So here's some woman-loving tips, right from the woman's mouth:
Be funny, or willing and easy to laugh (without forcing yourself). All of my girl friends who are "out of the league" (I don't like that concept) of their boyfriends, have boyfriends who are HILARIOUS or who often make jokes. This isn't a suggestion to change anything about yourself, or to worry about not being funny enough since lord knows we can only try so hard. But if you can find a woman who laughs with you and means it when she laughs, you're already far ahead of the game. It isn't a surefire sign of attraction, but it's a strong basis for it; it indicates affinity.
I'm not personally sexually/romantically attracted to men, at least not interested in relationships with them - and yet whenever I feel the most attracted to them, like a twinge of surprise, is when some guy I underestimated says something really funny and insightful. It demonstrates an ability and willingness to reflect on things, wit and compassion (if you aren't one of those "mean" funny people - people whose jokes revolve around reveling in another's suffering). Self deprecating humor is useful, occasionally welcome, but beware of the other edge on that sword - it has a high margin of diminishing returns, both for others and (more importantly) for self.
Here's another thing: Lord knows it's torture to hear if you struggle liking yourself, but Liking Yourself is an YUGE asset. It communicates to someone that even if they don't think they want you now, there's something about you they might be missing - and a lack of confidence, while attractive to people who like feeling powerful and want to know they can manipulate you, indicates to a stranger that you might have higher need of them than they have of you, and that's a bit of a turn off. (But not something to be ashamed of, if it's true, maybe just something to work on.) People really want to always be the sole beneficiary, but we (thankfully) settle for equivalent exchange
That leads into another point, but it's a moot one for most of us: Just be rich. Be incredibly wealthy. Golden dubloons falling out of your pocket. Some men disdain gold diggers, but I've never really understood that, because frankly you NEED some gold in this world, and men(not all) are the ones who happen to have it in greater quantities. Not only that, but in this life women are generally considered more responsible for children than are men who have the same children, yet women are expected to do the same work for marginal pay in a perversion of the exact same logic, that they'll be more devoted to their kids than their job, while they need the job to take care of them -- A woman knowing that she can find a man who will put her in a position of never having to worry about taking care of her family is no small thing. (In my opinion, there are a lot of times when women love rich men the same way men love beautiful women -- against their better judgment, and helplessly.)
But All of That? Is not even CLOSE to an option for the vast majority of us, and even then is just a guarantee of a partner, not an intimate or loving one. Personally, I am functionally a lesbian (despite bisexual inclinations), and I can tell you that the men me and straight girls find attractive are Genuinely Easy Going in the Face of Rejection. IF a woman rejects you, and you don't use hurt feelings as an excuse to hurt her, if you can genuinely treat it as No Big Deal..... That is ENORMOUS!!!!! I think back so often to the men who gave me that, and I'm so grateful to them, I trust them so much more.
There's a lot of fear and tension involved with both sides of the prospective romantic encounter. Even more than that, women HAVE to be especially guarded just to keep themselves safe. Women can't trust that all men who claim to care about them do, because men finding you attractive is a hindrance to men viewing you as human, sometimes unfortunately or even unbeknownst to them. I cannot TELL you how many male friends I lost in my straighter days, because I wanted to see that would they still be friends with me if they knew explicitly that we were not going to date? Guess how many of those "friends" are still around?
(It was scary and disappointing to me, coming into womanhood and seeing that men do not view me as I view myself or even as I am. My body carries me but it hides me from them as well; some men see only what they want to see, they see only what they want.)
I don't mean to suggest that you're going to cultivate a romantic relationship out of an already existing rejection. That gets awfully close to the border of not taking no as a no. But, if you can manage to not be overwhelmed by your desire to change the nature of your relationship with a woman, and you establish an already existing relationship on another basis, the changes increase DRASTICALLY of her someday theoretically viewing you that way. That is, if you can show to her (and here's the key: Mean It) that you will always value her as much as you do even if you once had expectations that you grant and are comfortable with never being met, you've created a situation in which she knows she can trust you.
This isn't an always-sound strategy if a romantic partner is your only goal, but if you're more generally lonely, every new friend is a benefit, and particularly cultivating complex, robust, far-reaching friendships with women is an excellent strategy for beginning to understand them, understand their humanity, and eventually meet someone someday who thinks, "This guy is a great guy who deserves someone. And he isn't mad at other people for not giving him what he thinks he deserves. I totally know someone/myself who would LOVE to be with him"