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Party tickles...

Eternal Tomboy

TMF Master
Aug 5, 2001
Party tickles...part 2 added at the bottom of the thread

I used to work at a bookstore, and although I'm no longer there, I'm still frequently asked to attend parties that my old co-workers throw. I found out (strictly by chance) about this particular party when I went into the bookstore to both browse around and chit-chat with my friends who still work there. While there, I saw my friend Max, and went over to say hi to him. Normally, we are pretty flirtateous with each other (lots of hugs, play fights, and wiseass comments from both of us), but on this particular occasion, when I went to get a hug from him, he said that he couldn't because "the boss" was watching. Now, if you knew Max, you'd know that he doesn't usually give a shit about WHAT his boss thinks, but in this case I didn't question it, and just gave him a wounded puppy dog look (complete with pouty lips and quivering chin) when I walked away. In the meantime, I talked with my friend Beth (who also works there), and had myself a Chai. Beth said that she was having a party later that night, and I should come. I said I'd think about it, and then let her get back to work.

While I was browsing through the books, I heard Max say "Hey....what'cha lookin' for?" over my shoulder, but decided to play as aloof as he had just done with me about a half hour before.
"Nothing" was all I offered.
"You're not mad at me, are you?" he asked.
I turned around, and tried to feign a snotty attitude. I glared at him and put my hands on my hips. In truth, I wasn't all that wounded, but it was fun to mess with him. After giving him a dirty look, I turned back around, and said "Nope...not at all." I continued to look through the stacks, but at this point, the game of cat and mouse between me and Max had most of my attention.
"Yes you are....admit it." he said.
"No I'm not.....(turned back around, glared at him again)....REALLY." I said and turned my attention, once again, back to the books. "Don't you have WORK to do...wouldn't want you to get in trouble." I said in a tone dripping with sarcasm.
"Bossman went back into his office to finish up some paperwork."
"Oh." was all I said and contiued to pull out books (that I had no real interest in looking at) and put them back on the shelves.
"Hey, you goin' to Beth's party later?" he asked, trying to get me engaged in conversation.
“I dunno....maybe.” I said shortly.
“Well, you should come...even if you ARE mad at me.” he said and nudged me with his shoulder.
“I’m NOT mad.” I said a bit snottier than I intended.
"Yes you are. Just admit it..." he said and wiggled one of his fingers in the spot where my neck meets my shoulders (right around the collarbone area.)
I wasn't expecting this ticklish attack (some playful punches or a shove perhaps, but not tickles...he's not usually one to use that kind of thing on me.) An loud squeak escaped my mouth, and my knees seemed to unhinge. I landed in a position on the floor that made me look like a frog.
He cracked up. "What's the matter, ticklish?" he asked, still laughing.
"NO!" I fired back lamely. "You just caught me off guard."
"Yes you are...you are such a liar!" he said and crouched down on the floor where I was and wiggled his finger around my neck again.
"Max, don't!!" I giggled, but tried my hardest not to. Because we were in a bookstore, I was really trying to be quiet, but I was failing miserably. I was extremely thankful that it was after 10pm, and the store was mostly empty (they close at 11pm).
He stopped tickling, and just smiled at me. “Not ticklish, huh?”
“Shut up.” was all I said back, and got up off the floor.
“Well, I hope you come to the party later. It’ll be fun.” he said.
“Maybe.” I said, knowing full-well that I probably would..
He walked away with a grin on his face that was a bit too smug for my taste.

