Kis, I have no doubt that the government knows lots of stuff that it won't admit, and sometimes maybe even the media do too...but do you seriously think the government knows the inside story on this? Do you really find it impossible to believe that the government at all levels was blindsided by this attack, and is still trying as we speak to apprehend whatever accomplices and conspirators there may be still at large?
Anything that government and media says or does I believe the opposite.
While everyone screams for revenge, has anyone found any evidence that ties them to the crime? Or is it going to be another 911 deal where it's just because the president says so?
If these are actually the ones who committed the act, may they get what they deserve. But where is the evidence? Their last names? Their religion? There are millions of Muslims around the world and thanks to government and media spin propaganda and programming, all appear to have a jihadist agenda. I don't buy it at all and I trust nothing that comes out of their foaming mouths.
Nearly 12 years after 911, not one brought to justice? Not one?? You have the resources of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and all the other alphabet clubs and not one person brought to justice for what happened? Cmon''s a big ass pink elephant in the living room of the United States and it's eating purple peanuts. Wow.....and look over brought it's ENTIRE FAMILY with it!
You can read a little about the Jersey Girls from 911 here-see what happened to them because they pursued justice and not what the government and media twist and spin was feeding the masses:
But hey, believe whatever you want; makes total sense to me that 16 Arabs with box cutters on planes full of people can hijack, control, and eventually run them into the world trade center and pentagon.....
That is the biggest line of BS anyone has ever sold, but the masses bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Now do I think the government did it? No, not really. But do I know what actually happened is being covered up? Uh...upon quite a bit of research....yes I do.
Now I don't want to turn this into a conspiracy theory thread, but you asked for my opinion and I'm giving it. I'm almost sorry that I simply can't fall in lockstep with the masses and ignore the glaringly obvious gaping holes in the government/media nonsense, but I can't. I don't care if others try to shout me down (like they tried with the Osama Bin Laden died May 2011 when he actually died in 2002 BS), just show the EVIDENCE and let's have at it. But there is no way that I'm going to believe what they say just because they said it. You're the history teacher, it's not like they haven't lied about anything before......