Hey everyone, no, we haven't fallen off the face of the earth, just pampering Mrs_Hotfeet's feet! Here are some pics she took when she was at her pedicure and then some finished product pics. Please enjoy, and always she loves your feedback.
Hey all!!!! Here is some pics of my wife's sexy size 8 feet. She passed out cold after some drinking with friends, and as the pics show, I had my way with her feet! I then cleaned them with a washcloth, and hot soapy water. I tickled them for at least a half an hour, with NO MOVEMENT from her,and she's deathly ticklish on her feet! That's how passed out she was! Please leave comments, and let me know what you think, thanks!
Hey everyone, no, we haven't fallen off the face of the earth, just pampering Mrs_Hotfeet's feet! Here are some pics she took when she was at her pedicure and then some finished product pics. Please enjoy, and always she loves your feedback.