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New Pope is Elected!


Registered User
Aug 17, 2003
😀 as of right now, Benedict XVI was elected the next Pope of the Roman Catholic church. post all of your thoughts here.
I saw on the news that Italians were jokingly calling him Papa-Razzi which I thought was hilarious 😛
Heres something that was said-

Even as the cardinals who elected him prayed before the conclave, Ratzinger urged them to cling to church tradition and warned about the dangers of abandoning it.

“Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism,” he said Monday. “Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and ’swept along by every wind of teaching,’ looks like the only attitude acceptable to today’s standards.”

“We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one’s own ego and one’s own desires,” he warned."

Very well said.Truely then we need someone in this age thats going to maintain the balance of things and not be swept away by popular opinion and change and morph the church because of the whims of society and accomidate them in everything. He has a responsibility to all catholics, both liberal and conservative because they belong to the same religion. And in the greater picture, he has a responsibility to the world as a spiritual leader.

I personally find myself somewhere in the middle, as a Catholic myself. I know the value of observing and preserving the core doctrines and teachings of any faith. But people don't always agree. Lots of people didn't agree with John Paul II with everything, it won't be any different now.

The Conclave meditated on this the best they could, and called upon the Holy Spirit for guidiance. This is truely then a decision they felt was the best one. Many cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns and religious (both lay and otherwise) have the gift of prophecy and discernment, and other gifts, and while it will never be publically admitted, for security reasons, I'm sure God truely did speak to some if not all of these cardinals.

We have to have faith things will work out. It was ultimately God's choice anyway.


Something that is very telling is the name he took up. This man is known as a conservative, but the name he has taken up is of a semi-liberal, former Pope. One wouldn't take up the name of someone who's views they disagree with. This is a good sign for everyone I think.
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Very interesting, Vladislaus!
I can´t express myself so good in english,
but as a ger-man
I have "two eyes" for his election:
1. The laughing one: he is a german Pope - first since ca. 500 years -
dont be afraid, im not the type patriot, who´s caricated so often in the news ...

2. The other eye: the theological position of Josef Ratzinger
was in the past very conservativ. He acted like a big-inquisitor.
The necesary opening of the catholic church in the fundametal positions will not be
changed with him.

Yes. His name of choice, as I just said is VERY telling.

Whats really important right now in these first stages is for people to accept what is and just celebrate. The catholic church and the world has mourned a loss but now celebrates. This is a time of joyousness, not controversy or heresay. He is a good man, just like John Paul, and this is once again about faith. We need to remember that this was ultimately God's decision. For however long this is meant to last and who will take up the title after this Pope is gone is in His hands, and we shouldn't dispair. 🙂
The Sith have taken over the Catholic Church!! Don't be fooled, that's not the German Cardinal, it's Senator Palpatine!!!
I don't really care that much not being Catholic, but he seems nice i guess. Only problem is the fact that he looks like an older version of Dr.Bruger from Doom 3.
Apparently he was a Hitler Youth back in WWII. Oh there's gonna be such a stink about that for years to come. I wish him good luck in lieu of the upcoming hoopla.
i agree with Vladislaus Dracula, i think we should celebrate and rejoyce. the living representative of Christ is back amoung us! i dont pay much attention to the name of the pope because he will create that lasting image for himself when the time comes. we just must remember the past and look with anticipation to the future. i know im not the first but i would like to formally praise the newly elected pope and hope he does a fine job as i hope he will.
I don't suppose asking for less joking around is out of the question, is it? I wouldn't want to see this thread degenerate into that. Whether you're catholic or not, can we show a little respect, please, at least for the topic if not the man?
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shazbot said:
Apparently he was a Hitler Youth back in WWII. Oh there's gonna be such a stink about that for years to come. I wish him good luck in lieu of the upcoming hoopla.

Please, whatever you do, do NOT take that out of context if you bring it up again. He was forced to do it, and the records will show that when he was able, he left. He wouldn't be in the state of grace he is now if he truely believed what that maniac did. Many religious leaders were born under communist oppression and were raised with it (John Paul II was a perfect example of this). Their souls were not corrupted by it, rather, it made them even more spiritual, truely a grace from God.

