Sure, fantasy,,,
-1- I am stably married to one and only one woman,,, and have never been divorced. In fact, we have never even considered it, and we've never had a serious argument or fight ever. There has never been any physical outburst by either of us,,, not even a fist banging on a table or anything. No shouting matches or anything like that. Just tickling; almost daily. We are still in love after all these years.
-2- I have stable employment with a company that has a good product line, interesting work, technical superiority, and medical benefits
-3- My wife and I are both physically fit. My Waistline is 11 inches smaller than my chest. (My wife has a 7 inch differential, and her waistline is perfectly flat)
-4- Our kids are in high school,,, and they still respect us and obey us without complaining. They have never interfered with our tickling activities.
-5- I have enough money saved to cover their education,, including graduate school if they want. They are voluntarily working at jobs and saving their money to help pay their own way through school
-6- Our kids are intelligent, physically fit, reasonably attractive, and socially adept. They are popular with the good kids, and have no reservation about walking away from the druggies and pimps in the school and neighborhood. All of them are on the honor roll, at least one sports team, and the band. None have ever had any problems with the law or the schools. Our daughters rely on our judgement and let us (i.e., my wife and I) have a significant role in influencing whom they do and don't date. Our sons talk to us about the girls they want to date before they ask them out.
-7- I make enough money to allow my wife to stay home and be a full time housewife,,, which she finds thrilling and fulfilling. I come home every day to an immaculate home with my favorite music playing quietly in the background. Our teenagers always keep their rooms in perfect order and have their homework ready for the next day. My wife (who has a degree in home economics with an emphasis in nutrition) prepares perfectly balanced meals down to the last calorie, carbohydrate, fiber, vitamin, and every other nutritive content. I can easily buy my wife a new car each year. (The cars never break down.)
-8- My job is 9-to-5. There is never any requirement for overtime, so I can always come home on time to enjoy my wife and kids.
-9- The commute is less than 10 minutes, and the trains aren't crowded ever.
-10- Our in-laws know about our tickling, and accept it without a word spoken. They even tried it themselves.
-11- Our parents regularly take the kids so that we can have tickling weekends
-12- My wife sews padded cuffs for our tickling sessions. She sews (and even designs) her own tickling uniforms to excite me; and she's good at it.
-13- After all these years and multiple children, my (physically fit, flat waisted) wife is still highly ticklish and turns on the giggles for me like a symphony. Her giggling can last all evening, it's my choice.
-14- I have never looked at another woman. My wife has never compared me to another man.
-15- We go to three tickling gatherings a year. The job, the teens, and the logistics never get in the way.
-16- Our teens choose to date only kids from other tickling homes. (We have a known community of tickling marriages) They are all staying virgins (boys too) until they are married. They do this by willful, deliberate, conscious choice. Their peer groups uphold these values and scoff at the common sexual practices of today's youth.
-17- Finally, tickling is a function of good health. We haven't had so much as a sore throat in our family ever. My wife's feet are as soft and as smooth as the day we married. I also have good skin condition, including my feet and toes; no callouses. (Our teens have perfect skin; no acne at all, plus good muscle tone.) This good health, smooth skin, and firm muscle tone help my wife and I to enjoy tickling on a near-daily basis. She is just as ticklish today as she always has been.
Oh,,, last thing,,, I still have all my hair,,, and it's still dark
Is that enough fantasy for you ?