New developments in France & Germany
As you may know by now, France & Germany just finished saying that they won't support a liberation of Irag. This is important because France has a membership on the UN Security Council and therefore has veto authority on UN military action.
I was surprised to hear this. You can't tell because my logon doesn't have my full last name, but I happen to be of French Canadian lineage. I'm ashamed of it now, because the French just turned their backs on the very country that liberated them, just so they could ally w/the country we liberated them from!
Also ironic is the fact that the Germans will not support the liberation, either. All the years that East Germany was under the sway of the communists, we Americans wanted a democratic, strong, unified Germany to stabilize Europe. We should have been more careful of what we asked for--we've got it now, but it didn't help us the way we thought it would.
Because of this, it's a safe bet the UN will not support our efforts to save the world from Hussein. Gallup polls have indicated for a long time that the American people will not support a liberation of Irag w/o UN support. And since the Bush's approval ratings are now @ 60% and dropping, as six Democrats (smelling blood in the water), there's a very good chance that the war so many people are afraid of won't happen.
So why do I take no comfort from that?
Maybe because that means Hussein is still free to do what he's been doing all along. Maybe because the US is now letting the UN control restrict its actions, even if those actions may be justified for the defense of America and the rest of the civilized world.
Which brings me to a question that scares the hell out of me: why are we still in the UN?
1. We've already lost our position on the human rights council because we don't have a moratorium on capital punishment.
2. Despite a $6 trillion national debt, in addition to our substantial UN dues (currently in arrears) we fund most of the UN's activities on hunger, medicine & disaster relief, but we can't make so much as a dent in any of these problems.
3. UN troops are overwhelming American troops, bleeding & dying for other countries after taking an oath to protect this one.
4. Our enemies grow legion, and even friends like France & Germany do not support in our time of need.
5. The US seat on the security council didn't save even one person of the 3,000 who died in the 9/11 terrorist attack.
Tough call. If Bush invades Iraq w/o UN support, he'll probably lose the 2004 election. If he doesn't invade Iraq, then Hussein can keep supporting terrorist acts against the rest of the world.
If France & Germany allow petty jealousy of American power, or fear of Iraqi retribution, to manipulate America from doing what is right--then I only hope we can all live w/the consequences.