After the store closed, we all went back to Beth’s house. There were quite a few friends there that I knew from the bookstore, and some new employees that I had never met. I had fun catching up with some people I hadn’t talked to in awhile, and I had a couple of drinks. Then, as I’m talking to one of my friends, I see Max walk through the front door carrying a six pack. He says hi to a few people, and then our eyes meet. He walks over to me, puts his six pack down on the kitchen table, and opens up his arms as if he wants a hug.
“Oh, NOW you want a hug?” I said, with a hint of a grin on my face. “We’d better not...you never know who’s watching.” I teased.
“See! I knew you were mad at me.” he said, dropping his arms down.
“Nope..not at all.” I said with a smirk and walked into the living room to go sit down on the couch.
He followed me in there (as i figured he would), and sat down next to me. “Maggie, I’m not gonna leave you alone ‘til I get my hug.” he said.
“Well, I guess you’re gonna be here awhile.” I said, and crossed my arms stubbornly.
“I don’t think so.” he said and tickled my neck like he had in the bookstore. My shoulders immediately scrunched up, and I practically curled into the fetal position on the couch. When the giggles started to pour out of my mouth, he said “What was that about you not being ticklish?”
“Max STOP!” I squeaked, but kept on laughing. His fingers kept right on tickling. Without the confines of the bookstore to force me into silence, Max seemed a lot more detirmined to get me to surrender.
“Are you gonna give me a hug?” he asked, knowing he definately had the upper hand....at least at the moment.
“Screw you!” I said in between the laughter.
“You wish.” he said and kept on tickling my neck with one hand, but then used the other hand to tickle my ribs.
The sudden increased sensation caused me to jump and fall off the couch. Max was right behind me. When I hit the floor (face down), he straddled my waist and now had both hands tickling my sides.
“Get off!” I tried to say seriously, but couldn’t because I was laughing too hard.
“You wanna get me off?! Maggie, you’re a married woman!” he said in mock horror.
I started laughing even harder. “I hate you!!” I managed to scream.
“Oh, but I LOVE you!” he said in a overly sappy tone of voice and kept tickling my sides.

In a panicked attempt to get away, I reached my hands back and grabbed ahold of one of his knees and tried to tickle him back. I succeeded, but my attempt only threw him off balance for a moment, and then he grabbed my hands (which forced him to stop tickling me for a bit...a break I desperately needed.) He took both of my arms and pinned them to my sides with his legs. I was momentarily deluded into thinking that he couldn’t tickle me very well in this position because my sides were now guarded....I was wrong.

“What are you doing?” I asked, trying to catch my breath.
“Just keeping you here until you come to your senses.” he said.
“Oh, I’m out of my mind just because I don’t want to HUG you?!” I shot back.
“Obviously.” he said smugly.
“You are SO obnoxious!” I said with a giggle.
“Even obnoxious people need love.” he said.
He was being such a goofball, I couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Okay, I’ll give you a hug if you admit that you were a total jerk at the bookstore.”
“Jerk? How was I a jerk?” he asked.
“Are you kidding? You wouldn’t hug me because Steve was watching. But it was okay (when I was working there) when we played football games with the stuffed animals in the kid’s department, and gave each other rides around the store on the book carts. Not to mention all the times that you swatted me on the ass when you walked by, or told me what a nice rack I had. But a hug? Yeah, I can see how that would be a completely inappropriate thing to do in a bookstore.” I added sarcastically.
He laughed. “All of that was when Steve wasn’t working, and also before they promoted me to supervisor.”
“Oh, well excuse the shit out of me Mr. supervisor.” I shot back.
He reached behind and tickle-squeezed the back of my thighs. This is undoubtedly one of THE most ticklish spots on my body. I screamed then dissolved into laughter. When I was able, I yelled “Don’t Max! Please!!”
“Oh, not so snotty now, are ya? About ready for that hug?” he teased.
“YES!!” I screamed immediately.

After another ten seconds or so he relented, and got off of me. I rolled over onto my back, still too breathless and tired to get up. After a few seconds, he got up off the floor and grabbed both of my hands to help me to my feet. I glared up at him (with a bit of a grin.) He gave me an exaggerated smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back. I punched him playfully on the shoulder. He opened up his arms as he did when he arrived at the party, and this time I responded in kind. I wrapped both my arms around his neck, and his arms went around my waist. He gave me a big bear hug and lifted me up off the floor for a moment.
Before he let me go, he said “Ya know that whole ‘I’m not ticklish’ lie is pretty much shot to shit now, right?” He gave my ribs another quick tickle. Just enough to make me giggle and squirm in his arms. He put me down and when he let me go, I gave him a playful shove.
“Shut up and go get me a beer.” I said with a smile.

