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more 9/11

I'm not comfortable discussing...my view on...um...politics on a public forum. Dunno *who* could get it, if you catch my meaning
Eh, you're right. Although...It's that kind of fear that kinda...stops or nation from going in the right direction...
Er... Yeah. Good thing the folks who made that video aren't nutty or out of touch with reality or anything. :weird:
TKLVR18 said:
I'm not comfortable discussing...my view on...um...politics on a public forum. Dunno *who* could get it, if you catch my meaning

Im not afraid that homeland suckurity will kick down my door if I say america sucks im afraid of staring a flame war on a board mean for relatively light discussion topics. Two topics that should never be discussed on a message board:
1. Politics
2. Religion

They always end up with personal insults and the mods extinguishing it as if it were a fire. Besides...an unchanging view in an ever changing world never fits. (thats a zen teaching!) :cyclopes:
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Supernaught has the right idea. this is an adult forum/group dedicated to fetishism of a certain kind, not those shitheads on Shoutwire. and no one is going to kick down your door b/c you disagree with what the politicians say or do, that's why we can discuss it freely in the first place. Do not push your political agenda here!

For all those who try, hope i dont find out where u live cause I WILL kick down your door and show your sorry asses the real meaning of a workout!
I saw 3 or 4 other peoples political posts, and everyone gave them opinions. Yet, no one can watch this and tell me what they think. =( Is everyone so afraid?
i don't need to watch a 1 and a half hour video. i saw the first 5 minutes, and i get the picture.

here's all that matters:

1. the terrorists attacked us, hoping to cause dismay and make us not wanna fight them. they failed, and america as a whole, grew stronger, and we got really pissed.

2. we strike back with vengeance, and terrorsits are now taking it in the ass.

so what if the government screwed up, jesus, you think it's the first time?

don't mean to piss anyone off here, but damn, it's been almost 5 years, can't we just drop the subject? sure we can remember it on every 9/11, but i'm getting tired of hearing all about it, again, and again.
9/11 will never die, in the same way the Kennedy assassination, the death of Princess Diana and the moon landings will never die.
i'm not afraid, it was a very interesting video, watched it the whole way through. The american government acted VERY suspiciously and there is a huge amount of evidence to support this theory. as ive stated before, ive always believed that the pentagon attack was perpetrated by the government and this just enforces it. The idea that the government actually blew up the towers is fairly new to me, they could have done it, but i dont know. i mean i couldn't just take out thousands of innocent lives from my own country just so i can go on a conquest in the middle east and impose some f*cking "patriot" act. Despite this, i've always believed they atleast knew what was coming. what i don't understand is why hardly any money was actually spent on the investigation regarding the towers collapse? yet millions spent on clinton fucking an intern? seems a bit wrong to me. What worries me is that we'll never know what really happened because as soon as a foreigner, or what looks like a foreigner, the majority of the population goes on a nationalist frenzy and is out for more blood rather than true justice. What also worries me is that if I was there, then i would probably be the same. I wholeheartidly believe the pentagon theory tho, it just seems so obvious, i mean if what the government said really did happen then surely they would have no problem with releasing the tapes instead of releasing 5 frames (5 frames of what i guess was the worst quality tape of all of them).

thanks for the vid it was a good watch, hopefully more people will start to watch it. It made me wish even more that people from all around the world stop taking shit from their government (it's starting to happen in england at the moment, hopefully balir will be gone soon) and start working together to stop cowardly acts of terrorism from all over the world (whether it's state sponsored, or just some complete misguided idiot with a bomb). I think the question that people should be asking is WHY would someone do this, not just HOW will we get vengeance. What people need to realise is that many of this "islamic" terrorism is due to wrong doings of our previous, and current governments (people just dont blow themselves up for no reason). I think the only solution to terrorism is to stop pissing people off and NOT bombing foreign countries with the false ideology of a "war against terror", terrorism cuts both ways. Please don't take my comments as justifying terrorism, it disgusts me, how can u just take away people's lives like that? there are some fucked up people in this world.
Supernaught said:
Two topics that should never be discussed on a message board:
1. Politics
2. Religion

They always end up with personal insults and the mods extinguishing it as if it were a fire. Besides...an unchanging view in an ever changing world never fits. (thats a zen teaching!) :cyclopes:

I respectfully disagree.

