DVNC and PennyLane: Y'all were so awesome and laid back! It was great to meet you and I hope to make it to Cali at some point! 😀
LOL! We made it back, ultimately. I'll have to post about that at some point... 😉
DVNC and PennyLane: Y'all were so awesome and laid back! It was great to meet you and I hope to make it to Cali at some point! 😀
My hugs win awards if you can ignore that sharp collarbone poking you in the temple.
It was fantastical meeting you; hope to see you again sooner than later. 🙂
Katie! I'm sad neither of us PWND the other (I totally would have won) this weekend; I saw not enough of the Carolina squealer. 🙁 I'm glad I was able to pick you up, even if you totally went to the wrong place. 😛 I blame Imfailer and I'm certain you do too. 😀 I miss that Katie voice carrying across the atrium ... 🙁