People who start a thread with a more or less interesting topic, but then wrap up their opening post with the single word sentence: Discuss. What are you, the college literary professor or something? You like orchestrating people to collectively do your bidding? Control issues, much?? I have one word for how I feel about people like you: disgust.
People of this day and age saying things like "methinks." Puh-lease. Shakespear you're not.
People referring to themselves in the third person. Only the Hulk can pull that off.
Draft dodgers.
People talking in movie theaters.
Toll roads. We pay highway taxes. That should be enough.
Guys wearing their pants/shorts, halfway down their ass. You think you're cool, but in reality, you're just another asshole.
People who start a thread with a more or less interesting topic, but then wrap up their opening post with the single word sentence: Discuss. What are you, the college literary professor or something? You like orchestrating people to collectively do your bidding? Control issues, much?? I have one word for how I feel about people like you: disgust.
People who act like college professors or examination question setters in internet threads are fucking twats.
Never seen this from you. Even if I did, I wouldn't be excessively bothered. I know my response was harsh. I've been watching a lot of Seinfeld lately, and tried to immitate his style.That would be me, then. Sorry and all that.
If it’s any comfort, I have many words for people like me and most of them are less complimentary than yours.
Never seen this from you either. But seeing as how it's "Olde English" you British blokes can pull it off better than we colonists.That would be me again. In my defence though, BOFH did have a bad influence on me.
You're right. I get careless when I'm in a hurry.By the way, there's an E on the end of it. 😀
Well...The Rock can pull it off for the same reason as The Hulk. Who's going to tell either one of them to knock it off?Me again then. In more ways than one. 😉
Oh, and The Rock!
Not for the last 35 years or so. But they're still out there. Most are ex Vietnam protestors of the Hanoi Jane variety, now become college professors.Hang on a second… you guys still have conscription? How the hell did I miss that one?
I'm right there with you, buddy. One time I was at Disney at a really crowded event, and some schmuck gave me a hard time for stepping over his mother's legs that were jutting out nearly horizontal in her wheelchair. He had parked her right next to the freaking door, and I was simply trying to get farther in so others could also get in. I hate this notion that we're all to bow and yield to any and all handicapped.Big one. I have a similar and related one to this, but it is one that makes me look like an utterly heartless bastard if you don’t read deeply into my reasoning.
People who take severely handicapped people to movie theatres. (Not the handicapped people themselves, I hope you notice.) Now, I’m British. That means I come from a historically very tolerant and respectful of differences nation. (For instance, during the Second World War, British publicans used to indignantly refuse American requests to racially segregate pubs, then when white GI’s came in and started fights with black ones, British blokes would join in the fight on the black GI’s side.)
But I have firsthand experience of what it’s like to sit close to someone who is so severely handicapped that they ruin the film for everyone else. Just recently when I saw the second part of Deathly Hallows there was one such unfortunate person behind me who every ten seconds or so, throughout the entire film would be going,
And so on… and on… for over two hours…
If someone is SO handicapped, then it’s not just us people who are fortunate enough to be able-bodied and minded who have a duty to show consideration, it’s carers of handicapped people too. There should be reasonableness in everything. And it really pisses me off when said carers lose all sense of proportion and condemn me for everything from racism to treason for thinking so.
It's a big part of America's thug culture.Triple ewwwwwwwwwww…………
Never seen this from you. Even if I did, I wouldn't be excessively bothered. I know my response was harsh. I've been watching a lot of Seinfeld lately, and tried to immitate his style.
Never seen this from you either. But seeing as how it's "Olde English" you British blokes can pull it off better than we colonists.
By the way, how is the old Boffer these days? Is he still hanging out with that same hottie from 5 years ago? What was her name...Morning Angel? Something like that. As the Japanese sailor on Gilligan's Island would say, "She goo-rooking!"
You're right. I get careless when I'm in a hurry.
Well...The Rock can pull it off for the same reason as The Hulk. Who's going to tell either one of them to knock it off?
Not for the last 35 years or so. But they're still out there. Most are ex Vietnam protestors of the Hanoi Jane variety, now become college professors.
I'm right there with you, buddy. One time I was at Disney at a really crowded event, and some schmuck gave me a hard time for stepping over his mother's legs that were jutting out nearly horizontal in her wheelchair. He had parked her right next to the freaking door, and I was simply trying to get farther in so others could also get in. I hate this notion that we're all to bow and yield to any and all handicapped.
Mercy? This wouldn't be your second account on here by any chance, would it?