Would you mind explaining what happened? I am curious.
A gentleman never tells
I like to think I do have a big heart. Honestly it juat may be the kids are so much nicer and easier than adults and if I don't like how they're behaving, there's always timeout. Adults don't give me that option.
as far as the sexy nanny comment, the flirt in me was bound 2 surface soon with you 😉
don't remember if I've asked this before...can tickling be non-sexual for you?
I suppose it COULD be, but it's definitely more of a sexual thing for me in most circumstances
🙂 Why do you ask?
oh btw get ready for a mini bomb...im sure I'll be on and off ur thrrad all da 😉
what is in ur shower right now?
LOL stiilll waiting on that mini bomb
In my shower: Shampoo/Conditioner, OldSpice Body Wash & Yellow Dial soap, A mirror and a razor, and a pedegg every once in a while. What's in yours?
what's the longest uve ever spent doing dishes?
an hour... SOMEONE left a ton of dishes with CHEESE baked on em
Would you ever be heteroflexible? 😉 Would you do it for the right girl?
HELL no... not for any woman! Sorry!
Yes! I used to have a dog, but Jade kept him when we split
🙁 I miss him... And then there's my cat, Sid Vicious...
what is ur favorite work of art?
describe ur bedroom?
favorite gift ever rcvd? Most memorable?
favorite gift ever given?
furthest uve ever traveled?
(thank you for being so forgiving on my txt speak typing. The phone makes it just more natural to type this way)
AH! THERE'S the thread bomb
Favorite work of art? I have SEEN starry night in person and damn... it's awesome
😀 Definitely my favorite thus far.
My bedroom is toned WAY down from what it used to be. Walls are a nice, placid shade of gray with a blue hue to them, black leather couch, queen size bed with a gray quicksilver bed set, oak furniture, world clock and a couple of posters on the wall, and my desk. Usually very tidy... I hate to leave shit laying around
Hmm! That's a toughy! Probably my car
😛 It was a gift for graduating with honors from HS and getting my college paid for... Yeah... that's proly the most memorable too
Also a toughy! My favorite gift that I ever gave was when I refinished the rims for my dad's truck. he didn't wanna spend a shit ton of money to get them done but they looked like shit, so I spent about a whole week refinishing them and when I was done, they looked like they just came off the factory floor, and he was blown away. I think he was really proud.
Furthest I've ever traveled... probably to Vegas when I was a kid. I hope to start diving into international travel sometime within the next few years
are you a fan of nickelodeon?
Hehe not anymore
😛 Actually, my niece watches it a lot and I gotta say... I don't remember it being so slutty when we were kids!
I'm so close to yellow! Ask me questions!
LOL well I would... but you didn't say the magic word