Lookalike headshot and foot-type pic for Lisa; actual tickle box from an old LOL video
The room sounded with chants of “Liii-
SA! Liii-
SA! Liii-
SA!” as the anxious but smiling Passion Party hostess climbed onto the couch. Ellen, after holding Nancy’s hand in the previous round, was now acting in the role of ‘tickle box assistant’ as she helped Lisa scoot into position.
Lisa rocked back on the couch behind the box, hugging her knees to her chest and looking at me with wide eyes. I smiled and made a small gesture toward the empty stocks. She looked at the box but seemed reluctant to let her knees go.
Sensing her hesitation, Ellen leaned in, placed a hand on Lisa’s shoulder, and gently asked, "Do you like to laugh?"
"I do!" Lisa replied. "But this is…"
"Ah-ah-ah…" Ellen interrupted. "Did you know laughing is
really good for you?"
That didn’t do much for Lisa’s panicky look, but with a sigh she released her knees and extended her ankles toward me. An unsteady whine escaped the back of her throat as she began to process what was happening. She had just watched the formidable Nancy tickled out of her mind, and now it was her turn! But the “Liii-
SA” chants and Ellen’s soft encouragement urged her on.
I guided Lisa’s feet under the toe bar and settled her ankles into the stocks. Ellen took it upon herself to slide the knee brace into place. “Wrists?” she prompted, and Lisa obediently laid them into the curved divots above her knees as she’d seen Nancy do. Ellen snugged the top section tight and set the locking pins, trapping Lisa’s wrists and lower body securely in place.
Lisa watched Ellen lock her into the box with rapt, wide-eyed attention, tracking her tormentor’s hands as each pin was set. Her hands writhed helplessly as she immediately tried to pull her wrists away, but of course there was zero give. Then she tried to move her trapped legs, but could just barely kick her feet at the ankles.
Her face took on a grim but very cute and determined expression as the reality of her predicament set in. She looked from me to Ellen and then out to the crowd, where she at least got some sympathetic laughs in return.
“Welcome to my world,” Nancy chimed in.
Lisa pulled and tugged some more. “Holy crap this thing is…it’s…” she looked back at me as if I’d done some kind of crazy table magic, and just shook her head. Her hands made a cute little shrug gesture.
Next I dropped the ankle stocks in place over her feet, which were, as you might suspect, quite pretty: probably size 8, shapely and well-cared for with dark red nail polish. They were even nicer than the lookalike picture I added above, softer and smoother, except that pic gets the shape just right.
I showed Lisa the string. “Toes?” she asked, and I nodded. She put her feet together.
As I snugged the string in place, she wriggled and yelped, forcing me to make several attempts. Definitely ticklish. I tried not to torment her too much as I wrapped her big toes together and then eased her feet back to tie them to the crossbar.
I’ve noticed over the years that the tickle box holds people differently; particularly below the ankles. Even with the double stocks locked tight and their big toes tied, some women can still twist their feet a bit and wiggle their other toes freely. Not so for Lisa, however. She struggled enthusiastically for several seconds once Ellen and I finished restraining her, but from my perch near the ankle stocks I noticed that despite her struggles, her feet remained still and her toes barely twitched. Whatever bone and tendon structure controls this phenomenon, Lisa seemed to come from the “can’t wiggle” camp.
“Oh my God, I can’t do
anything,” Lisa observed as she twisted and pulled. She didn’t fit the box as snugly as Nancy; she was closer to Laura’s build. But regardless, the tickle box is surpassingly good at holding people of all sizes quite still.
As she’d done with Nancy, Ellen sat on the couch beside Lisa.
Lisa watched me as I settled in and organized my tools. “Let's start over,” I suggested. “I'll tickle her for about a minute-fifteen each with feathers, fingers, claws, and finally the buzzies.”
“Buzzies?” Lisa asked.
“That’s what my friends call these toothbrush chassis,” I explained, picking one up and flicking it on. A high-pitched whine set the bare wand humming where the toothbrush was supposed to be. A few surprised giggles and laughs came from the audience at the recently familiar sex toy sound, and Lisa’s look of shock was classic.
I’m only human; I laid the wand against her toes.
EEEK!!! OKAY!!!” Lisa flinched and squealed to a round of giggles from the watchers.
“Sorry, couldn’t help myself,” I apologized, turning off the buzz and grabbing some feathers. “Who’s doing the countdown?”
This time, spontaneously, several women in the crowd started counting down at once, more joining in as poor Lisa tensed and grimaced in the stocks: “THREE! TWO! ONE!
As with Nancy, I placed the feathers just below Lisa’s toes and traced slow, lazy S’s down her soles with the tips. Her body flinched again and she squealed, but then the squeal resolved into a soft “
MmmMMmm…” that made it sound like a sex toy from the other room was at work on her. “Ohhhh…okay, yeah,” she purred. “You can keep doing
My kids used to say people eating dessert made “yummy noises.” Well, as the feathers stroked Lisa’s soles, she closed her eyes, bit her lower lip, and began making some
serious yummy noises, interlaced with giggles.
I glanced at the crowd to find Laura watching me with a knowing smile, shaking her head. This was pure tickle porn, and she knew it.
Lisa’s feet and toes flexed softly as I traced her soles with the feathers. She shuddered and moaned when I reached her arches, and I looked up to see her forearm hairs standing on end as goosebumps dimpled her skin.