I'm not saying you are comparing him to Hitler, you're merely stating a fact, but please be careful. I would hope others would be too, especially if they really don't know what they're talking about, only know half of the truth, half of the matter, or whatever. Issues/topics like this require we know everything there is to know and inform ourselves before we really say something concrete. This is just as much about education as it is anything else. And part of educationing others and yourself is in seeking answers before you form an opinion.

I also hope the mods keep an eye on this thread. One wrong post could turn it into a flame and that would be a disservice to us all.
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Nope. Not taken out of context at all. It was Germany via WWII after all. It was pretty much no avoiding it, and it was against his will. There were no records of his committing any war crimes. I'm sure whoever was chosen would have someone try to bring up a blemish on him. In this day and age, not even the pope is safe from scrunity. Either way it goes, there's no hiding the fact that it's already becoming an issue.

The pope like Germany itself has long moved on from darker days. It shows that people should be willing to accept that.
what jokes

i'm serious

he looks like a resident evil zombie

shazbot said:
Nope. Not taken out of context at all. It was Germany via WWII after all. It was pretty much no avoiding it, and it was against his will. There were no records of his committing any war crimes. I'm sure whoever was chosen would have someone try to bring up a blemish on him. In this day and age, not even the pope is safe from scrunity. Either way it goes, there's no hiding the fact that it's already becoming an issue.

The pope like Germany itself has long moved on from darker days. It shows that people should be willing to accept that.

I know. 🙂

Which is why I said that you said that "merely as a matter of fact". Anyone that does some history searching will have known this. Communist/facist occupation was just a better half of several centuries or more in most european countries. I think alot of Americans inparticular may be troubled by this news, especially if they are misinformed.

"He worked for Adolf Hitler?! He's evil! He's got to go!"

Its things like that that I would wish to be avoided in discussion, as they are purely focused on things contrived of face value, rather than an investigation into the matters of the facts. And people spread this conjecture and take it as more important that the complete facts or exact situation and spread this about. They tend to hear what they want to hear thereafter and focus only on the bad in order to form their final opinion.

Lastly, I'm certainly not denying it. I think though that people, especially religious people, will look past this and not let it interfere with their respect for the man or the respect they will come to have for him. His status as Pope and prior to that is of course validated by his own faith and love in Jesus Christ, and while he is no Pope John Paul II, he isn't meant to be, and will bring his unique talents to bare.

I'm looking forward to this not retrospectively like alot of people, but rather enthusiastically. Again, the fact he chose the name he chose is very telling simply because of the differences between the two. But in choosing the name that he did, its surely a sign that while he is conservative he may yet, because of his popicy and newfound responsibility, take a different route than he would have before.

Its no secret that being Pope changes you to some extend.
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shazbot said:
Apparently he was a Hitler Youth back in WWII.

True. As was every person under the age of 18 at the end of the war. (Those over 18 were forced into the army.) The interesting part is that he got out as quickly as he could and did whatever he could to protect people until then. If people use this to judge him harshly, they need to look deeper and get their facts straight. But, I suspect they'll be too busy looking for things to complain about to do that.

I've been watching the news on several stations. What kills me is that people are complaining that a man who would turn the Church inside out and throw out half its teachings wasn't elected. HELLO!!! What made them think that was going to happen? We're talking about a CHURCH, not some social institution. Truth remains truth, no matter how much people don't want to believe it. If I said that 2+2=4 and they said it equals 5, should I change my stance? I think not.

Personally, I jumped up from my seat clapping and cheering when they announced who'd been elected. This is a man who will remain faithful to Christ and His Church. But, it is also a man who will reach out and effect some truly necessary changes...like correcting the slop that was brought in under the guise of Vatican 2 reforms. I'm not sure if we'll see a Vatican 3 (though I suspect we might). But, we'll definately see some changes. Will we see women ordained? Will we see abortion, extra-marital sex or gay marriage approved of? Will we see black called white? I doubt it.

