It went well, but was somewhat boring since not too many voters braved the heavy rain.Mystery - How is/was Mils work day today?
One one-hour lunch break and bathroom breaks when needed.Mystery - Does Mils get breaks during the work day?
While it is interesting, I look forward to it being over until June. (June is the next primary election.)Mystery - Is Mils enjoying his work?
An old one, To Tell the Truth.Mystery - What's Mils favorite game show of all-time?
I believe it was in 1980. 😱Mystery - When's the last time Mils went to a zoo?
In February, when I saw The Zone of Interest.Mystery - When's the last time Mils went to a movie theater?
Not really, but I haven't played checkers in over 60 years so I don't know if I would like it today.Mystery - Does Mils like checkers?
Twice, both legally.Mystery - Has Mils ever bet on a sporting contest?
I have never played an April Fool's joke on anybody.Mystery - Has Mils ever had an April Fool's joke played on him or played one on someone else?
A long day but actually a good one.Mystery - Did Mils have a good day at work?