RE: Malkalnod
Okay, I really didn't intend to post any further comments to this thread, but much of Malkalnod's reply is seriously errant. I mean no offense by that, but I feel I must reply as you are either misled or incomprehensive on several points. Though I hate to use the "quote from the previous post" and then reply in paragraph form such as Pamsfeet used to do on AMT (for those who remember), it is the only way that I can rebut concisely. So here goes:
"I've been to the site that Scott posted when he left, and the that he mentions now, and as a person who reads voraciously about genuine investigations of paranormal activity, I can say with confidence that the place is a hoax"
First off, reading two websites about an encounter that has been happening since 1981 and to the present day, about which hundreds of books have been written and documentaries made -> that is hardly reading voraciously about the subject at hand. You have not even scratched the surface. Even if they do sell religious memorabilia, how does this make them charlatans? Have you seen the basket being passed around in Church? Everyone running an enterprise, noble or evil, needs some sort of fund to keep it in operation. I applaud them. Would you say that because donations are being taken for the tragedy in New York that they are ripping off the American public? I dare not think so. In order to maintain something, anything, that enterprise needs funds.
"They've discovered that thousands of people are willing to spend American dollars for the privilege of being told what they want to hear."
Again this is evident of your lack of serious investigation of the "phenomenon". People are not going there to hear what they want to hear. Communist atheists have gone there and been converted. Protestants (who do not believe in praying to Mary) have been converted. Priests who have come back from Medjugorje with a renewed vigor have converted many. The numbers are in the thousands. These, in and of themselves, are miracles. Please do not make blanket statements until you have assured yourself that what you are stating is fact and not stained with personal opinion.
"As for Scott's supposed miracles, I see little actual divine influence in them. The "Miracle of the Sun" can easily repeated by staring at any exposed light bulb. The glowing disc with a shining halo he describes is simply what happens when the rod and cone cells on your retina get overstimulated by staring at the light source. The pulsing and dancing effect arises when natural, otherwise imperceptible motions of the eye shift new rods and sones into the area of effect, and they become over-stimulated as well"
Either my explanation of this occurrence was lacking in description or you are mistaking me for an idiot that does not realize something far out of the ordinary when he sees it. This was not a light bulb. I have glanced at the sun many, many times. It has been in the sky since I was born
🙂 I have never, ever, seen the sun do what it did that day. This was not a wishful desire of the mind that willed something extraordinary from something very ordinary. I cannot be descriptive or convincing enough to describe it to you simply because it was beyond description. My written paraphrase of the encounter was far inadequate. Let me try again: I first saw people below me kneeling, crying and looking up at the sun. I turned and looked. I looked at it clearly. There was no squinting, no raised hands to block it's intensity. I looked at it as casually as if I were perusing a magazine rack. That was but the beginning. Within the sphere of the sun was a white host or circle that was purer than snow. It was encompassed by a golden globe. All around this was a hazy pink aura. The white circle was pulsating, like a heartbeat, within the golden globe. The globe itself was jumping around the sky sporadically. However much you wish to normalize the occurrence, it was anything but normal.
"I must question the truth of Scott's accounts of the Rosary transmuting from silver to gold, and the light show on the Crucifix, but that is more due to Scott's actions. We have only his testimony to go on, and assertations on an internet discussion board aren't the sort of thing that holds up under close scrutiny. I can tell you all that I'm actually an astronaut or that I've had lengthy personal conversations with the Dali Lama, but that doesn't make it true, does it? I could even say that I'm not really a human being, but rather a highly evolved form of bicycle, couldn't I?"
Yes, you could say you were an astronaut or that you have had conversations with the Dali Lama....and that would accomplish what???
I have no reason to create prevarications. What possible benefit could I have for making bold-faced lies? I'm not being paid for this, I'm not seeking to win anyone over to an extremist religious faction I'm organizing. I'm not waging a war. Tell me, what possible reason do I have to lie about this? The very insinuation is ludicrous and evidentiary of a fear on your part that such a phenomenon had occurred and is currently occurring.
"Scott has a history of deception and duplicity on this forum, like: Posting religious harangues under the thread title "New Pics," coming back with a new screen name and pretending to be someone else for every post, etc. Not the actions of a forthright and truthful man, are they?"
