Countdown until noon 7-27 (ramdom time pick)
It is currently 11 days 4 hours (as of 9 AM Monday) until New Hampshire II is under way.
Surely hoping Bwatty-Badfoot is all better
😛 , the 'hood will need it, and I can't wait to see you all;
Wanting Ms. Classy to know that she will be justly rewarded for all that wonderful food we will enjoy;
And to those that are attending, I look forward to meeting you;
Those that are returning, you know you got a hug waiting;
I can't imagine a party without seeing the 'badonkadonk"
in action, so, Classy, be sure to keep all limbs free from pain.
to those that can't make it, you are already missed.
Pokey on behalf of TheBoss