Just gotta say
All you proud Americans (of which I am one). Take great care...the "sleeping giant" refered to earlier has been downsized to an "apathetic large man", not nearly a huge as he once was. Thanks to our friend Bubba Clinton, our military force is not the largest in the world any longer...China may very well have a larger and stronger force than we do...so I disagree, we didn't ask for international cooperation out of mere politness...we need the world's support. "Don't mess with the US"???...hmmm, that is just what THEY are doing...and what have we done to respond?? Words...only words, why? Because we don't have the resouses to back up what we appear to hae...our military is streached thin...not ready at all for a fight.
Support Mr Bush...he aims to rebuild our much needed defense system...this will indeed be a long fight...but one, I am confident, we will win.
All this I can say, because I exist inside that defense system..a member of this great military force.