Sasaxrah: "I say we make a Death Star of Cereal tomorrow."
Subtlefeather: "I said Voltron."
Sasaxrah: "Yeah but I didn't know what that was."
"I'm sooo going to tie you down on a St. Andrew's Cross, put my fingers up to your ribcage, then kill your whole fucking family"
"I'm gonna hang you upside down by your ankles, bring my fingertips to your feet, then drown your kids."
"You sons of bitches!"
"This is really getting old people!"
-Terrence @ the Fiftys in response to his birthday, Version 12.0
During Catchphrase:
My team guesses: Play!
Me: Yeah, but the gerund.
During Catchphrase:
My team guesses: Play!
Me: Yeah, but the gerund.
:lol: That was my favourite part of Catchphrase by far :lol:
LMFAO!!! I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT!!!! God I fucking LOVE you!!!Lyz: "They didn't have a bathroom in there. So I went over to the coffee bar and used the sink".
I guess its a testament to how dedicated to my distraction techniques I am, because I have no memory of that ever happening.During Catchphrase:
My team guesses: Play!
Me: Yeah, but the gerund.
That was the greatest 1 second point ever!Ah, but let's not forget...
Jay, stares at the game a second or two, then looks up: "GGGGLLLAAAAAA"
13, while I'm bawling like a bitch about people leaving - "On the plus side, your eyes look really pretty when you cry. Srsly, next time you're bawling go look in the mirror." LOL