Part of a story I wrote a while ago....about an experience I had...my fantasy is to do it again...and again...🙂....We had been just bumming at home together and being complete lazy bones......I implemented one teasingly-sarcastic something after another to arouse his attention as he played video games with the concentration of a hungry cat holding vigilance over a mouse hole...he would grab at my foot and tickle it now and then warning me that I was going to get it if I kept it up.....so of course I did what any female would do....I kept it up.....(smile).....I heard one exasperated "that's it!" and with that he lunged up from where he sat in front of me on the floor and pinned me back on the couch where I sat behind him.....he grabbed my waist and squeezed me ...causing me to scream and screech...my sudden shrieks quickly turning into terrific laughter as he tickled me ferociously.......he was actually lifting me up as his fingers continued to tickle my waist....my sides.....my underarms.....my tummy and belly button......burrowing his face into my soft flesh and rubbing my belly and sides with his goatee he tickled me with his face...I was laughing hysterically and seemed to be attempting to burrow myself into the couch to protect my now hyper- ticklish body...it proved to be a bit of a chore for him to hold me still as I thrashed and twisted fiercely yet he managed to not only hold onto me but to continue tickling me relentlessly ...he picked me up and flung me over his shoulder.....he was very good because with all of my twisting and struggling there was no decrease in the ticklish torture he was administering to my wiggling out of control body.....he managed to tickle me like mad while carrying me upstairs without even coming close to dropping me...(how does he do it!!???) I joked...as I kicked my feet he would grab at them and hold them still long enough to tickle them like crazy......as we neared the bedroom he repeated his former warning...."you are so going to get tickled young lady".....I laughed and shrieked and begged and promised to no avail.....he only laughed at my laughter and responded tauntingly to my pleas.....we entered the room and he carried me to our bed ....he placed me down in the center.....I immediately rolled into a protective ball grabbing for a pillow to cover myself with and giggling and laughing hysterically in post tickle laughter as he leaned into me ......licking his lips dramatically at my feet.....and I shrieked just seeing that...he laughed and asked what I was laughing for..."What's so funny baby?"...he asked playfully....I laughed effortlessly as I was so caught up in the moment that my laughter just poured out regardless of whether or not he made a comment, tickled me or simply indicated verbally or non that he was going to....he said matter-of-factly..."I am going to tickle you so bad....for as long as I want to.....I want to do unspeakable things to your feet".....I screamed as he grabbed an ankle and tickled my naked sole....scampering his fingers wildly all over my wiggling foot.....I was laughing like mad.... he asked "Whose my little tickleslave?" and I would laugh hysterically and try to answer but because of the level of laughter I was unintelligible so he would tickle me more....I screamed and twisted and wiggled and moaned in an insane level of ticklish laughter.......and he ssshhhh'd me and brought my foot to his face...biting my heel....licking straight up my sole.....kissing my toe pads....making love to my soles with his mouth....my breathing evened out and I was moaning in ecstacy at the feel of his wonderful hands holding my feet and the unimaginably delicious things he was doing to them with his mouth.....now tucking my ankle under his arm he had easy access to my feet for tickling....."Now....I am going to tickle the f*ck out of your feet!!!" I gasped inward sharply....my body twisted and I screeched as he held back my toes and ran his tongue across the underside of them driving me absolutely crazy .......he held them back expertly so I couldn't curl them...he stretched my feet taut so I couldn't scrunch them and protect them from his wonderful tickling frenzy.....I was pleading and begging with him....telling him over and over that it tickled so much and how I couldn't stand anymore.....laughing like mad.....informing him as best I could that I am too ticklish and to please stop or I would die....laughing so hard as I was begging and pleading....he was lightly biting the ball of my foot and scraping his teeth there...that drove me mad!...down my arch and over my heel his tongue played.....causing me to gasp sharply here and there and moan softly as well as laugh harder with every passing moment...he was now licking his way back up my arch and to my toes again......I was laughing so hard there was no sound coming from me at times.....he would stop to make sure I was okay and say some ticklish threat to me to make me shriek and beg for him to not tickle me anymore yet I would admit to him that I loved it when he tickled me every time he would ask me......he asked me again if I was his little tickle slave.....and I said yes...he tickled me harder for not saying it loudly enough...so I kept saying it until I was shouting...then I got tickled for that....