Update/bump: Hey all! Hope your summers are going well 🙂 good news from me, I met someone on here and had a wonderful couple of sessions with her over the past week. Her username is 258girl, she's from CT, and I definitely recommend playing with her! She's an awesome person, cute, great laugh, and SUPER ticklish everywhere. She's also a great tickler for those interested in leeing. Yesterday, we hung out basically all day, watched movies, got food, and played a ton. We switched, but I tried to focus on lerring since I know she prefers being lee slightly over ler. She was the most ticklish person I've played with so far, and really brought out my inner ler. I never got bored tickling her. I think my ler skills improved also! For the first time, I got a lee to use the safe word! I was/am pretty proud of myself, lol.
There's one more person on here I hope to meet within a few weeks. We'll see how it goes!
Okay, that's all for now. As always, if you want to be friends or play partners, shoot me a PM. Later!