When Christ walked the earth, He spoke the truth without apologizing for it. Many left Him as a result of not wanting to hear it. He didn't turn and say, "If you don't like it, I'll say something else." He pointed out the truth even more strongly. He invited people to follow Him. Then, He left it to them to decide. That's what the Church is doing. I'd say they have chosen a good example to follow. Christ was put to death for His insistance of the truth. Can we expect any better for us as Church?

I have seen at least one published account which indicates he was DRAFTED into an anti-aircraft unit of the Hitler Youth and that he deserted - hardly a Nazi in my book.
Thank you Ann for coming here and giving your opinion. I was actually going to copy and paste your reply from the TMF and post it here if you wouldn't have done it yourself. But in some ways, this post is better than the TMF post, so its better that I just waited. Plus, I didn't want to speak on your behalf like that. Its rather presumptual. But because we are on the same page, it wouldn't have been too bad. 😛 😀
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No worries, Vlad. Any time something like this comes up that I've commented on elsewhere, feel free to C&P all you like. I love discussing my faith and the Church. I just don't do a lot of it around these forums since so many are convinced that we're all a bunch of brainless sheep. I'll debate with those who are open to hearing what we have to say. But, I don't get into arguing with those who aren't. ;-)

ya, i chose to keep my opinions to my self as well in that regard. but in truth i know quite a bit on church doctrine. not the "legality" stuff. i know more the practical aspects of what is written. i have had a good christology teacher!
@ Ann- I think I'm in love! LOL 😀

@ ko4859- Good. It never hurts to know what you're talking about, you know? 😛 LOL
Vladislaus Dracula said:
@ Ann- I think I'm in love! LOL 😀

@ ko4859- Good. It never hurts to know what you're talking about, you know? 😛 LOL

WHAT??? We're supposed to actually KNOW what we believe??? lol The sad part is that many Catholics don't. I blame this on two things. One is the laziness of the average person. The other is the laziness of our clergy in many areas. It's been quite a while since I heard a homily that actually taught something about the faith. But then, I'm in a parish where they do as little as entirely possible. We really need to start taking ourselves seriously (in the proper way) if we expect anyone else to take us seriously.

tklduo-ann said:
WHAT??? We're supposed to actually KNOW what we believe??? lol The sad part is that many Catholics don't. I blame this on two things. One is the laziness of the average person. The other is the laziness of our clergy in many areas. It's been quite a while since I heard a homily that actually taught something about the faith. But then, I'm in a parish where they do as little as entirely possible. We really need to start taking ourselves seriously (in the proper way) if we expect anyone else to take us seriously.


LOL, I'm sold! *follows Ann around like a lost puppy for a while* 😀

Yes, thats true. Then theres those "cafeteria catholics". They're the ones who pick and choose what they want to believe. They can't, well, they can but they refuse to, look at the entire dogma and doctrine of what they supposedly believe and they do some REAL soul searching on the matter. They don't, and simply choose whats convienient for them, even if it would effect their relationship with God.

No one ever said, especially in this day and age, that you HAVE to agree with everything the Church teaches. Even some priests don't. Its not uncommon and people who feel this way are not alone.

What we need to do is go back to Vatican II and not necessarily change it, but give it a "spring cleaning" and take out the undesirables or polish them up so that they serve the Church and it's people a bit more.

If this happened, more catholics (and protestants who follow the lead of the Catholic Church) would appriciate the finer points of their religion. No one can honestly claim we still live in an era where religion is being forced down your throat like a pill. In individual families maybe, but not in society today. This new Pope is a God-send. His conserverative nature is just what we need, and again, his choice of name is very telling in how he may be instrumental in changes and aid.

It all starts at the top, with the Pope and cardinals and then funnels down to the bishops and individual parish priests. Its not to say the success of a priest is completely dependant on the Pope (as there are many amazing priests with so much charisma), but it does help guide them when doctrine is redefined, editted, or is made clearer in some way. It makes them better leaders and teachers, its an enhancement to their already considerable knowledge, wisdom and skill.

