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Question about bringing up tickling


4th Level Orange Feather
Apr 24, 2005
I have recently just started dating a new guy in my life. I want to bring up my tickling fetish but I am not sure how to do it without sounding strange. I know for a guy to bring it up to a girl, he can ask about if they get pedicures and do they tickle, etc...l I read that on another post. How do I bring it up to a guy? I'll take responses from either guys or women on this subject.

Ticklejen, maybe tickling him might help break the ice and if he gets you back then it might be a good time to reveal your tickling fetish. I hope it helps 😎
A shirt like this one will speak louder than words. Just be prepared to answer a lot of probing questions.
luvgirlsfeet said:
FF that is so cool :cool2:

Thanks, luvgirlsfeet! Ever since Milagros taught me how to post images, I've gone a bit crazy doing it. I like to share what I find with everyone.
ticklejen said:
I have recently just started dating a new guy in my life. I want to bring up my tickling fetish but I am not sure how to do it without sounding strange. I know for a guy to bring it up to a girl, he can ask about if they get pedicures and do they tickle, etc...l I read that on another post. How do I bring it up to a guy? I'll take responses from either guys or women on this subject.


It all depends on how ticklish your feet are and if you are a 'lee or a 'ler. A good way to break the ice is, when you're snuggled up relaxing together, say that you have been on your feet all day (working, shopping etc) and ask if he minds giving you a little 'foot massage'. Once you're giggling he'll soon get the idea, then you can say 'how much you enjoy him tickling you' and 'that it really turns you on'. The thing is not to take things too fast too soon...once you've broken that ice... talk to him, find out if he is ticklish too, you never know he may be as shy about it as you, if you're really lucky he may even share your fetish. Hope that helps :smilestar
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This is what I do. I always ask the question "What is, in your opinion the cutest part of the body." and let them answer (it's all the better if they say feet, if not meh!) Than you answer, and say "Feet." Than you can seriously have a conversation about feet, than ask if they are ticklish and just casually go for it.
Women aren't the threat to men . . .

Women aren't the automatic potential threat to men that men are to women. So I can't imagine flat-out telling him your desires will scare him off, TJ, the way a man might were he to tell his new girlfriend how much he likes tickling!

But if you're the play-it-safe type, I second the advise to start some tickle fights with him. Unless he happens to be a total square, tickling him will break the ice and, I expect, get him to retaliate. Please let us know how it works out!
I personally like the idea of knowing that there is something I can do that turns a woman on, and I'm not the only one who has a desire or fantasy.
I have the perfect solution....tell me where you and your b/f are having dinner some evening and I will "just happen to be in the neighborhood". As you exit the restaurant, I will jump you from behind, tickling your ribs until you fall to the ground laughing helplessly. :tickle: Then I'll jump up and run away laughing maniacally while your b/f stares in disbelief. As you lie on the ground, you say breathlessly "Wow! That was great!" 😀

Seriously, though, the suggestions others have given you are great depending on what role you play in it. Your post didn't mention if you are ler or lee. Battle cat had a great idea about a foot massage if you are lee and the ticke fights are the best way if you are ler. Use them *both* if you are both. 🙂
I'm with Em Es, personally, and have flat-out announced it before. The unfortunate part is when they can't tickle worth beans... 🙁 I've actually been *bruised* by guys who thought it was acceptable to literally DIG their fingers into me. Um, hello, the nerve endings (which you just destroyed, thankyouverymuch) are in the *skin*, not the friggin *lungs*.... 😵 Lol. Anyways that's the only problem I've ever encountered.
As a male I tend to try to tickle and touch womens feet pretty soon and I use any excuse to look and touch ...eg. Your toe nails looked pink outside but now they look red inside....let me see. They fall for that all the time.......silly girls 🙂

Anyway....I always throw in a tickle to see the response and often inquire about it after. As in do you enjoy being tickled ...I do it very casually and I don't think they think its too weird....(but perhaps it is and they just don't say)

I generally find 3 responses

1. Not ticklish at all .......BORING...🙁

2. Ticklish but hate being tickled not a turn on but torture.

3. Ticklish but don't hate it....may not get hugely turned on but at least are tollerant of it.

I find type 3 the most common 1 and 2 seem to be extremes. I must do more research.
Hiya ticklejen! :bunny:

First of all Congrats on your new relationship! I'm really happy for you!! :cupid:

I know what you mean about broaching the tickle question. It can be a -ticklish- subject, and one that i've tried a few times with new guys in my life. And while it's true that we aren't as much a potential threat to guys as the other way around, it still leaves you feeling pretty vulnerable to tell a guy your deepest longings and risk having him look at you like you're strange or something. It happens, though the good news is, it's pretty rare.

