Really No clear way to express Nest especially for this years as it was quite a wonderful weekend from the very start to the heart breaking end
First , imagine this before I even arrived in Philadelphia , I got my boarding passes and was taking my time heading towards the gates of the Airport I was departing from in Ohio . I heard a ladies voice within earshot exclaim "Laurie?" and thinking to myself surely this was my name but wasn't meant for me personally,I turn around slowly and I see Bella within a few feet behind me!. I instantly recogized her and she knew me,and we laughed as she was shocked and asked me in surprise "what the h*ll you doing in Ohio?,I thought you were in AZ!. Then we find out,we are on the same flight to Philadelphia woohoo
🙂 I won't go into the details as they aren' t real necessary but it was a brilliant start to the weekend ,my only wish is that I had a seat closer to Bella so we could have re-acquainted on the short hour flight but I was ecstatic that the both of us would arrive to Nest hotel together as we were both getting a ride from one of the other attendees that I can't say enough good things about.

Fast forward: arriving at hotel ,our ride accompanied us to the lobby and Bella checked into her room ,while I looked around for some familiar faces since I wasn't able to check into my hotel room till later that afternoon . Had a wonderful friend that I had met in previous Nest year offer to store my stuff in his room which I gracefully accepted with thank you's ,hugs but being me in some ways I feel I was infringing as I am so used to traveling and doing things on my own being independent. Then,Next hanging out in the restaurant in hotel meeting some newbies who were early arrivals as well as some dear friends I look forward to seeing every chance I get and that was just the beginning before things really got underway:0.
I am so happy to have been there this year,meeting all of you newbies all friendly ,engaging beaming personalities! .Giving a shout out also to all the Veteran Nest Attendees I love each and every one of you for the gift of your friendship you have enriched my life greatly!,the hardest thing is getting all the fun we can in sharing the weekend with you all and not wanting it to end and I can't help but break down in tears though

The great thing about Nest is that tickle lovers from age 20 something to the older veteran attendees all gather in one place and there is acceptance,hugs,affection everywhere to be seen and *not once* have I seen at least in my experience anyone not getting along despite we all come from different backgrounds,lifestyles,etc.