It is not the subject matter discussed that matters, but the demeanor, attitude, poise, articulation, personality, and personal intention within the individuals which can stir things and make them go awry.

Anyone who blames subject matter is trying to excuse poor and immature behavior.

I also disagree, based on personal experience here as a long standing patron, that it does not always end with personal insults and mods having to take preemptive action. It is because of cool-headed people like me who think before they speak and run their thoughts through to conclusion before they run their mouths that these situations are possible without the fireworks.

Whenever they are not, the cooler heads that prevail are not involved, which just goes to prove that when the immature or irresponsible take the stand on the soap box and are left alone, they make complete fools of themselves.

Indeed, the permissability of a discussion is not entirely in the subject matter, but in the ability of the readers to take it in stride, with no personal offense inflicted, and with a sound and centered enough mind to be able to resolve not only the situation, but themselves peacefully.

Anyone who cannot do this (either immediately or eventually) doesn't deserve to be having these discussions offline, online, or at all, as they are emotionally unable and cannot be counted on to make things any better. They are a liability at worst, and a distraction at best.
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okay... time for a personal opinion on 9/11.

(Oh noes...)

Basically... I think that just because some guys throw down and blow up a building, killing thousands doesn't give us the right to blow up ten thousand people, and destroy they're lives.

I understand that some believe the women are mistreated in those countries as well. Well, in my opinion, they are, BUT, every time that I think I'm being pushed around, things are unjust in my favor... I stand up for myself, I stand up for my beliefs. In fact, every american does. (or should, rather.)

For example, women (in america) couldn't vote... what did they do? Fought back, forced themselves into the polls. They created themselves a right to vote.

I'm sorry to throw in A movie quote to my arguement, but I think I have to.

"People should not be afraid of they're governments, governments should be afraid of they're people." ~ V

My arguement also isn't typed out in word, formatted, and in any order... thats because my girlfriend's in the other room, and she can't know about TT. (haha)

But, I'm just a crazy guy who collects money with Saddam on it, and have a giant picture of an arabian guy on my wall... I'm A fan of Che Guevara, and study Viet Nam.

My suggestion, don't take anybody's opinion on anything regarding political matters. Your beliefs are your own, and that is what matters most. (which is why I hate that I am required to vote across party lines in Washington state... its terrible.)

Well, there's my opinion.
:wooha: I had no idea you could type that much, Cam!😛
On topic, I did watch the entire clip and it was pretty informative.

For those who do not have the time to watch it, here's basically a recap of the points that were made:

1.) 9/11 was perpetrated by our government so as to cash in on the event via insurance policies and give us grounds to invade the middle east. (You can get that much without even watching it.)

2.) The video explains that the twin towers could not have possibly been destroyed with just the plane colisions alone. It is exclaimed and shown though eye-witness testimony that explosives were set off during the attack to weaken the infastructure of the buildings and force them down. It is explained how the destruction of the towers was more like a demonlition than a self-collapse.

3.) The attack on the pentagon was completely staged and there was no plane. It is speculated that the damage was likely caused by a cruise missle that was targeted on a section of the building that was renovated specifically for this purpose and event.

4.) The phone conversations with the passengers of the hijacked planes are fake and were created through the use of voice morphing.

5.) Osama Bin Laden is innocent, and the video confessions by him, this documentary exclaims, are also staged and acted by a person who is not Osama.

There are other points the documentary trys to make, but these are the main five.