I have a history of deception and duplicity on this forum? Not sure how long you've been around, but.....I created this forum. If I wanted someplace to create deceptions I would not have built a board centered on tickling. As for coming back with different screenames: The simple reason for that is I have always gone by "psycho4048" and used the password that went with it. I don't have the best memory for names and the accompanying passwords. In addition when I post these topics I usually don't intend to come back and make rebuttals to them. But when I feel impelled to I have to come up with a new screename and password because I have no idea as to the name or password I created before. This is me, and this is as truthful and open hearted as it gets. I am well aware that I'm opening myself to ridicule and slander. That comes with anyone speaking in adversity. It doesn't bother me. But personal attacks do not lend credence to your argument, but rather weaken it and reveal a fear of dealing with the actual topic at hand.
"Another area which calls the validity of this operation into question is the fact that the originators of the sightings were children. The testimony of children is notoriously suspect, since, seeking approval, they have a tendency to say whatever they think the questioner wants to hear."
Again, you have not done your research. Let me give you some examples:
"A number of doctors came independently to Medugorje from 1982 on, and studied the children carefully during the moment of ecstasy and in their normal life. Before this Fr Slavko Barberic OFM, who was later to become well-known as the visionaries spiritual guide, had examined them in the light of his specialized studies in social psychology - he has a doctorate in this field. He has concluded that the children behaved independently of one another and that there was no sign of hallucination. A Yugoslav doctor, Stopar, a specialist in psychiatry, hypnotherapy and parapsychology found the children 'to be absolutely normal'
Dr Maria Frederica Magatti studied the reaction to the stimuli in the moment of ecstasy was genuine and the neurological condition of the children was one of absolute normality. The same doctor noted three synchronous movements of the children at the time of the ecstasy: they fall to their knees at the same moment and then though their lips move they are not heard speaking; the sound of the voices return simultaneously to take up the Our Father at the third word, the first two having been intoned for them; their heads are raised and their eyes turned upwards at the end of the apparition all at the same time. She concludes: 'The first synchronous movement could be (I say 'could be', not 'is') explained by natural causes; the second and third, especially the second, are not naturally explainable and imply causes perceptible only to the visionaries and not to those observing them.'
In March 1984 Dr Mario Botta, a cardiac surgeon, took a cardiograph of one of the seers, Ivan, at the time of the ecstasy. He concluded that the ecstasy does not alter normal physiology, but transcends it, lifting the visionary on to a higher plane, which renders it impossible to apply the ordinary techniques of medical diagnosis. The conclusion: the phenomenon calls for openness of faith directly related to the Blessed Virgin, whom the visionaries see.
In general, the psychiatrist found no sign of hallucination, epileptic syndrome or any disorder which could change consciousness. The visionaries differ from those subjected to hypnosis by the fact that they remember exactly what takes place during the ecstasy, whereas people who are hypnotized forget what happened during their trance. They are not like spiritualistic mediums, who feel that they are taken over by another personality; on the contrary they retain their identity and manifest it in what they say." (Medjugorje - Facts, Documents, Theology by Michael O'Carroll)
This is only a brief enclosure of the multitude of scientific studies done on the children (who are now adults and still see the visions). If you truly wish to read further and do
Serious "voracious reading" then I can recommend a few books to you.
"Have these kids ever been questioned by anyone who wasn't desperately seeking proof of Divine Manifesations?"
I believe that notion has been thorougly dispelled by the above reply.
"By Scott's own admission, he was once deeply involved in New Age and Alien Theologies. Now, I like "The X-Files" as much as the next guy, and think that Yanni is a much more talented artist than he gets credit for, but I just can't see how anyone with more brain cells than teeth can fall into the trap of New Age/Alien Theology"
First off, let's be clear on the facts. You said "deeply involved". I don't ever remember using those words. I do remember saying that "the wrong books led me to the right ones" I did put a lot of thought, reading and study into New Age theology and the alien phenomenon. I found it fascinating and your analogous reference to the X-Files speaks volumes on just how much
you have not read on this topic. That aside, I was dabbling at the time, wandering if you will. I was searching for something. I have always felt an inner call, call it God, call it conscience, call it whatever you wish. That inner call, which I believe we all have to some degree, though many tend to ignore it, led me along a rough and stony path to my own version of truth. But let me be clear here, either what we believe is right and true and just is right and true and just for all men or we are practicing hypocrisy. There is only one truth, there is only one reality. We may all have our own filters or mirrors which reflect our own interpretations of that reality, but it does not change the essence or degree of the reality itself. It simply is, and we shape it to match our own perceptions of the world and our place in accordance.
