Like Andy, it's taken me this long to gather my thoughts. Friends have been asking "how was Philly?" since I got home, and I just can't explain it. Now, these are *not* vanilla friends; I just have a hard time putting all that is NEST into words that non-NESTers can 'get'. Seriously, how do you really 'splain:
Why machine gun is so funny at 4am
Christopher Walken
"I was squishy, now I'm twitchy!"
Why EVERYTHING is so funny at 4am
Silk City (4000 bananas and a bottle of vodka, and pie!)
Letters from a Nut
"Dude, worthy lamb doin' a double lift at 2:00!"
How some outfits only have pockets when worn in Philadelphia
And why I'm so homesick for a city where I've never had residence but where I've definitely LIVED
Thank you Max. This was my fifth NEST (my god) and Bill never minds sending me because he met you back in the day. That long ago handshake meant more than you know. That goes for you too Mike, you're both sweethearts and I miss you all year.
Jan, I lost my mom back in '97, and everytime I say goodbye to you I feel like I'm losing her again, a little. Missin' you!
Danimal, all the Grizz scratchin's in the world can't repay you for how sweet you are to me. Thank you Luv.
Andy, We gotta get you to Columbus one of these days, miss you already!
Lee, come back to Columbus so we can divide Tristan between us. It's time, dontcha think?
Special thanks to Jonathan and RevJames for our little 'excursion' Saturday night. We have *got* to do that again next time.
I miss you all, can't wait for the next one. Soon, Max, SOON!