My 2 cents
Well, I tried the demo, and I like what you've done so far.
I didn't really check for grammar, and you said that sound wouldn't be an issue as you move along.
That just about covers most of the flaws I could find with it.
There is one thing I'm concerned about though.. The place seems way too.. Empty. One thing I would do is add more ambient furnishings. Perhaps add some other "employees" standing in the halls that you can have little conversation snippets with.
And lastly, I'm worried the place just won't seem like a hospital.
The lobby looks fine, But most hospitals are 95% white once you get past the lobby, and I haven't seen any "hospital-esque" textures in a game made in RTP or... RTX...
Now, I've never made anything with RTP.. or RTX or... Whatever it's called. So I have no idea how difficult it would be to change the textures.
I'm just going to assume you can. Now I'll give you my advice.
If you do decide to take my advice and make it feel more like a hospital, WATCH YOUR STEP! This is a very fine art You'll be dabbling in. Do it wrong, and you've got a good chance to absolutely DESTROY everything you've worked for. Do it right, and you'll add something amazing to the atmosphere.
When I say do it right or wrong, I mean with how you do your textures. Let me explain...
Of course you can simply change all the textures to white, but if that's ALL you do, you may as well have deleted all your textures. All your objects and characters will appear to be floating in empty space.
You can avoid this by shading some of the textures, or adding panels, signs, or other likely marks to the walls where appropriate. (Don't overdo the shading though, you want this to look like a game, not a painting)
Better yet.. Go visit a real hospital, and simply try to recreate what you saw.
Well... There's my 2 cents. Any questions?