"And most importantly, having done this, I've learned that I have a responsibility to share what I've learned when I find people who need it. And I strongly suspect that you might need it, Scott"
I admire your resolve and your own quest to find happiness, but I'm afraid you're preaching to the choir. I've found happiness. I am "in happiness" if you will. I don't look at life with such dark lenses anymore. I believe all that we see and encounter is an illusion. Early on in your post you questioned trusting the words of children. Shouldn't we all live our lives like children. It is only in "growing up" that we begin to think we are in control of our own lives. I do not mean that we are not responsible for the choices we make and the consequences that inevitably follow. Rather I mean that we may choose to be a good husband, a loving father, a hard worker. On the way to work one day we get killed by a bus that we never saw coming. Does this make us bad or does it nullify all of the choices we made in our lives? No. But it is proof that we are not in complete control of our lives. We have a responsibility for control on our own behest, but that is not complete control. It is only a degree of control which makes us feel safe. In truth, we are never in control. We choose our own actions and our own desires, but that is not always in accordance with nature or with chance. God is in control (or whatever you wish to call him). We should be like children, if only we were so lucky. "Lean on God" that is what the Blessed Mother says, "be like children". We can put our trust in ourselves, but we are fallible, not to mention mortal. I think I'll put my trust in God.
"Scott: When you got into the New Age movement, did you think it had all the answers? Did you think it was the One, True Way? Did you think that everyone else should join you in it? Did you think that your life would be so much better if you simply did what you were told to do? How is what you're feeling now about Christianity any different?"
I believe I have replied to this question adequately and concisely above, but I will recap: How could I think it had all the answers? How could I know it was the true way? I wasn't sure even of the question or of the path. So how is what I feel about Christianity any different? When a man peers into mirrors seeking oneself he sees only reflections of unanswered questions, but when one finally glances upon light it pierces him with it's harshness and it's truth becomes the man.
"Understand this, Scott, if you understand nothing else I've said. I'm not saying these things here and on the Religion thread to mock your faith, or to ask you to renounce God, or even to come back and run the Forum again"
Understand this, I've understood everything you've said. My faith cannot be challenged nor can God and I never intend on coming back to run this place.
"but all the evidence I see from you indicates that you have simply found something else to bury yourself in as a means to hide from your problems. I'm saying it because I question if this is the right way for you to go about that goal, because you don't seem to have done so. I'm asking you these questions because you need to think about the answers; and if you don't like the answers you come up with, shouldn't that tell you something about the path you've chosen? I'm saying it because I see somebody in trouble, and it concerns me."
Hide from my problems? I do not know what problems you're referring to. The only problems I ever had, and I wouldn't call them problems, were an inability to see the truth that was right in my face all along. I've found my goal though I have not attained it. That is a gradual process which is worked upon throughout life. I know the truth, now I must seek to mold my thoughts and actions to that truth. That is the problem in our world. Everyone wants to be a god, their own god. So many do not want to conform to religion, but rather want religion to conform to them. That's not how it works. God doesn't fit his requirements around your daily planner. As for someone in trouble
🙂 What I have just read leads me to believe the person who wrote it is in trouble because that person cannot trust in anything that he cannot see or touch. That is a hard way to go through life and I fear that little fruit will your branches bear if you continue with this mindset.
As far as the accusation that I start threads and do not respond to them, allow me to explain:
I don't need to respond to them. Faith, when attained at it's strongest point is knowledge. It ceases to be faith and becomes reality for the believer. I don't simply believe there is a God. I know there is a God. My only point in posting to this newsgroup is that the Blessed Mother has asked us to spread her messages, to become her pilgrims. And so I do as I have been asked. Your responses, criticisms, etc, etc. are very welcome, but I don't feel impelled to reply to them. My mind cannot be changed on this. It would be like telling me that trees don't grow on earth or that the moon is square in design. I appreciate that you like to discuss what I post, but for me it has no bearing. There can, for me, be no fruition to the responses as far as my own faith and beliefs are concerned. I am simply spreading a message. I do not feel called upon to rebut rebuttals. I hope this has given you some understanding of why I have not responded to previous posts in the past.
Peace be with all of you. Pray for peace. "Prayer can change the natural law. Prayer can stop wars." - Blessed Mother