I think you don't give yourself enough credit. You are an Ohio State fan. You are smarter than most. So I would say you have a fully functional brain.
Well, compared to Sandrock I've got no complaints with my assigned spot.
Jealous of my genius and insanity. Today at work I had an employee tell me I was weird because I was singing a song about making pizzas, so I made sounds like a racecar and then a weird sound that I can't really describe but I've liked to do since I was a kid. My employees love me.
I gave you credit earlier for being smart.
As far being jealous, never. I have a good life and a good family and good people who surround me. It is all of that that allows us to bring you people together.
So I have no reason to be jealous of you or any of our friends coming to this party. At least we consider you friends.