Service with a Smile Series 1
You're chained to the floor, she hasn't fed you in 2 days. It's just the beginning for you. You've wished for this for as long as you can remember. To serve Her. You have given everything up, your posessions, your family,everyone you know and now, even your identity. Noone knows where you are, or when you'll be coming back. If ever.
Your heart sinks as you come to the realization, that, maybe this isn't what you wanted. To late for that now. It's over, everything is gone, you gave everything up to serve HER. Be careful what you wish for.
The smell hits you like a ton of bricks, and your stomach growls, as she waves a potroast in front of your face. You'll be getting none of it. Not one morsel.
Oh how she can be beautiful, sweet, and so sadistically cruel at the same time. If you want to get fed, there is a price to pay.First you must submit and worship Her, lick her stilettos clean of any debri. You must lower yourself like never before. She delights in your obvious misery, and laughs at how low you have become.
She has you by the balls, she knows your weakness for Her, and Her lovely feet. She will strip away any layer of dignity and pride you have left.
After all, you should be thankful for the scraps she has thrown your way. Her leftovers, her spoiled food. She keeps you weak, and takes over you, turning you into a mindless zombie, willing to do anything for her attention.
You're not a man anymore, you're property. HER property. A material thing to use as she wishes. Once the chains were on, done...sealed deal.
She makes you lick the rotton smashed up food from the bottoms of her shoes, and eat while she stands so perfectly on your meal. All the while speaking to you in a sweet soft voice. You know that behind her soft voice, is wickedness. There is, and always will be a hidden meaning behind those words, and She expects your eternal service, with a smile upon your lips.