You posted a very interesting rebuttal. And I am going to respectfully inform you that when it comes to me, my views of relationships, and my body, you are pretty much well.... bluntly put, WRONG!
And since your reply was directed toward me, I am going to reply to your post in MY point of view. Please understand and FULLY comprehend that the following information may be something in thought and in theory that you disagree with, however, there really isn't anything to argue about. Hopefully it will be perfectly clear that no matter what YOUR opinion holds, my rules on my body still stands... unwavering. Society may change and mold YOUR values and YOUR morals, but society will NEITHER change nor dictate what I believe in and what I stand for.
Featherdfingers said:
Sunrise, the main problem here -- at least as I see it -- is rooted in our country's sociology and culture. Yes, I know it's the new millennium and all that crap, but the fact is, there's still a lot of pressure on guys to make the first move.
Even with times “a changing”, prayerfully there are still men who believe that a first move can be verbal, and really SHOULD be verbal in my opinion. Surely men do, for I can “more easily” forgive an unwanted comment much more quickly than an unwanted touch. So the statement you made above pretty much well… means nothing to me.
So? What if the guy has to make a first move? AND? Your point is? Whatever happened to saying a friendly hello? Talk to me…. Find out what my interests are! You will NEVER get me to believe that society has changed so much that verbal communication is no longer the norm. If that were true, I would be out of a job.
You say, "your body...your rules...your decisions," but that's a bit of a misnomer, especially if you've ever had a boyfriend before (and I know for a fact you have). No matter how hard you can try to convince yourself otherwise, physical connections have always been -- and always will be -- two-way streets. Otherwise, you would never agreed to be tied up.
Interesting…. And thank you for providing what I needed to further prove my point.
🙂 Let’s think here, shall we? Obviously if I am in a relationship with a guy, he has not only been made aware of my rules and expectations, but he also has agreed to adhere to them… or else, he will find himself girlfriendLESS and quite alone. Obviously permission for
some physical affection has been granted or been made off limits for whatever reason. Respect is always an issue and is always the key. If the guy, boyfriend or not, crosses MY LINE… then he can go LINE DANCE with somebody else.
Let me further break it down for you, dear…if I request to be tied up, the bondage does not mean that people have free reign over my body. To be perfectly frank, NO ONE has ever had free reign REGARDLESS of said “relationship”. There are rules… MY RULES. I decide who, when, where, and how. MY rules, MY body, MY decision… PERIOD.
See, the minute you attempt to fuse relationships and intimacy with rules and control is the very minute you suck all the spontaneity and excitement out of any given romantic situation.
This is completely and totally incorrect. Romance and intimacy has thrived since the beginnings of time with rules of respect and etiquette still intact. Call it old-fashioned, but don’t try to convince me that it cannot be done. Romance has not been, nor WILL EVER be quenched by rules and a little thing called SELF CONTROL. It can oftentimes be ENHANCED by those things. If you would allow yourself to truly think about it, instead of maybe trying to think of ways to prove me wrong, there are PLENTY of way to be spontaneous and romantic that aren’t
A) physical and
B) disrespectful.
By the way, spontaneity is only romantic if it doesn’t make the other person feel uncomfortable, or make the person feel like he/she is being disrespected.
Think about any person you've ever had a crush on...did you ever want him to act like a total gentleman and follow all the rules when it came to exploring your body? Of course not.
Please read your statement out loud over and over and over and over until you can grasp how completely and utterly RIDICULOUS it sounds. In fact… please, take a poll. Ask any woman you want if she DOESNOT want to be treated like a lady… a QUEEN… really.
Of course I want the man to conduct himself like a gentleman. (Who said I was giving guys permission to explore my body anyway? INCORRECT ASSUMPTION) I repeat… OF COURSE I want a man to be a gentleman and treat me like a lady!
Whatever happened to chivalry, respect, gentleness… all of those things that make the male portion of our species still sexy to me? And most of all makes them still worth waiting for? Surely you don’t mean to tell me that society has changed us so much that the ways of the gentleman is dead! (Even if you tried, I would never believe you)
I have never in my life met anyone who was more of a gentleman than General Zod, Double T, Affectionate Dan, MKeemer, and countless others who treat me like a lady each time they come in contact with me.
Another example, I brought my little sister with me to Philly… to PRE-NEST. She is a vanilla, of course, but she met all of my friends and she laughed with them, got silly, joked, teased… hell, she could have gotten butt naked if she wanted to, but EVERYONE knew that she was NOT to be touched. You say it’s all about atmosphere… she was in a room FULL of ticklephiles, knew we were ticklephiles and watched people tickling…. And playing. Did anyone cross that line? NO! In fact there were people (namely Affection Dan, Terorizer and others) who went out of their way to keep my sister safe. And THAT is the way it should always be.
Every guy I have ever had a crush, ever been truly in love with was always a perfect gentleman to me. That is so sexy to me really! My body is NOT an open map made for a boyfriend, acquaintance, or a crush to explore, after all…. What is a boyfriend, really? Just a guy who is sweet and takes me out sometimes? HURRAY! WELL GUESS WHAT? It takes more to get at me than a free meal and a line or two that makes me feel pretty.
I’m speaking honest to goodness facts here, dear. REALITY… and in reality, nothing gets to me more than a gentleman… Open doors for me. Buy me roses… Treat me like a lady. Treat me with the utmost respect. Ask me how I feel…. Ask me if I want to. Am I ready? Is it acceptable? Would you mind if I…? I am the biggest sucker for a good guy (a big good guy.. heehee) And they still exist too! That is what I want and THAT is what I am saving myself for… That’s right… you know that old-fashioned view… of choosing to wait? So OOPSIE… You didn’t know me like you thought you did, did you?
Chances are, if a girl is taking her shoes off, jumping around, and acting goofy, it would lead me to believe she is the kind of free spirit that would be *okay* with a little bit of tickling. Again, by no means is this any sign that it's a god-given right to tie up these free-spirited girls and tickle them senseless, but a poke in the ribs? Goes with the territory, methinks.
In conclusion… my manner may be teasing, flirty ----> MY PERSONALITY… NOT AN INVITAITON! My clothes may be sexy, showy----> MY CREATIVITY…NOT AN INVITATION!
I have a right to be who I am! I have a right NOT to be exposed to whatever guy or girl thinks it cute and funny to reach out and touch me without my consent. And this is whether I am in class, at a club, at a bar, at a party, at church…. MAKE NO MISTAKE!
I am NOT the one and I NEVER will be! ASK ME! Or deal with the consequences.
Live, Laugh and TICKLE
You TELL EM! Ticklemebreezy!