......It took most of the time that I remained at the party to calm the butterflies in my stomach.

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Thanks for the replies Ace & IWGU. You two are among a very elite group here....2 out of 780 people (so far) that have read my little blurb of a story and decided to respond! Staggering statistics! Do I sound bitter? Maybe just a bit. 🙄 In all seriousness though, I do appreciate it whenever anyone takes the time out to give some feedback. Glad you both liked it. :twohugs:

:redheart: Maggie
Writing outside the box

Well, Maggie, as a fellow writer "outside the box", I have limited expectations for response to my own work. On those rare occasions I write a story for this forum, I know I'm not writing for everybody. Mostly, I'm writing for myself. After hitting it big on the pop charts with "Heart of Gold", Neil Young explained that he was getting out of the middle of the road and "heading for the ditch". "I meet more interesting people there," he chuckled.

BTW, I really did enjoy this story.
Awwww Maggie....you know you deserved it 😉

Great story! My favorite part is you walking around with butterflies in your stomach the rest of the party! You must have felt really electric, and sexy.

I haven't come into this forum in a long time (other than to post my recent story) and hadn't seen this story until now, so I can promise you, I wasn't one of the 700 who didn't comment!
great story

I loved your story and dont be bitter-just keep writing and I will keep posting. Deal? lol :shock:

Thanks for the words of encouragement IWGU

Iwon'tgrowup said:
Well, Maggie, as a fellow writer "outside the box", I have limited expectations for response to my own work. On those rare occasions I write a story for this forum, I know I'm not writing for everybody. Mostly, I'm writing for myself. After hitting it big on the pop charts with "Heart of Gold", Neil Young explained that he was getting out of the middle of the road and "heading for the ditch". "I meet more interesting people there," he chuckled.

BTW, I really did enjoy this story.

I know you're right IWGU, but it seems like every time I post a story I can't help but be hopeful that I will get responses from a lot of the people who read it. I know it's stupidly optimistic, and that I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but the writer in me just can't help but wonder if the stories I write are reaching people on a personal level. And the only way to find that out is if people give feedback. I know that when I read someone else's story, I only give feedback if I thought it was well done. I don't think most who post are looking for constructive criticism (since this isn't a literary website), so I go by the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" credo on the TMF. So, when I don't get responses to my stories, I think that perhaps most thought it was crappy and they are trying to spare my feelings by not saying anything about it. Insecure, you say? Yeah, I guess when it comes to my writing, that would be an accurate description. :xpeepsofa

But who knows, perhaps I'll get to the point (one day) where I don't care if anyone responds, and my primary source of satisfaction will come just from knowing that people are reading my stories. Just not quite there yet.

nontkl said:
Awwww Maggie....you know you deserved it 😉
Great story! My favorite part is you walking around with butterflies in your stomach the rest of the party! You must have felt really electric, and sexy.
I haven't come into this forum in a long time (other than to post my recent story) and hadn't seen this story until now, so I can promise you, I wasn't one of the 700 who didn't comment!

Deserved it? Who ME?? Never. I was a complete innocent in this whole scenario. 😀

I did enjoy the after effects of my tickling encounter with Max. Every time I saw him (for the rest of that night) another wave of butterflies sprang to life in my stomach. I love that feeling.

DonnieBrasco said:
Maggie, I loved your story and dont be bitter-just keep writing and I will keep posting. Deal? lol :shock: Db

Sounds like a fair deal DB. It's nice to know that I've got a dedicated reader on the other end when I write. :happyfloa If I think of anything else to post, I will. I'm sure if I sat down and really thought about it, there would be dozens of true life tickle stories that I would remember. I guess I'm lucky in that regard, tickles have never been in short supply in my life.

Great Story !!

I got butterflies just reading it. It's one of the best feelings in the world.

Keep Writing!!

I got the butterflies and more! Unexpected tickles are so much fun...especially when they last a while! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Nicely written...took me right to the moment.