Mostly i find QofHearts' version to be the usual backfire.
But this isn't being helpful is it?

What does work 99 times of 100 for me is either the foot massage (sometimes combined with some mildly suggestive moves) or the cuddle tickles and giggles. These i find leave room to escape the moment if it doesn't quite work out.
But as much as i'd love to try that awesome T-shirt, F-F has (that was really cool!!) i find the high cut tummy-revealing option also very effective. 😀. I've yet to meet a guy who can resist a little skin. :cool2:

Hope that helps in the end at least, ticklejen! 😀
You go, girl! <<<<---- and let us know what you try and how it works out!!

Many blessings,
Ok, here is my two cents. Almost EVERYONE is into something "non conventional" sexually. So, while working the foot massage thing say "watch out, I'm super ticklish! Good thing I like it huh?" If he is playful like most guys he'll tickle your foot... say "hey, you don't know what that does to me! Tickling is my fetish you know..." There. Sweet, simple and too the point. He'll probably be very intrigued and what to know exactly what your response to being tickled is...
I warn people prior to our 1st time about this in advance. "I bruise easily so don't go there or this will be our last session." I've been lucky that everyone has respected my wishes. Fortunately I think they feel as lucky to be there as I am to have them there. Both of us want repeat performances that way~it's a win-win 😉

QueenOfHearts said:
I'm with Em Es, personally, and have flat-out announced it before. The unfortunate part is when they can't tickle worth beans... 🙁 I've actually been *bruised* by guys who thought it was acceptable to literally DIG their fingers into me. Um, hello, the nerve endings (which you just destroyed, thankyouverymuch) are in the *skin*, not the friggin *lungs*.... 😵 Lol. Anyways that's the only problem I've ever encountered.
Communication, Steph, communication

Steph, I hope your ticklers appreciated your words of warning. While some girls I've tickled only reacted to that hard, dig-in style of tickling, I've found a medium to light touch usually does the job.

The rest of the equation is how well your tickler/ticklee and you hit it off. If the chemistry's right, both playmates will relax and let their defenses down. It's easier said than done, as you may know, Steph. But once two playmates have communication and the resulting trust, they will get the most out of the tickle play as they can.

:redheart: Homie
I hope this helps, ticklejen.

Before I say anything else, I have to admit (as I did in another thread) that I have never tickled anyone for more than a brief period, and that I had never met anyone as into tickling as I was before joining this site a little more than a month ago.

Still, my life has not been barren of tickles. :firedevil

One of the ways I test the waters and get in a few pokes is when a guy I am seeing and I are teasing each other or joking behind closed doors. (I am talking about M/M, but it may work with F/M as well.)

I think I have done this four or five times over the years (mostly when I was younger):

If he is teasing me verbally, I often say something (very playfully!) like "Watch it, buster, I can make you suffer" and then do something like poke his nose (which, of course, does not tickle at all but does add to the general silliness of the mood). I might also give him a very, very light play slap with the back of my hand to his forehead, brushing up the front of his hair in the process. All this is calculated, of course, to get him smiling and perhaps even laughing (pre-tickle). I never know how ticklish a guy is or isn't, but I do know it works better when he is in a good mood.

My "watch it" remark is often met by a "Yeah, right," in which case I may say something like "Don't be too sure" and continue the playful banter. A few pokes in the ribs will certainly follow--especially if (ideally) he is grinning and saying that I cannot make him suffer.

Some guys are not into tickling at all, but I have never had anyone get mad at me since the situation in which I test the water is already goofy and playful. In addition, I am talking about two or three pokes, not full tickling.

