more space taken up
i feel like i must get my voice into this because i can
you know, i AM tired of the BS i find here. BS is what some of this talk of 'free samples' is about. i agree that most people (myself included) want to see a glimpse of what the video is about. a $40 committment for a video is a lot to ask for myself and other people like me, even a $25-30 tag puts a cramp on my budget.
but all this talk of it being our right to free stuff is stupid.
all I can do is request a free preview clip from kathy and co.. whether they put one up or not is their perogative. so kathy, could you PLEASE whip together a clip for us, you sexy adorable angel you
i for one will be very disappointed if they have indeed stopped with the clips, but i can do nothing else but hope. i understand if they just cannot do it. that's just the way it is sometimes.
i feel like i've said this already, but if i ever want to plop down money for a vid, i honestly dont know which one to get, since as i've said, i dont have a lot of leeway in my budget of food, beer and the occasional doobie. that's my personal choice, to those of you who CAN buy videos regularly, kudos to you.
some people just don't understand. we've been accustomed to tickle clips all the time, so we feel like there should be one. i mean, c'mon, who doesn't want free stuff. so, once again, please let there be more preview clips