Loved the play back and forth between you and Max...
Hello Maggie,

I usually don't respond here, being one of many who could state something like: "fantastic, thanks". But I do think this is one of the best corners of TMF and mainly because of contributions like yours! Written in a way that makes one think one was there. And I agree with nontkl that the butterfly part was the cream on the cake!

Please add your other stories as well! And remember: those 700+ that read your story and don't respond ... most of them will love it too 😉

Thanks guys....

Wow, I've got a serious case of the warm fuzzies right now.

Dynamo Joe - I'm glad I'm not the only person addicted to that feeling of having butterflies in my stomach. Along with my love of tickling, I also love roller coasters because they give me a similar "butterfly" effect. Fun stuff. :rotate:

Unit5610- Unexpected tickles are awesome! It is the only time that my body has it's reflexive response to being tickled (heart races, butterflies in my stomach, immediate jump and/or laugh, etc.). When I see it coming or I can brace myself for it, it just doesn't give me the same rush of adrenaline that surprise tickles do. :imouttahe

Tommytikl- Glad you liked it. I find that when I write, I'm very much in the moment that I'm writing about. Almost like I can play the moment back like a movie in my head. Some people have photographic memories...well, when it comes to most things I don't, but when something tickle related happens, I can remember every detail. Weird.
As for Max, the back-and-fourth banter that was in this story is very typical of how we normally interact. I love guys that can dish the sarcasitc comments and wiseass remarks as well as they can take them. Life is way too serious most of the time, so who needs people around you who are serious also? I'm usually attracted to people who are total goofballs (guys and girls alike). :dogpile:

Aznagoel- That is some serious high praise! Thank you for responding to my story. I'm flattered that it you enjoyed it so much. And just for the record..."fantastic, thanks" is just fine by me 😀 I'll try to sit down some time this week and add another short tale. I say "short" because most of the tickle stories I write are insanely long (as some of you might know). So this "party tickles" one was about as short as I can make them. Like I said....I see everything down to the last detail when I write. It's a blessing and a curse. 🙄

Thanks to all who keep on responding. You made my day! :bouncybou

Brief part 2 story to the original.....

Just thought I'd add a sidenote story to the one I posted above. I met up with some of my bookstore buddies for lunch yesterday. We all decided to meet at the bookstore, and then take one car to where ever we decided to go to lunch. It was me, Beth, Emma, Frank and my good ol' buddy Max (you guys remember him, right? 😉 ) We decided to take Beth's car to the local pizza place. Beth and Emma grabbed the front, then me and the two guys hopped in the back (me in the middle since I was the smallest.)

We were all just chit-chatting about regular day-to-day stuff, one of the topics happened to be what summer concerts we were going to see. I happened to mention that I really wanted to see James Taylor this year (like I usually do...I've seen him in concert at least ten times), but he hadn't made any tour dates for Long Island this year (at least not yet.) Max made an obnoxious comment to the effect of "Is he still touring? Shit, I thought he'd be in a nursing home by now!" Which, everyone thought was pretty funny....except me. [Allow me to explain my JT obsession - If someone told me that I had to pick ONE musical artist to listen to for the rest of my life, James Taylor would win, hands down.] So rather than rip Max's sack off like a paper towel (which, I'll admit might have been a bit harsh), I shoved him into the door of the car, which also made him bump his head against the roof/window as well since the ceiling in backseat of Beth's car was a bit low.
"Got something else to say about James Taylor?" I tried to say seriously, but I was giggling over the fact that he hit his head.
"Yeah, his music should be bottled and sold as a sedative." he said, rubbing his head.
"That's it!" I said and shoved him again. This time, he saw it coming and braced himself. It was like trying to shove a brick wall.
"Not so tough now, are ya?" he said and shoved me back (playfully). I went tumbling into Frank, and in response, Frank bumped me back the other way. This went on another couple of times. I felt like a human ping-pong ball.
Obviously outmatched physically, and for lack of any real wiggle room in that backseat, I resorted to the only form of defense I could muster - tickling. I tickle-squeezed one of his knees (remembering that they were a ticklish spot at Beth's party). He laughed, but quickly grabbed my hand.
"You don't wanna go there, do ya?" he said and looked me square in the eye.
I felt an immediate rush of butterflies at remembering our last tickling encounter. He then grabbed a hold of my right knee and started to tickle. My laughter started immediately, and try as I might, I couldn't get his hand off my knee. This probably went on for about a minute, and then Max said "Hey Frank, get the other one!" I screamed "NO!", but Frank jumped on the tickling bandwagon and grabbed hold of my left knee. In a true knee-jerk reaction, my left leg shot out and kicked (pretty hard, I might add) the back of the driver's seat. This made Beth lurch forward a bit.
"Hey, don't make me come back there!" Beth yelled in a mock-parental tone of voice. "Knock it off before you get us all killed!"
Both the guys stopped tickling me. "Sorry Mom." I said jokingly and stuck my tongue out at Max like a bratty little sister. He just laughed and gave me a quick ticklish poke to the ribs. After that, the conversation went on as it had before the mayhem broke out, but my thoughts continued to playback the brief tickle fight that had just happened.

