I agree with Bella. I've talked to dozens of folks over the years (mostly guys, but not all) who are miserable because they have a spouse who isn't into tickling. Many of them look for it outside of the marriage in secrecy in order to fulfill the urge. That has pros and cons. Yes, it may fulfill that urge. But, many of these people end up with guilt and self-condemnation feeling that they've somehow cheated on their spouse. I connected with a guy once who told me his wife knew what he was doing...only to find out while we were together that she didn't have a clue. I wasn't too happy about it. While I don't think there's anything inherantly wrong with connecting with others (on a platonic level) outside the knowledge and presence of the spouse, I DO think there are many factors to consider before doing so. There is a lot of potential for trouble coming from it.
Should these folks have told their SO before marriage that this was so important to them? Ideally, yes. Anything that much a part of who you are should be shared before making a life commitment, no matter what part of your life it entails. But, what about those folks who didn't recognize it until later?...or those who were afraid to say anything in the beginning and are now "stuck"?...or those for whom the partner said they were cool with it only to learn later on that they really hated and wanted nothing to do with it? Adam asks a reasonable question that is really much more complex for many people.
For those, and there are many, who feel everyone should just come out with it... I don't agree...at least not completely. Yes, it would be good to be up front and talk about it with your SO. But, there are many things that can play into timing on when to do so in order to avoid problems and have the best chance of it being accepted and discussed reasonably. That is a decision best left to the person and, IMO, is nobody else's business to tell them when or how to do so...and especially not anyone else's business to out the person.
As one of those married couples Mimi mentioned, I was lucky enough to find someone who's into tickling. We enjoy it on our own and with others (on a totally platonic level of play). But, that wasn't the basis for us getting together beyond our online contact. We met when Drew found my tickling site and wrote to me. So, we already knew that both of us was really into tickling. It wasn't until we found out how much OTHER stuff we had in common that we decided to connect. Tickling plays a definite role in our relationship. But, it doesn't control it. It's simply one part of who we are.