I decided instead of going to work i would go to Chuck E. Cheese, then the lady at the door stamped me, looked for a kid and shrugged when i told her i was only there to create mischeif. Luckily she didn't notice i had a giant pillow case full of snakes.. as everyone should own a giant pillowcase full of snakes. So i lets the snakes go in the ball pit and i starts to jump up and down, screaming "Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherlovin' snakes in this motherlovin'g ball pit!" so i spended all my tokens on the Sega Bass Fishing game (cause that's the only real reason to go to Chuck E. Cheese anyways) until they threw me out. And that's why i can never go back to Chuck E. Cheese. They wouldn't even let me redeem my tickets for a handful of plastic glow in the dark bugs 🙁