Her expression and vocalizations were getting…intense. Whether she was playing it up for the crowd or unable to help herself or a little of both, the whole vibe was overtly sexual. Some appreciative giggles from the audience joined Lisa’s own sounds of struggle and pleasure.
As the feathertips approached Lisa’s toes, her eyes popped open and she shot me an ominous warning look. Of course, there's nothing a tickler likes to see more than an ominous warning look, so I wasted no time poking and twirling the feathers between her toes.
They wiggled gently but didn’t clench as the feathers probed between them. Lisa rolled her shoulders and tucked her chin, now taking sharp, shallow breaths. She finally cried out with several high-pitched
Ohs! and broke into helpless giggles, finally moving to soft laughter.
“A minute fifteen!” Reliable Sara had been ready with the stopwatch, and was keeping time.
Reluctantly, I dropped the feathers and began wiggling my fingertips against the balls of Lisa’s feet, tracing tickly lines back down toward her heels. It was immediately clear that tickling did more than arouse her.
Lisa’s eyes flew wide. “Oh! Oh!
Oooooh!!!” Her sensuous expression was replaced by a look of imminent panic as she bounced in place and began to struggle in earnest. I kept tickling softly, toes on one side, arches on the other. “
Ahhhh!! Ok,
stop stop STOP!!!”
Now she was looking right at me, and beginning to grow panicky as my soft tickles grew more forceful. Adorably, she tried to shoo me away with her hands, and when that failed, she puffed her cheeks and started frantically trying to blow me away from her feet.
Finally, the laughter came back, this time harder. Someone in the audience said, “There she goes!” as Lisa threw back her head and gave in to the maddening sensations tormenting her feet. Knowing the claws were up next, I kept her laughing for several seconds but then backed off a little to let her breathe.
“Oh my God this is
torture! How did you guys
stand it?” she gasped once she found her voice.
“You’re doing great!” Ellen encouraged as some other watchers reminded her she was almost halfway through.
As if on cue, Sara called out “Two minutes thirty!”
I immediately grabbed the lotion, sluicing a generous goopy pile into my hands and rubbing it into Lisa’s soles. Looking back, I’d have to say this was close to my favorite moment tickling her. She caught a deep breath, bit her lip, closed her eyes, and tilted her head back with a moan that – to quote the Rolling Stones – could make a dead man come. Unable to resist, I kneaded my slippery thumbs harder into her soles, feeling my quick massage release tension from her flexors and drawing forth a helpless and orgasmic “
Oh my fucking GOD!!!” that almost floored me. Delighted gasps and laughter floated from the watching crowd.
“I’ll have what she’s having!” Cheryl quipped to a big round of laughs as Lisa seemed to battle a sudden case of chills.
I had just over a minute left to tickle Lisa’s feet with the claws, so I didn’t waste any time. As I mentioned earlier, the lotion-claws combination is devastating even on women who don’t think they’re ticklish. It was about to work like a charm on Lisa.
We locked eyes as the claws touched her slippery soles, and her panic was immediate and complete. I traced her feet lightly for a few seconds while she laughed and begged.
Ai!!! Oh God
no! Hey no…stop…please
please don’t no no no
NO NOOO!!!” When I did finally dig in, there was no resistance.
Now she was laughing with abandon. Hips twisting, head thrashing, hands flailing, everything on her body locked into overdrive. The ladies in the audience called out encouragement: “You got it Lisa, don’t give in!”; “Come on, it’s not much longer!”
Ellen was just laughing along with her, seemingly still at Cheryl’s joke.
“Three minutes forty-five!”
She’d made it to the home stretch! Dropping the claws, I quickly grabbed a hand towel to swipe the excess lotion off her soles and my hands. Lisa stopped laughing and looked at me with some relief as I held the toothbrushes wands-up over the stocks and thumbed both on at once with a mechanical stereo
Lisa’s expression snapped in an instant from a relieved smile to wide-eyed shock as the audience gasped, and she managed to cry out “Oh God
NO!!!” just before the buzzing tips hit her arches.
Two loud screams pierced the room one after the other as the maddening wands began to nuzzle Lisa’s soles. But where the claws had driven her to laugh, now Lisa was moaning again. In a sing-songy voice, squirming as much as the stocks would allow, she began to beg. “
Okaaaaay, you’ve gotta
stooooop thaaaaat!!!” I moved the tips to her toes. “Come
on!!! Ahhhh!!! Don’t…do…ahhh
GOD!!!” As agonized as she sounded, Lisa’s feet and toes continued to only flex gently as I worked them over with the buzzy tips. We were back to giggling moans, just like with the feathers, but now amped up to a full-on X-rating. It honestly seemed like she was about to…
I immediately pulled away as the room erupted in cheers. Ellen happily shook Lisa’s shoulders and then started to release the wrist stocks as I began freeing her toes. All the ladies pressed in to give Lisa back slaps and high fives as she finally rolled aside and stood up athletically from the couch, her face bright pink with…let’s call it exertion.
She bounced over and gave me a hug. “You
are a mean bondage guy, but that was fun!” she chirped before spinning away into the crowd to bask in the glow of her new fans.
And so ended the best night of tickling I have ever been a part of, or will probably ever experience again.
Or maybe not. I didn’t realize it just then, but there were still more surprises to come…
Coming next...