Why are you staying incognito, I know you're online?
You know, I totally forgot that I was "hidden."
I am a ninja. 😀
Why are you staying incognito, I know you're online?
Are you going to bed early tonight like a good working girl?
Did you get enough sleep?
^Don't you know that ^
u have to come to ny and get it 😛
Are you waiting for Leafy to come online?
Are you waiting for Leafy to come online?
I'm here... oh hai Carl!
Soooooo... how shall I mess with your head today??
Wanna bet I can make you say "that" word? 🙂
Oh you know I can.... 😉
*wiggles fingers at you* 😀
That's right 🙂
So how does it feel when I tickle you.... here? 😀 *places a finger along the underside of your neck*
C'mon.. you can say it 🙂