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New questions for Harry Potter fans


3rd Level White Feather
Sep 20, 2003
Our young wizard is saving the world again. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is in the theaters now and I'm sure most of the more die hard fans here have been to see it by now.

So I pose a few questions to you....

1. What do you think of how they condensed the very lengthy book #4 into a 3 hour movie? Are you happy with what they kept/cut?

2. Do you think they did a better job with the keeping/cutting than they did with #3?

3. What do you think of the changes made to Hogwarts Castle through the changes in directors? #1 and #2 is vastly different from #3 which is different from #4.


4. What do you think of book #7? Do you dreaad the inevitable end of the series? Will good triumph over evil? Will our heros survive?
I should note that, for the purposes of ths thread, I'm assuming that anyone reading that has SEEN movies #1 thorugh #4 and read books #1 through #6. if you haven't then you shouldn't read on as I'm sure there will be spoilers.

I'll give my own take on it...

1. What do you think of how they condensed the very lengthy book #4 into a 3 hour movie? Are you happy with what they kept/cut?
I am fairly pleased with the editing done. It's a loooooooooong book and they just wouldn't have been able to do it properly without making it at least a 4 hour movie. I felt that some things were a little rushed though and, since it's was very Harry-centric, there was almost no room for any of the terciery characters. Malfoy existed solely to be turned into a ferret, the Dursley's didn't appear at all, The Weasleys (aside from the twins who seemed to be everywhere siddently) barely had screen time...and I think Snape had maybe two lines.
The happenings at the Quiddich Cup (they skipped the game entirely in a rather awkward transition) was completely rewritten and eliminated several sub-plots. (the other house elf? malfoy's family?) I understand why that had to do this and they did do it well.
I had read before seeing the movie that they almost completely cut out Reeta Skeeter. At first I didn't like that idea but this worked as well. She only served to tie up a few sub-plots that they didnt include anyway.
One thing I think they could have included more of were the other three Tri-Wizard competitors, particularly Fleur. I felt she was just shoved aside as if she didn't matter at all.

2. Do you think they did a better job with the keeping/cutting than they did with #3?
Most definately. #3 was just a hacked up mess of a movie...it would take pages to put down my Prizoner of Azkaban rant.

3. What do you think of the changes made to Hogwarts Castle through the changes in directors? #1 and #2 is vastly different from #3 which is different from #4.
Personally I likes Columbus's castle (#1 and #2) best. The castle in POA looked too run down and in #4 we really didn't see it much.

Ill save the last for later...Im dead tired
hmm....I was wondering when this would be asked, but never really prepared...lets see.

First, the movies; I always thought that each movie got better and better, most likely because of the ageing of the actors/acresses. In movie 1, heck, it was cute, but the acting was lame. (on the kids side. But who can blame'em? They were, like, 11 or something!). Movie 2, well, there was more of an improvement in Ron & Hermione's acting, less in Harry's. Movie 3, getting good, and movie 4, well, I loved. :happy: The new director focued a lot more on the funny side of Harry Potter, even if most of the jokes were never in the books. 😛
I think that the next director will try to make movie 5 a laugh as well, because the way I see it, it makes the movie all the popular.
I think movie 4 was the best so far. As I said, the jokes really made it all the more worthwhile, and it still had that "dark" feeling in it.

I've read all the books, and found Harry a bit of a...well, whiner in book 5. He just kept on getting angry over almost nothing, and put the anger out on his friends. I dunno, I guess puberty hit him hard or something. 😛

Book 6 was perhaps my favourite; after reading books 1-4 again, I noticed they were really kids books. They were really spending lots of pages on the importance of friendship....a few pages too much, actually. (dunt get me wrong, I just think that it was kind of childish). Now, book 5 and 6 have gotten more serious, and 6 was really a "ride". I enjoyed every moment of reading it, (which would explain how I've read it in 2 days:weird:😛), and found it perhaps one of the best books out there.

Book 7:....well, yeah, I'm afraid of the inevatable, that the series end....I'm sure I'm gonna feel bad about it for a while...just like with star wars, really; a great series comes to an end. I guess there is the "happy" feeling that there are still 3 movies to go, but you know what I mean. :happy: I have a funny feeling that Harry will die, and take Voldemort with him. (I'm sorry for anyone who fears the name, but com'on, grow up!😛). If I remember correct, the prophecy said something like "one cannot live while the other survives". I'm just guessing that Harry will die in the process, but who knows, perhaps he'll live, and the story's gonna have one of those fairy tale happy endings. :happy: (I sure hope so😉).

