*CRIES* OK guys, I guessed that this was the best place to post this since there's not a "tragedy" thread that I know of. My laptop is dead. And I mean like "Not coming back EVER" kinda dead. So.....I'm not gonna be on here as much. *cries some more* I can get on Tuesdays and Thursdays around this time (11AM). Which SUCKS because TKfan03, Socks, Camel, Wade, CD, and many other good buddies of mine are only on at night. I'm gonna miss you guys!!!!! *hugs every one in turn* Edit: And Bud-Bob, and Noob, and...*sniff sniff*
Well, I gotta go, guys. Email me, I check my email on my granma's computer (going on TT on it would be a lit-tle awkward....sorry)
[email protected]
And to anyone and everyone Socks decides to turn his attentions to in my absense, I sincerly and truly apologize.
And I'm going to TRY to get a new comp but it's gonna take at least 2 weeks. *cries more*