(that's my guy!)....he made me admit that I love it when he tickles me....so then he tickled me more....he tickled my until my body arched and then...he reached under my arched body and tickled my back making me screech and arch my body even more...(it's ironic, I thought, how the body moves in precisely the position that will get it tickled more in its attempt to thwart it....seems that even under excrutiating tickling my body knows what I need....I mused...) this continued for the longest time....I really am not sure just how long because I lost all track of time but he told me later that he tickled me that intensely for well over two hours...I was either brazen or very stupid because I donned a fake british accent...and a really bad one at that and asked "Is that all you've got???" So obviously I got tickled somemore...~smile~..he knew my limits and he could tell that I was fading and crumbling apart a bit....so he shhh'd my post tickle laughter and whimpers with kisses all over my face and shoulders.....biting me gently......kissing me lower and lower until I was completely relaxed and submitting to him in every way......he sat over me and I brought one foot up and placed it on his back....running my toes over the back of his arm and tip of his shoulder and up and down his back......playing my toes over his neck....as he tickle-kissed me everywhere......feeling my naked soles against any part of his body was soooo delicious......feeling his hands hold my feet as he took them in his own felt even better....I loved the vulnerability and "danger" of being in this position with him....the sensation of his palms and fingers touching and holding my feet...owning them....stroking the delicate skin there...intermittently tickling with his thumbs which were expertly placed upon my arches ....kissing and licking and sucking the soles of my feet and under and between my ticklish toes......always the adrenaline rush of not knowing when his fingers or tongue will stroke me to tickle......such warmth passed thru me at how sexy and wonderful this felt...and the realization that he could just tickle me anywhere at any time was exhilerating and heart pounding......I never did seem to completely expect it when he started to tickle me....as prepared as one would think I would be...it's funny actually....seems silly but it's so true...I'd feel ridiculous for screeching surprisedly each and every time he'd begin to tickle me somewhere..... and he knew just what to do to me to get the reactions he wanted to see and hear....stealing a stroke of a finger up my arch....a rapid fire of tickles under my toes....a scratch on my heel or a tickle kiss on my toe pads......whenever he'd touch me I'd find myself in a ticklish frenzy that continued long after he stopped......thing that baffled me is he loved all of my little reactions and never tired of the sounds I made....I loved the things he said to me when we were together....he thought I was amazingly sexy and he'd call me his little tickle baby.......I'd smile and wonder if he knew that I wasn't the amazing one....he was.....I was only reacting to him....I'd ask him if he realized how sexy it is that he loves feet and loves to tickle....he replied "I love YOUR feet and I love to tickle YOU"....I'd reach up to kiss his mouth....as his body came down closer onto mine and his mouth covered my lips....my legs instinctively would come up and wrap around him ....I pulled him into me more....and deeper....breathing in sharply and arching my body slightly as he entered me...pulling myself closer to him...rising to meet him....my fingers grabbing onto him and holding his strong arms and shoulders for dear life.....dancing the toes from my left foot up and down his leg.....feeling my arch fill with his skin as I press my foot into him anywhere I could...as I neared climax he reached up and poked me in the sides...holding my arms helplessly above my head and devoured my excrutiatingly ticklish underarms with his fingers and tongue....thrusting himself into me the entire time....how amazing it is to experience so many wonderful sensations at once......suddenly...I noticed that the video camera was rolling....he recorded the entire thing!!! I smiled......not wanting to interupt this incredible moment or miss even one of his thrusts or sweet kisses...I raised my right leg and brought my foot over to the camera....placing my sole up against the screen... blocking the lens and everything else in the world.....this is just for the two of us I thought......but then I reconsidered...I remember thinking that it would be incredibly hot to watch this later...how hot it would be to watch him tickling me on video while he is tickling me again as we watch.......rarrr..so this was then and remains my fantasy🙂