Personally, I think theres nothing anyone can do about it, and this video is pointless, whether everything in it is the complete truth or not.

Sharing what you think is the truth when the truth will never ultimately be revealed in it's entirety is reckless and irresponsible in these matters when you go to these lengths to prove them, either for or against it. Its unhealthy.

That 9/11 movie thats coming out is equally shameful, as it largely assumes what happened on those planes, and those are things we will never know in entirety. It is the attempt to increase patrotism and american pride and hail these people as american heros while demonizing middle easterners, just as videos like this are attempts to create disent and mistrust in our government, and berate our leaders as traitors to not only America, but the human race.

Because there are two very strong opposing conflicts of interest, I think the wise american or individual will not trust completely in either one of them. Both are disgusting, no matter how you picture or explain it because they trivialize the thing which is most important here- human lives.
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TheChameleon said:
okay... time for a personal opinion on 9/11.

(Oh noes...)

Basically... I think that just because some guys throw down and blow up a building, killing thousands doesn't give us the right to blow up ten thousand people, and destroy they're lives.

I understand that some believe the women are mistreated in those countries as well. Well, in my opinion, they are, BUT, every time that I think I'm being pushed around, things are unjust in my favor... I stand up for myself, I stand up for my beliefs. In fact, every american does. (or should, rather.)

For example, women (in america) couldn't vote... what did they do? Fought back, forced themselves into the polls. They created themselves a right to vote.

I'm sorry to throw in A movie quote to my arguement, but I think I have to.

"People should not be afraid of they're governments, governments should be afraid of they're people." ~ V

My arguement also isn't typed out in word, formatted, and in any order... thats because my girlfriend's in the other room, and she can't know about TT. (haha)

But, I'm just a crazy guy who collects money with Saddam on it, and have a giant picture of an arabian guy on my wall... I'm A fan of Che Guevara, and study Viet Nam.

My suggestion, don't take anybody's opinion on anything regarding political matters. Your beliefs are your own, and that is what matters most. (which is why I hate that I am required to vote across party lines in Washington state... its terrible.)

Well, there's my opinion.

cheers to that!
BigNorm said:
i don't need to watch a 1 and a half hour video. i saw the first 5 minutes, and i get the picture.

here's all that matters:

1. the terrorists attacked us, hoping to cause dismay and make us not wanna fight them. they failed, and america as a whole, grew stronger, and we got really pissed.

2. we strike back with vengeance, and terrorsits are now taking it in the ass.

so what if the government screwed up, jesus, you think it's the first time?

don't mean to piss anyone off here, but damn, it's been almost 5 years, can't we just drop the subject? sure we can remember it on every 9/11, but i'm getting tired of hearing all about it, again, and again.

THANK YOU!!! I thought I was the only one tired of hearing 9/11 after all this time. When they didnt want to start the 2005 NFL season on 9/11/05 it made me wanna puke. Ok if were gonna be mature and talk a bit of politics let me say this without turning the Tickle Theater Community into the misrun, joke that is the TMF...the United States Govt. is more powerful now than it has ever been. I mean voting doesnt even matter anymore! And the worst part about it is...you guessed it! There is not a goddamn motherfucking thing you can do about it. Youll fill your car up with ridiculously priced fuel, drive to your job that is most likely gonna be taken away from you because of "downsizing" and go home to watch the shitty sitcoms on NBC. Every one about a bunch of morons living in Manhattan, having no financial problems and make crude jokes about sex while Old Navy commercials try to push your style (in its every way) back to the repressed Leave It To Beaver days. Dont like it? Me neither but what are you gonna do? Organize a protest? Write your congressmen? Boycott something or other? Forget it. This country is a safehouse for vermin like that which populate the White House so believe me...put your flags away and stop saying stupid things like "Love It Or Leave It." Take a look America and if you can eat anytime after you do then a stronger stomach than mine you have. Now the Suupernaught bashing is gonna start! Ok ladies and gents lets begin....
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this all got me thinking...

remember the kickass action movie: The Long Kiss Goodnight?

the plot in that, is that a secret anti-terrorism unit stages a big terrorist attack so that the government will give them more money, sorta like a fund raiser. wonder if that's the reason for all this. almost unlimited money now for anti-terrorism units.
Yay, people are discussing this.

