Probably! But Maalox would probably make your food taste pretty funny. As far as ex-lax is concern, I could give it away as candy and tell the Nerds it's a Hershey bar. 😛
Well , the nerds are definitely covered in the brain department.
Sandrock74 & I even share one.
Oh TF4F, or Dad as he is also known, is up to his old shenanigans again. It can be very difficult sometimes, as a nerd, to see the effect we have on other people and the jealousy we inspire in otherwise perfectly happy and normal people. But then we spend an afternoon calculating the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow in cloudy conditions and with a prevailing northeasterly tailwind of 14 knots and forget all about the mental and physical shortcomings we expose in others by our mere existence.
And good luck with the laxative Hershey bars, I don't like chocolate. 😛
oh really, yall just talk and no bite you homeless vet. I can make a dessert with out chocoalte that you will love or will you is the question? Don''t fret my dear I recall our conversation last year, your so going down this year.. ya better make your plans for you have 2 months.
By the way nemesis, might I reccommend you bring a pair of earplugs for when you sleep at night? You see, TF4F tends to shout, thrash about, and throw things while his Night Terrors are in full swing. Believe me, you'll appreciate having them when you need to catch some zzz's!
My fellow nerds, I think we have more in common with Spinal Tap than we do with the pocket-protector-wearing-calculating-wind-velocity type nerds. Think about it, we rock like the Tap!
It's almost like looking in a mirror I think.
Actually, maybe this looks more like the three of us:
Yeah, a little more accurate.
Either way, everyone knows we rock hard, snap necks, and cash checks!
And I forbid either of you from eating any chocolate that "dad" gives you during our stay there. We'll let everyone else enjoy the treats.
By the way nemesis, might I reccommend you bring a pair of earplugs for when you sleep at night? You see, TF4F tends to shout, thrash about, and throw things while his Night Terrors are in full swing. Believe me, you'll appreciate having them when you need to catch some zzz's!
Wow! The LIES never stop, do they? I am telling you Nemesis, listening to these guys will only promote trouble. You should duly note that.
I'm a newbie! I'm so confused! 😕
You see, TF4F tends to shout, thrash about, and throw things while his Night Terrors are in full swing.
I know that this should have probably gotten old & run its course by now , but the thought of our good host screaming & thrashing in his sleep just does NOT stop being funny to me.
Long live the night terrors.
Okie dokie. 😀
still bring some ear plugs just in case, it could still could get loud especially with tf4u BIG MOUTH running non stop. i know he gonna get back at me talking about him.. im just telling like it is, it the truth. 🙂
Says the man who had NO trouble falling asleep despite all of the sound ... & cranial beverages ... about him. 😛
still bring some ear plugs just in case, it could still could get loud especially with tf4u BIG MOUTH running non stop. i know he gonna get back at me talking about him.. im just telling like it is, it the truth. 🙂
still bring some ear plugs just in case, it could still could get loud especially with tf4u BIG MOUTH running non stop. i know he gonna get back at me talking about him.. im just telling like it is, it the truth. 🙂
Is that a real picture of you in the sig picture. Tjack lol lol lol. yes i'm dangerous it takes skill to row a boat in a perfect circle for an hour.
yes i'm dangerous it takes skill to row a boat in a perfect circle for an hour.