, but I may be wrong there). Onan was stuck down by God for this act of selfishness. He was not killed for mastrubating, but for denying Tamar (Er's widow) children. Turns out Judah's entire family was really messed up sexually if you read the rest of the chapter, but suffice it to say that masturbation was not his sin, but selfishness.

The root that one needs to analyze is not the what, but the why. Why masturbating? If you are "doing the deed by hand" as you think about your wife/husband because she and you are several cities/states/nations apart and have been for a while, and you are thinking about him/her, then it's a way to keep one's self from being tempted by others.

I Corinthians 7:1-6 discusses it well. The body of the wife belongs to her husband, and the body of the husband EQUALLY belongs to his wife. So, it may be attached to you, but in the scriptural sense, it belongs to your spouse. Therefore, sexual activity is to fulfill the husband and the wife. Dr. Tim LaHaye (more known now for the "Left Behind" book series) wrote a book that in some parts is a 'sex manual' for Christians called "The Act of Marriage". No, it doesn't describe technique or positions, but the mental and spirtual aspects to bring completeness to the sexual life for the Christian.

If it's not your spouse? Then Christ says it very straightforward in Matthew 5:27-28 "You have heard that it was said 'Do not committ adultery'. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully in his heart has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Sexual focus on someone other than your spouse is wrong. Is it easy to do? Nope, but He never said it would be. I fight it all the time. I do my best not to and stop myself if it starts.

"But...But...what if I'm not married" Then don't expose yourself (no pun intended or implied..😉 ) to anything that leads you down that path. My sexual life started on my wedding night. That's God's intention for marriage.

So, if you're doing it because your wife/husband is not accessible due to prlonged distance, illness, etc. then you are fine. However, if you are doing to avoid contact with or otherwise deny your spouse, that is wrong. If you do it fantasizing about someone else (neighbor, old flame, secretary, pin up girl on that website...), that is adultery. If no spouse, it's adultery, period. As it says in Proverbs 23:7, as a person thinks, so is he (how he behaves). If you can't stay faithful mentally, physically isn't many step further down the path.

Easy standard to follow? As a believer in Christ, I can attest it is not easy to do. That's what prayer and the Holy Spirit are there for, to help get you through.

Popular opinion? Of course not, for the thinking of this age is do whatever one wants, not what is right in God's eyes. But, that's what His Word says. What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right. But for those seeking an informed opinion based on scripture, that's what is says.
IOW, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass"? :~)

I understand that priests are being counseled by their doctors to masturbate every so often. Seems that if guys don't exercise their prostate glands regularly and clear out old sperm, they can develop prostatitis.

To paraphrase Lenny Bruce, if you believe in a God who made your body, then you've got to believe that suppressing its normal functions can be harmful.
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