in a similar vein to "Why is Fantasy OK?", I thought I'd burble a little about something that comes up fairly regularly around here. That being, our throwing about of the word "torture".
We hear (and use) the term "tickle torture" all the time on the TMF, but it's obvious not everyone uses this term in the same way; some people use it symbolically, to denote the love-hate relationship they have with being tickled. others use it to verbally taunt these people, again, in a playful way; IE, "I'm going to torture you this weekend".
on the other hand, we have people for whom the "torture" is more important than the "tickle"; for good or ill, the playful nature of most tickle videos is unsatisfying for them and they want something more hardcore.
and finally, we have people who get it all confused. when people of the second group want to find their sort of material, the people of the first group throw a fit. this third group then condemns the first group's objection to the second group by saying "it's just tickle torture, get over it."
so this leads me to ask... why do we use the word "torture" around here? if you belong to the first group, you're essentially belittling a word with some very horrible connotations, leading the second and third groups to believe that torture is okay, as long as it's "only" delivered by tickling.
(my opinion on this is that it's baloney, by the way. any activity can be used to torture someone, no matter how benign)
if you're in the second group, you're either a sicko or a hypocrite; if you want real tickle torture, going by the literal interpretation, you basically want to see someone assaulted. Not Good. on the other hand, if you want "staged" torture, where the victim hates it but agreed to do it anyway, then you don't want *real* torture and shouldn't be bandying about the term that way, as it misrepresents your intentions (IE, you're not a sicko, but you're making people think you are).
then there's the third group, who say "it's only tickle torture". to this I say, strip away the word "tickle" and you're left with "torture". how can you justify it being A-OK to actually torture someone, regardless of how it's done? that's like me finding out my brother is deathly afraid of the Teletubbies and locking him in my room with the TV showing a 'Tubby marathon. I'm not actually *doing* anything to him, it's just television. So is this 'Tubby Torture? Most would say yes. But substitute Teletubbies with tickling, and suddenly it's okay. Why?
So, I'd like to hear from people in all groups. If you're in the first, do you agree with my assessments? If you're in the second or third, I'd like to hear your justifications on why torturing someone without their consent is okay. (caveat; "that's life" is not an acceptable response.) and if you're *not* advocating that (IE, you really want the "staged" variety), why are you acting like you want the real stuff, and labelling anyone who condemns it to be oversensitive?
thoughts from all are welcome, but leave the flames and egos at the door. the mods work hard enough as it is. 😉
We hear (and use) the term "tickle torture" all the time on the TMF, but it's obvious not everyone uses this term in the same way; some people use it symbolically, to denote the love-hate relationship they have with being tickled. others use it to verbally taunt these people, again, in a playful way; IE, "I'm going to torture you this weekend".
on the other hand, we have people for whom the "torture" is more important than the "tickle"; for good or ill, the playful nature of most tickle videos is unsatisfying for them and they want something more hardcore.
and finally, we have people who get it all confused. when people of the second group want to find their sort of material, the people of the first group throw a fit. this third group then condemns the first group's objection to the second group by saying "it's just tickle torture, get over it."
so this leads me to ask... why do we use the word "torture" around here? if you belong to the first group, you're essentially belittling a word with some very horrible connotations, leading the second and third groups to believe that torture is okay, as long as it's "only" delivered by tickling.
(my opinion on this is that it's baloney, by the way. any activity can be used to torture someone, no matter how benign)
if you're in the second group, you're either a sicko or a hypocrite; if you want real tickle torture, going by the literal interpretation, you basically want to see someone assaulted. Not Good. on the other hand, if you want "staged" torture, where the victim hates it but agreed to do it anyway, then you don't want *real* torture and shouldn't be bandying about the term that way, as it misrepresents your intentions (IE, you're not a sicko, but you're making people think you are).
then there's the third group, who say "it's only tickle torture". to this I say, strip away the word "tickle" and you're left with "torture". how can you justify it being A-OK to actually torture someone, regardless of how it's done? that's like me finding out my brother is deathly afraid of the Teletubbies and locking him in my room with the TV showing a 'Tubby marathon. I'm not actually *doing* anything to him, it's just television. So is this 'Tubby Torture? Most would say yes. But substitute Teletubbies with tickling, and suddenly it's okay. Why?
So, I'd like to hear from people in all groups. If you're in the first, do you agree with my assessments? If you're in the second or third, I'd like to hear your justifications on why torturing someone without their consent is okay. (caveat; "that's life" is not an acceptable response.) and if you're *not* advocating that (IE, you really want the "staged" variety), why are you acting like you want the real stuff, and labelling anyone who condemns it to be oversensitive?
thoughts from all are welcome, but leave the flames and egos at the door. the mods work hard enough as it is. 😉