You mix up the terms. Try to separate your personal impression from general opinion my site's members or tickling community.
You say:
I have nothing agaist you personally
But you also said:
Dont take us for fools! those who have enjoyed this fetish for years Know,you cant pull wool over our eyes so dont say they are all really ticklish cos its a lie
You call me a liar and then you are trying to accuse me with cheating people!
Don't you think you're reducing me personally to a lower position in the eyes of other people reading your post?
You may say you don't like my website and in your opinion the models are not ticklish. It is always your own personal impression and therefore your own personal opinion. But you take unfair advantage of words: "us, we, they, our"
By using those words you try to express an opinion of many people and you are definitely not fair.
My website is over 1 month old. I update it weekly with 3 picture sets.
Show me the tickling website which provides more stuff every week!
And I do my best to make my customers happy. They wanted more tied girls and they have them.
You said:
(...)..a little thought for what your customers want..
Tell me: Have you ever written any e-mail to me? Have you tried to explain what you want?
Now there are about 100 existing members where about 80% come from this forum. People write me e-mails where they appreciate my job.
I suppose I should ignore your post. I got a message from one of my members (writing about your post):
Make great sets Marcin. That part is in your hands. And that part is what it is all about! The rest is just words, intersting one day and forgotten the next..
Your new site will have every chance to succeed with your great sets.
The way you make make them 🙂
And this is what makes me happy. But I am not happy if I know that one customer (YOU) is unhappy. Off course I know I can't make all people happy but you are unhappy and trying to kill my business here using the unfair methods!
Did you read my recent posts at this forum? Could you read the post where I proclaimed refund of membership fee to all disappointed members?
Do you know any other website which do the same?