Awake and Alive - Skillet.
You are correct, Ms CrystalLight
😀 Your game next!
"A W A K E & A L I V E "
S K I L L E T (2009)
Correct: A E L I
Mills' Incorrect Answers (3): N R C
CrystalLight's Incorrect Answers (0):
Since you're new to my game, rules are as followed
1) You must keep track of everyone's guesses. If one player guesses four letters wrong, they don't get any more chances. If all players guess four wrong, the originator of the game gets to reveal the puzzle and create a follow-up.
2) Upon notice of your win, you must post a puzzle within 48 hours of notice. Failure to do so will result in loss of control in the game to the last person (which in this case, it's me
😀 )
3) If the originator of the puzzle fails to answer any letter inquiries a week after he/she has posted the puzzle in question, control goes to the last winner (which is me as well
😀 )