Also, I've heard questionings about Harry coming back to Hogwarts for his 7th year. Some people say he wont, because he'll be worried for his friends & all, and because he must hunt down voldemort....I dunno, it would seem noble, but I dont think they're gonna let him. We'll just have to see. 😎

:weird: Wow, a post that could be on the same level as Vlads posts! 😀 Huh, never thought I would write this much...😛
I've read all six Potter novels and seen all the films. Still, I'm not as competent on all the details as ness and Hungarian are. I've been mildly diverted, but not all that thrilled with J.K.Rowlings writings. Fotunately, she's improved as she's progressed, and the sloppy self-indugence that spoiled the tone of the first two novels has eased.

1. "Goblet of Fire" is the most complex plotwise of the existing novels, and presented the biggest adaptation challenge. I noted a few rough spots (the aforementioned missing Quiddich match, which for me was a blessing [I've seen as much of that pseudo-sport as I ever want to]; the didactic nature of the challenges [impossible to avoid, considering the course of the novel]) , but overall found the pacing forthright and smooth. It cut through the distracting background clutter quite nicely to present a core story in adequately fleshed-out terms. I rank it right after "Prisoner of Azkaban" as a successful adaptation.

2. "Prisoner of Azkaban" was a stripped-down, muscular, dynamic cinematic experience, so much more pleasing to me than the moribund cataloguing of Chris Columbus. "Goblet of Fire" fails to live up to its standard only by dint of the novel's more involved plot. For me, the efforts are equal. (note: I fully expect Nessie to hand me my head on this one, and will take my punishment without complaint! Accept my view simply as a matter of separate taste.)

3. I favor Alfonso Cuaron's Hogswart for its pleasing angularity (the steep trail into Hogsmeade, Hagrid's hilly retreat, etc.) and representitive detail (the huge clock and pendulum). Mike Newell's done a good job of exploiting high-angled ariel views. Columbus's approach is far more standard-issue Hollywood (mostly static matte paintings, seen at eye level), which left me unmoved.

4. I look forward to book 7 with some interest, but little passion. The Harry Potter world has simply never grabbed me in the rabid-fan way it has others. I expect no dire surprises at the conclusion... Harry will triumph, Voldemort will fall (with, perhaps, a bit of sympathy for the devil), and we may even have a few "Star Wars" style resurrections (that is to say, Sirius and/or Dumbledore returning in shade form, assuming they don't do so in the flesh). I'll just be happy to have this whole thing capped at last.
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Well, I think they did a better job - it wasn't hacked about, chopped up and rearranged, which is a plus (I just hope the same can be said about The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe when I go to watch that next week). They kept in all the relevant pieces, they got the tone right - POA came off as a little farcical in places, especially with the characters of Ron and Dumbledore, but both were fairly spot-on with there performances this time, along with everyone else.

The castle - I'm not really sure...to me, one castle is a lot like any other. After the change from the one in the first two films to the one in POA, I wasn't exactly surprised at continuity furhter not being maintained in this department; they'd changed once, it didn't really matter to me much if they changed it again, because it still wouldn't be the same as the original.

On a sidenote not asked about, I've heard rumours from somewhere (can't remember where) that the main cast will be completing OotP and then they'll be replaced - can anyone verify that? I believe Tom Felton is going into a Children's BBC show, but I'm not sure about the others. It will be a big shame if they have to recast 'cos the current actors and actresses now look a little too old for their parts; not everyone looks their age in real life, after all; and it'll lose some of its' believability if different faces are put to the parts of Harry, Hermione, and Ron, in particular.

Book 7 - I predict lots of drama, but as for others saying that it'll be the predictable triumph of good over evil, with dead characters possibly coming back at the end of the war, I'm not so sure that JKR wants the ending to predictable. I for one am attempting to expect the unexpected, and would put my money on mutual annihilation, with Harry and Voldemort killing each other and the remaining characters rebuilding their lives in the aftermath. Harry has a destiny - to kill Voldemort - maybe that destiny is the only thing keeping him alive...? In fact, I'll do more than say that - I'm planning to actually put money on it - I wonder what odds William Hill will give me...? 😀
I've read all the books, and found Harry a bit of a...well, whiner in book 5. He just kept on getting angry over almost nothing, and put the anger out on his friends. I dunno, I guess puberty hit him hard or something.

I quite agree there. Through most of book #5 I genuinely disliked Harry. I understand he was fed up with being treated like a kid and with having things kept from him and not being able to be on the front lines of the war he was expecting. But I found myself hoping that at some point Ron would just stand up and give him the smack in the teeth he deserved. XD
Other reasons I hated Harry in Book #5...
It's entirely his fault that Sirius died and I don't think he agonized over it properly.
While going through Siriu's family's house he found a book called "Wizards Genealogy" or something like that and TOSSED IT ASIDE! How many questions could be answered by that book? Who is Dumbledore REALLY? It's a fact that his ancestry is important but we don't know how or why. What other important wizards is Harry descended from? His genetic background seems to be of disturbingly little importance to Harry and I wish he's inquire about it a bit more...or at all.