Now I am thinking of H and M, two men from my past who were deliciously ticklish, something I found out in this very scenario...
My suggests are: start tickling him and he will get you back and it breaks the ice or you mention you have been on your feet all day and love foot massges and then he will find out for himself your feet are ticklish or you could just tell you that love being tickled
Right Homie 😉 :Kiss1:

The communication is EVERYTHING and the ultimate key to having a mutually fun experience.
I always cringe when I read stories like Queen's~NO ONE should be having a bad experience with this, IMHO. It's supposed to be FUN!

Em Es said:
Steph, I hope your ticklers appreciated your words of warning. While some girls I've tickled only reacted to that hard, dig-in style of tickling, I've found a medium to light touch usually does the job.

The rest of the equation is how well your tickler/ticklee and you hit it off. If the chemistry's right, both playmates will relax and let their defenses down. It's easier said than done, as you may know, Steph. But once two playmates have communication and the resulting trust, they will get the most out of the tickle play as they can.

:redheart: Homie
this is how it went for me... when you first started having the obligatory first conversations about sex etc., (those are always fun regardless), I asked him what the strangest thing is that turns him on. He may answer straightaway or feel weird and want to ask you the same thing and see what your answer is first...either way he'll probably end up asking you the same question, so what I said was, "well, I have a fetish...it's somewhat weird, I feel embarassed", but once it's out there you know no guy is going to be able to let it go without knowing what it is 😉 now "fetish" could imply all sorts of strange stuff, from mild to extreme and gross, and in my opinion tickling definitely sits very comfortably on the "mild" end of the spectrum. So after making him promise to not make fun of me and not call me a weirdo 😉 I told him that I get really turned on by being tickled, and by tickling someone else, or seeing someone get tickled. I think most guys will be relived that you didn't say something like "I get off on kicking dudes in the balls as hard as I can" (this actually IS a real fetish that some people have, yikes guys) and every guy I've ever told this to thought it was adorable and was totally excited that now he knew my secret for easily getting me all hot and bothered 😉
I remember being rather intimidated about MENTIONING my love for women's feet, esp. where tickling them was concerned....but the more confidence I gained for each successful tickling session I'd ever engaged in, the easier my talking about it became...

....some of my lady friends whose feet I'd tickle during visits eventually came around and would ask me outright, "Do you have a foot fetish, or something?? You always tickle my feet!!" and they'd giggle...to which, I'd respond, "Yeah....actually I do....and if it helps you to know it, your feet are absolutely BEAUTIFUL...." not only did this kinda disarm them a little, but flattery WORKS....plus, a good number of them would freely allow me to tickle their feet afterwards!!!

....in other cases, one woman or another would be a tougher nut to crack....so, I'd generally focus more on massaging and foot-flattery....telling them how sexy their feet were shaped, how wonderfully soft their soles were....and with time, they'd open up a little and allow me to do a little more than just massage and caress.....it would develop into decent tickling sessions, as well as toe-sucking!!! 😀
Show and Tell.....

What you could do is where something totally sleevless and raise your arms alot inf ront of him. Observe if he looks alot at your underarms. IF so, then playfully suggest how tifklish you are udner there and see if he takes the bait and fives you a little tickle. If so, you are "golden." Once he shows the interest, then borah the subject of how ticklish you are and that you love to tickle and be tickled. See what he says from there..... Some guys are into tickling other body parts than just feet. Alot of us like underarms and this inviation to work on suhc a senstive area will really see if he is into tickling or at least give you an opportunity to bring it up.
I just want to thank everyone for your suggestions so far. They are all good however, this is what I am planning the next time I see him. I will ask him for a foot massage and then say "Be careful, I am ticklish" and see if he'll actually tickle me or be careful. I really hope he tickles me though!

I'll see what happens. :cool2:
featherfingers said:
A shirt like this one will speak louder than words. Just be prepared to answer a lot of probing questions.

So true! I met my b/f while wearing a tickle me elmo shirt at a singles function. He was curious "if Elmo was ticklish" and I let him wonder for a bit. When we went on our second date, I told him that Elmo had a message for him... Elmo is now my nickname with him. 🙂

I understand that Sesame Street is going to come out with a line of adult undergarments. I can't wait to buy some Elmo underwear and stuff...
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