Male, mostly lee. I'll answer assuming ler knows how to get me, otherwise no point in answering.
Neck 8
Armpits 7
Ribs 5
Stomach 5
Sides 6
Thighs 3
Knees 5
Feet 8
Total: 47, pretty ticklish
But, my problem is my skin gets used to touches of hands reasonably fast and you have to know how to get me (best in combination with other tools), otherwise someone could conclude I'm not really ticklish. Once one girl asked me if I was ticklish on what I didn't answer cause I was embarrassed to talk about it. Then she tried to surprise tickle me on torso area, but I didn't even flinch. She concluded I'm not ticklish at all. Same problem was with my girlfriends who at first couldn't get real reaction from me. With time they figured out how to tickle me with more effect.