I'm fortunate enough to have a very eloquant pastor, Father John, at my church. Where you are, it seems perhaps the priest has given up because the people have. I think thats a sin. It's the priest's responsibility to always try and make the most of any situation and bring the people back into the light. I don't want to assume whats going on over there, but I gather its general laziness and complacency, something that, while not fatal, is a hinderance.

Have faith though. Things will get better as God intends. ^__^

Thats what church activities and groups are for Ann. Church is much more than just about a priest conducting a mass and giving a homily. Church is about the people too, and what they do to make the church a stronger, more effective, and more over, holy place. There are so many ministries to attend to.

Here at my parish we have a wide variety of different groups, ranging from children to teens, to young adults, to adults and seniors. We go on trips to rural Mexico to deliver care packages, build homes for the homeless, and other wonderful things and take trips all over the place.

People need to get back into church and not just give that one hour of time. Church shouldn't be seen as boring or a commitment, but a blessing and opportunity. And we can take that opportunity whereever we go.

Thats REAL church.

Thats REAL missionry.

Thats REAL faith.

And thats REAL service to our Lord and God.
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I am a Methodist so there is no direct effect on me regardless who was elected Pope however, the Pope being a strict conservative.......in my opinion, the "Catholic Church" will be taken in somewhat of a wrong direction.
Then again, the Bible is .......... Bible and the so called opinion of "God" cannot be altered(or altared, if ya wanna go Pun-ning)regardless of the feelings and positions of the Pope and or the Church itself.
The ONE thing the Catholic Church must relinquish though, is Hipocracy.
I will leave it right here for this could get into a debate and or deep conversation a-plenty and this is not the thread for it.

Wrong Cardinal elected Pope in my opinion.

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Indeed, not the thread for it. Thank you for being considerate. 🙂


Although, if I may, I would like to offer a retort of relevance to what I said in my last post.This is not an arguement so please don't worry or feel you have to defend a response. 🙂

The leaders may be who they are, but when it boils down to it, its the parishes that spread the Word. And I'd like to point out, in defense of my religion, that it makes every effort, even at the public level, to allow the people of the church to become active participants in forging the church. I don't really care for this domineering attitude and regard that alot of people still hold the Church with. Because while the dogma may be what it is, its whats happening at the parish level thats cause and effect and causes the most change or not.

Just as this Pope will have no influence on you for being a Methodist, this Pope, or any other will have little influence in the good works of the parishes and Church as a whole, and the good deeds they do and the services they render. It also won't change a thing about how we see and follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Alot of people take the dogma as the be-all-end-all of the Catholic Church. And that is simply not the way it is. It is far more lively and robust than that, and I will personally vouch for it as will millions. The Church as a whole, including the Vatican, does so much world work and helping that goes unheard of.

Yet we're possibly the greatest source of this world's charity. We give more as catholics to people and countries all over this planet, than presidents give to aid countries only in crisis. As children of God we go OUT to them, we don't wait for them to cry in dispair.

Alot of people (usually non-catholics) sneer at the collection basket and think its all about the money. Yet these people don't stop to think what that money is actually being used for, and that it is in fact being given willingly and KNOWINGLY to just causes as well as the necessities of paying the bills of the parish to keep it open.

Some people call us an organization more than a religion, that we're akin to a machine. Well, I say to them, then we're a machine thats doing a hell of a lot of good work for the world and has been for a very long time. This isn't some new fad we picked up like alot of religions, this is something we feel is our duty, and its a duty that doesn't belong to just one religion or people. Helping is universal, thats what "catholic" means, it translates as "universal".

We generate so much cash flow not because its about that, but because our people believe THAT much in God/Jesus's commandments to "love thy neighbor" and sayings of "what you did for the least of these you did for me". Money is not what makes the world go 'round, its our love that does that. But money is currently the medium through which physical aid is made available. This money is purified and made to multiply because of it's intent. Just like Jesus performed a miracle to feed hundreds of people with..what...only a fish or two, we too manage to make things grow in wonder, and its all for His honor and glory.

I'm damn proud of that, and no snide remark from anyone will ever wipe the smile off of my face.
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