I rank it right after "Prisoner of Azkaban" as a successful adaptation.

(note: I fully expect Nessie to hand me my head on this one, and will take my punishment without complaint!

Prepare thyself! *swat*
I'll write more on this later...I want to review the film again before I rant on it as Ive only seen it once and it's not as fresh in my memory.

Regarding cast changes, Koopa, don't believe rumors. Those rumors have been circulating since the beginning and have yet to come to anything. By now the young actors are so established in their roles that they would have a helluva time finding anyone willing to cast them as no one will be able to see them as anyone other than who they're used to seeing them as.
Also it would be VERY foolish of...Warner Bros?...to let them go.

This sorta brings me to something else I was meanning to say.
I didn't mind it in POA but Goblet of Fire has really caused me to dislike to new Dumbledore.
I know that it would be stupid to try to find someone to duplicate Richard Harris after he died. He played Dumbledore so perfectly though. The perfect mix of strength and soft-hearted paternalness (new word).
I do think they could have found someone better than *web search* Michael Gambon. I see from IMDB that he is Irish, which explains the funny accent. A very out of place accent. (even stranger than the Scottish Cho Chang)
I understand that Hogwarts schools wizards from all over GB so I expect a variety of accents to be present. But Dumbledore taught there for ages...since 1931 in fact (that's 60 years before Harry attended Hogwarts)...his position as a professor in a very English school makes the Irish accent seem...just...wrong.
Furthermore...being a highly educated and cultured man I should think he'd have a good grasp on the French language. His complete mangling of the name of the visiting French school, Beauxbatons, made me wince. It was horrible. His voice lacks any of the characteristic warmth, gentleness, and also the sometimes childish "off his rocker" quality we expect from Dumbledore, sounding instead like he's constantly in the process of ordering the troops to advance. it just doesn't work.
On another note...Mad Eye Moody was cast light years away from how I had pictured him...but that turned out to work really well. I would have liked a better "mad eye" though...this one looked like they really needed to save a few $$ in the special effects department.

Book 7....
I don't THINK Harry will die. Simply because Rowling has hinted at it being a possibility. If she had planned on killing him she would increase the shock by not suggesting it. I think she brought it up to get people worried about it but I don't think it'll happen.
That said...Ron and/or Hermione WILL die. I don't think the trio can come out of this intact. I think there will be a LOT of deaths, actually, when the final battle comes. I don't think the Weasly family will fare well at all. At least a few members of The order will fall.
I have a strong feeling that Hagrid will die as well. I was voting him off the island as the famed Book 5 death. Not because I dislike Hagrid but because I figured he had outlived his usefulness. He, to me and being the first of the wizarding world that Harry came in contact with, represented Harry's more innocent younger days and his death would have definatively sealed the end of that. Sirius played much the same role, in that he was the closest thing that Harry had to a parent. Sirius's death re-enforced Harry's role as someone who is truly on his own.

and...I'm spent ^^
Nessonite said:
I don't THINK Harry will die. Simply because Rowling has hinted at it being a possibility. If she had planned on killing him she would increase the shock by not suggesting it. I think she brought it up to get people worried about it but I don't think it'll happen.

Or maybe that's just what she WANTS you to think - a double bluff... :-/
Personally, I think they did a good job on the editing. But they did snip the stuffing out of the book. A lot of side plots went right down the drain, but if they were to keep them all, it would have been a 6 hour movie instead.

From this time forward though, you have to wonder how they are going to keep the main plot intact with them dropping some of the more important side threads. Heh. Not to mention I wonder how they are do deal with Umbridge in this next movie.
books 5 will be a tough one, being the longest book in the series. I do hope they give in next time and stretch it out to a 4 hour, two part movie.
I am very interested in seeing what they do with Umbridge. No character before or after her has caused me to be so angry! God I hated her!!
tell me about it! I'm rereading the book now, MAN I wish I could be there, and just beat the living crap out of her toadlike face! XD

Koopa, with casts changing, I cant varify that ALL of them will go bye-bye, though as you might have known, they change the directors after every movie, so perhaps its the same with some other cast members, like camera men, or perhaps some minor characters. Oh, and perhaps they'll be trying a new dumbledore. Dunno how many of you read, but the first one died after movie 3. (or was that 2?) anyway, they might be trying another dumbledore, then compare the two, but I REALLY dont think they're gonna change the actors/acresses.
I have'nt seen Movie 4 yet, so I skipped the majority of the posts, and will skip most of the questions, shooting directly to number 4.