To whoever said the truth doesn't matter: It does. It matters more then anything in the world. Finding the truth is the one thing the american people CAN do. If we find the truth, then governments will act apon it.

Not saying this IS the truth. Just saying...yeah. WHATEVER is the truth. It needs to be told.
Vladislaus Dracula said:
That 9/11 movie thats coming out is equally shameful, as it largely assumes what happened on those planes, and those are things we will never know in entirety. It is the attempt to increase patrotism and american pride and hail these people as american heros while demonizing middle easterners, just as videos like this are attempts to create disent and mistrust in our government, and berate our leaders as traitors to not only America, but the human race.

This is totally how I feel. Oh, and sales of the American Flag skyrocketing.

Its so awesome to be A "bandwagon American" /sarcasm
Personally I Don't Like The American Govt. Or What It Stands For

TheChameleon said:
This is totally how I feel. Oh, and sales of the American Flag skyrocketing.

Its so awesome to be A "bandwagon American" /sarcasm

If I see sales of the putrid, corporate swine american flag skyrocketing I think ill puke till I dryheave. I cant hold it in any longer...AMERICA SUCKS!!! Ahhh!!! That felt so good! :happy:
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TheChameleon said:
This is totally how I feel. Oh, and sales of the American Flag skyrocketing.

Its so awesome to be A "bandwagon American" /sarcasm

Yeah. Who can forget when practically everyone bought a miniature american flag and put it on their car, only to take it down months, perhaps just week later?

Yeah, thats really patrotism right there *sarcasm*. A little flag on your car that you're going to disgard in a couple of weeks. Wow, you're sure showing the terrorists you mean business! 🙄

I wouldn't be sarcastic about it if these people weren't just americans when it was convenient or ideal to be. Only caring to show your national pride when, of all things, a terrorist attack happens, is pretty pretensious and hollow.

It is for the this same reason that the 9/11 movie is shameful.


"No abortions!"- Kang


"Ok......abortions for everyone!"- Kang


"Very well...hmmm...abortions for some......miniature american flags for all!- Kang


(from the Simpsons when the alien Kang becomes the president)
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Vladislaus Dracula said:
Yeah. Who can forget when practically everyone bought a miniature american flag and put it on their car, only to take it down months, perhaps just week later?

Yeah, thats really patrotism right there *sarcasm*. A little flag on your car that you're going to disgard in a couple of weeks. Wow, you're sure showing the terrorists you mean business! 🙄

I wouldn't be sarcastic about it if these people weren't just americans when it was convenient or ideal to be. Only caring to show your national pride when, of all things, a terrorist attack happens, is pretty pretensious and hollow.

It is for the this same reason that the 9/11 movie is shameful.


"No abortions!"- Kang


"Ok......abortions for everyone!"- Kang


"Very well...hmmm...abortions for some......miniature american flags for all!- Kang


(from the Simpsons when the alien Kang becomes the president)

***snickering*** Yeah! I almost forgot those flags that lasted about a week or two. Heartwrenching patrotism there. :laughing:
If this crappy country invades Africa to "save people from genocide" im just gonna live on a submarine like Capt. Nemo. Yeah I heard this latest "liberation attempt" on the 6 o clock news which means its govt. propoganda. Bottom line, if the rich pigs who really run this country can get a good kickback then Africa will be invaded. Any oil in Africa? One good thing this corrupt president did is only allow the national anthem to be allowed to sang in english at events. Only problem is hes letting so much immigrant slime into this cesspool country that nobody even UNDERSTANDS english anymore!!! :sigh:
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