Maybe the simple truth is ..tickling or foot fetishism on their own aren't creepy, but this guy really might have been . something sounded the alarm in her head
I wasn't going to post my opinion on this topic, but hey, since so many are weighing in I thought I'd toss in my two cents.....
Every human is a potential victim, women especially. Learning how to defend yourself is more affordable than ever. It's always better to never need it than to need it and say "I wished I'd taken those classes!" Whether it's 'creepy' or not is subjective and open to interpretation. If your friend felt uncomfortable she made the right choice.
Appealing as it is to go with the majority, I simply cannot. I cannot fault someone for expressing their appreciation for beautiful feet and asking to photograph them (there are plenty of artists who photograph all sorts of ordinary people and assorted human parts everyday) and to me it is much the same as seeing a beautiful face and saying "Wow, you are really beautiful do you mind if I photograph you?" Nor can I fail to see how such a thing would make your friend uncomfortable. Human interaction is inherently unbalanced and judged by the two parties interacting. I can't really come down on either side.
I am proudly different. I love tickling and I am not afraid to admit it openly and just who decides what is deviant and what isn't? Perhaps this is my libertarian nature rearing it's live and let live head, but if two adult parties are consenting, how is this deviant?
A wise friend once said: We never see the world as it is, we see the world as WE are. I'm sure the implication is plain.
Tickling and foot fetishism aside, what is lacking in our modern 'enlightened' society is any sense of etiquette and decorum... simply being polite has gone the way of the dodo. Rudeness is so common it is not even recognized as boorish by good folks anymore. We live in a world where it seems, "If you can do it, go ahead... no thinking or conscience required." Pitiful.
The only way to know this for certain is to see how hot the girl is. The hotter she is, the less of a creeper you are for having the "public-approach" fetish. "Public approach" is a great way for many men to get their rocks off. It is so much better than the secretive/non-consensual approaches that are revered (and used) by the creepers (like Realbaresoles, aka "the sole experience") over at themousepad.yuku forums.Am I some sort of creeper for having this fetish
You nailed it! These public approaches happen all the time by skilled fetishists. This style of videography is completely okay and legit when the process is executed by someone who knows what they are doing. Those videographers also tend to be upfront and honest to the women being pursued. This tactic beats the heck out of other public videography methods where some old creep sits on a park bench with a camera on his lap, covered by a newspaper, so that women cannot detect they are being filmed without their consent (and then later posted on masturbation boards for other creeps to enjoy). Reference the forum I mentioned above.No-one commented on my post above, so I'll be less subtle.
There are several video producers, both for feet and tickling, who approach people in the street or another public place and ask them if they'd care to model. I linked to one of them and linked to a sample clip of theirs on Youtube too.
No-one commented on my post above, so I'll be less subtle.
There are several video producers, both for feet and tickling, who approach people in the street or another public place and ask them if they'd care to model. I linked to one of them and linked to a sample clip of theirs on Youtube too.
Best post ever made in a fetish forum LOL!Try to think of it this way... It's like the superheroes. Mr. Clark Kink took pictures, so later he became Super Creep. Somehow, "with greater kink comes great responsibility."
It's rather strange to see this old thread being bumped up again after so long. Needless to say I've made peace with what happened and I think its possible to be open about your fetish without scrutiny but this guy was just a pervert. I appreciate all of the input though.