Hey guys, I just had a dream last night. In my dream, my parents turned into fluffy bunnies using machine guns to try and kill Barney the dinosaur. But Barney started getting all emo on them and killed them 5 times, over and over again. Luckily, the emo rangers came to save the day and brought my parents back to life, asking if they would like to be emo rangers and my parents said yes. But some ginormous lama came out of nowhere and killed batman and superman using the carebears and then batman came back from the dead and transformed into a little girl and was saying all these yo mama jokes and raped the lama. Then gandolf the red came and was all like, "i'm rick james, bitch!" but the real rick james was all like "No, i'm rick james, bitch!" and my parents were all like "Dammit, it's time to save the day from the emosaurus again!" and they turned super saiyan and goku was all like angry and stuff and beat the crap out of my parents who then went to heaven and Jesus was mad at goku for beating the crap out of my parents and sent MJ to rape goku until he died.
And THEN, things got weird...