Book 6 was a bit of a dissapointment to me. I think Rowling made Snape take on too much of the double agent role way to early. Which leads me to believe he's not the bad guy, but will die in book 7 by either Voldemort, Malfoy, or Harry himself. Dumbledore dead? I doubt it. The world's greatest wizzard taken down by a potions professor? As all series, good tends to triumph over evil more often then not. But I think with the end of a series, comes the end of a character. There has been talk since the series began that a major char. will die. From the looks of things, I would have to say that will be Harry. Rowling herself said that once the series is done, its done. Plus what better way to kill off the hopes that Harry will return, by killing off Harry himself? Now if I'm wrong...I'm wrong. Either way, I think she'll end it with a bang.
I'd have to say that I do believe Dumbledore to be well and truly dead. Rowling has stayed far away from writing typical kiddie fantasy stuff where nobody dies and everything has a happy ending.
It's Serius Black that I'm more intrigued by. Im not sure if he's gone for good or not. Ive read interviews where she is asked about this and she is always very vague.
I think dumbledor's dead, and so is Serius. In the end of the book, Dumbledore's picture was hung in the principal room, and I'm sure that picture will help in someways...

Speaking of which, WHO IS THE NEW PRICIPAL? 😛
MsGonnigal is the headmistress unless they hire a new one...which I'm not sure they'll do.

Harry seriously disapointed me when he made no attempt to talk to Dumbledore's portrait. >=O
yeah, and they say his smart.....🙄 cant imagine how the dumb ones act. 😛
Taj said:
Book 6 was a bit of a dissapointment to me.
I'm with you there. It seemed little more than a bridge between "Order of the Phoenix" and the conclusion, and the identity of the "Half Blood Prince" was a bit of a snipe hunt. Perhaps the revelation will become important, but I'm doubtful.
I dunno I liked it; thats just me, of course. I never really think in a book, try not to spoil the ending for myself. I just read and read....make funny noises. 😛
nessonite said:
MsGonnigal is the headmistress unless they hire a new one...which I'm not sure they'll do.

Harry seriously disapointed me when he made no attempt to talk to Dumbledore's portrait. >=O

That's if the school even re-opens - which I believe was in question come the end of HBP. The Ministry were trying to shut it down as I remember, because of Voldemort's reappearance making it an unsafe place...yeah, like anywhere is safe now he's well and truly back... :wooha:
Safe or not, if the school does close, then they must make another safe-place for the kids to learn. Most of them are not trained to be fighting off death eaters, meaning that they will NEED to learn as much as possible. Nah, I dont think the schools gonna close. What would all of the young witches and wizards do if it does?

AND I'm sorry for asking this here, but it felt stupid to make another thread just for this.
I've just read about the members with 2 identities. I once had Hungarian as my screen name, but I never confirmed by joining, meaning that I never clicked on that site sent to you by TT when you register. So, am I in trouble? Or, are we clear on this? I've had to make another account, or else I could not post....OH THE AGONY! 😛 🙂
Hungarian, I think you're safe. This measure is aimed at those regularly posting under multiple screennames.

For instance, when I had my brief stint posting in that one thread under the name "The Mighty Nz". 🙄
OMG Hungarian must die!


But I am pretty sure Hogwarts will not be closing. Whether or not Harry himself will attend while he is simultaneously fighting the ultimate battle of good and evil...I dont know. ^^
well, good as he is, (and I'll die with dignity, thank you! 😛), Harry could always use some extra lessons in his fight...
He said it himself at the end of book 6 - whether or not Hogwarts reopens next year, he isn't going to be going back; and Hermione and Ron are joining him on his quest after the wedding is over and done with. 😉 (! to all those who haven't read book 6 😀) Dunno about Ginny though - probably get left out 'cos they think she's too young.
bahh...Must reread apparently. Without Dumbledore around to keep him in line Harry is free to run off half cocked into a battle and get himself killed now.
I dont think Ginny is likely to be involved in the final battle (though we've no way to know whether the final battle will be epic or 1 on 1 yet)...but she is on my list of people most likely to be kerwhacked.
Neville (who Ive really grown to like) will certainly be fighting and, for some reason, I dont fear for his survival.
Still unsure as to which way Draco will fall. I still hold some hope that he'll go good at the end, given his faltering when confronting Dumbledore. but I just dont know...
Draco faltered when he came face to face with Dumbledore, but even at that point he didn't renounce his death-eater heritage; that to me says that nothing will be able to sway him...just a thought. 🙂
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