It was all over a bit too quickly for my taste, but it was fun while it lasted.

Thanks for sharing your experiences they are both well written. You definitely have a gift for writing, I enjoyed reading them and look forward to reading more of your stories.
profx85 said:
Thanks for sharing your experiences they are both well written. You definitely have a gift for writing, I enjoyed reading them and look forward to reading more of your stories.

Thanks for the compliment, Prof. I'm glad you liked it. I've got tons of true life tickling stories, but very little time to actually sit down to write them. Hopefully before the summer's end I'll get one more in there for you guys.

I don't know if you saw them, Prof, so I'll tell you that I've got two more true tickling stories posted on this forum (fairly recently), I think they're somewhere on page three or so. One called "slow and torturous", and the other "Borderline tickle torture". If you haven't read them yet, I'd be interested to know what you thought of them.

daisycrazy5496 said:
Thanks for the compliment, Prof. I'm glad you liked it. I've got tons of true life tickling stories, but very little time to actually sit down to write them. Hopefully before the summer's end I'll get one more in there for you guys.

I don't know if you saw them, Prof, so I'll tell you that I've got two more true tickling stories posted on this forum (fairly recently), I think they're somewhere on page three or so. One called "slow and torturous", and the other "Borderline tickle torture". If you haven't read them yet, I'd be interested to know what you thought of them.


I just read both of these stories and they are both great, I love the description you put into all your stories, I can picture everything in your story as if I am there watching these event's unfold. And the Borderline tickle torture story brought back memories of a similar experience I had with an ex girlfriend. I really appreciate the time you take to not only share your experiences but go into the great detail you do and hope to read about more of your experiences in the future.
You definately got talent in the writing department, looking forward to reading more of your great material... 🙂
Great story Maggie. It reminds me of the book store in Port Jeff I used to frequent. Cute girls working there and thoughts of tickling them. Brings me back a bit...thanks
Daisy, I just read your stories and I also enjoyed them a lot. I agree with Prof that I could easily do a visual exactly as the events happend. I thank you for sharing and hope you do find time to continue relaying your escapades. I especially hope you get to make new ones!!!
Prof - Once again, thanks for the positive feedback. I'm glad you liked my other two stories (that have now been lost in the sauce somewhere on the pages where old tales go to die.) :blaugh:

Focus - Thanks for the compliment. I hope to get another story on this forum before the summer's end. I just had a good one the other day. But due to time constraints, it's gonna have to take a back seat for another week or so.

b0xr - I find that bookstores lend themselves to great social interactions. There is something taboo with getting into a tickling fight in a place where the sound of silence prevails. Since I worked there three years, I've got a decent handful of stories to share.

PokeyinMich - Glad you liked the stories. This summer has lent itself very well to some nice tickling opportunities. I'm one of those girls that puts on her flip-flops at the first sign of warmer weather and leaves them on until the first cool breeze blows. And because of that, my feet are usually an easy target. I'm going on vacation this week, but when I return, I'll try to make time to sit down and write for you guys some more.

More tickling tales later,
I'd sure like to hear some of those stories someday Daisey :bump:
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