**Yanking soap box to the center of the room!**
I vote in every election. I'm politically involved in my state and region. I've a VERY loud mouth, in case you haven't noticed here.
😛 I STILL feel it's a waste of energy sometimes. Yet, I refuse to stop being active.
In the end, I think it's just too easy to cop out of holding up your end of the stick by saying, "I have the right to not vote or be involved." Yep....true. And when everyone else becomes as apethetic, the ones who say that, the social moochers, the by-standers, are going to have to do more than bitch. They will have to become resposible beyond saying "I pay my taxes."
This whole concept of people treating democracy (perfect or not) as a spectator sport just really pisses me off.
As is said, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem!
Joby...wonderin' where the hell THAT came from on this chipper perky Saturday night.