Wolf, you are correct; She did indeed post this before getting express permission.
Look, it is a sexual forum, and it is probably a good idea to get an individual's permission before you post his or her picture, even if you think he or she will be fine with it. Still, the amount of pushback on this post seems excessive, considering that there are numerous links to individuals (who are clearly identifiable) in the mainstream forum, which have been posted without any permission whatsoever. Also, it seems like many on you are obsessed with wanking material. I would like to make it clear that I have nothing against masturbation, and in my years on this earth, I've masturbated several times, even to some things posted on this forum. Yet, I was able to view this image before it was taken down without having an uncontrollable compulsion to whip my penis out and unleash the Kraken. But I guess I'm just speaking for myself.