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Real Tickling, Caught on Tape


Tickle Brat: Thanks, and legit point you make about the "freebie munchers"

shire: The comments were "most likely made before anyone had a chance to join the site"???? Since the comments came from members, how would they be able to rate the site or give an opinion one way or the other before joining and looking at it? "Hello, McFly?? (tap tap) Hello??"

golfer: Damn you're funny- Sue and I were wondering why you don't do stand up instead of forum insults! Actually, if anyone stops to think about it, if I'm as repetitive as the "dumb cousin" than golfer is about as repetitive as rain man (great flick BTW) without the accompanying intelligence, because every time we challenge him to point out exactly why and how we have hurt him, he says basically the same thing, which when all the smoke clears amounts to: "your site sucks".

M & S: golfer, if you don't like our site, you don't have to join it, so how are we hurting you and making you feel the need to insult what we're doing?

golfer: Uhhhh... your site sucks and you don't change your samples!

M & S: golfer, since anyone who isn't happy after they join can get their money back, how does that hurt or affect you, so that you feel the need to insult us?

golfer: Ummmm....your site sucks and you don't change your samples!

M & S: if the site is so bad, why do we have so many members who join and stay with us for the full run of clips?

golfer: Geeee....your site sucks and you don't change your samples!

M & S: golfer, don't you have anything better to talk about or anything better to do than rip on a couple of decent people who are just trying to run a tickling club?

golfer: Uhhhhh, well.... your site...(Anyway, you get the idea!)

And you know, perhaps nothing better sums up and illustrates the mentality of these losers than shire posting saying "perhaps we should all just join the site and then ask for a refund JUST TO PISS HIM OFF". That's the driving motivation behind all these unwarranted attacks, and shows why there really is NO reason for them, other than a juvenile need to cause trouble. Pretty mature attitude, don't you think?

Find something better to do, guys, and get on with your life. Our response from now on will be what it should have been all along:


Thanks again to all of our members, and happy tickling to ALL (yes, even to you golfer and shire!)

New forum members: Stop by Tickleworld and decide for yourselves, we think you'll like what you see.

Mike and Sue

And you know, perhaps nothing better sums up and illustrates the mentality of these losers than shire posting saying "perhaps we should all just join the site and then ask for a refund JUST TO PISS HIM OFF". That's the driving motivation behind all these unwarranted attacks, and shows why there really is NO reason for them, other than a juvenile need to cause trouble. Pretty mature attitude, don't you think?

The only thing that's immature is your inability to spot a joke, especially when it has a tongue-out smiley at the end. You must have no sense of humour. Which, come to think of it, explains why I never hear anyone laughing when I visit your site.
Good god, this post is getting (_getting?!?_) hostile. Where I come from, insulting someone's family is something you dont' do, even if you'd happily call the guy as many names as you want can think of, right to his face. Also, threatening to hack is illegal, in and of itself. Careful, or Tom might nail you and have the mods backing him up.

ok, let's see if I can hijack the thread and bundle it in a constructive direction.

I myself am not a member of Tickleworld, nor do I know much about Tom, so I'm fairly neutral in this regard. My prime interests are (selfish) a good tickling site, and (altruistic) goodwill in general.

Tom, in an earlier post, you have defined your target market as the people that are becoming new members of the TMF; therfore your target market will be seeing your post for the first time (IE--each month's new members).
I think that your selection of a target market is off. I know that the TMF has roughly 10,000 members and change, according to the mods I've spoken to. I'm not sure how many people join each month, but it's obviously a fraction of that number. This means that very quickly, your prime customers-to-be are quickly fading into the group that you cater less to: Longer-standing TMF members.
I suggest that you'll be better off targeting TMF members in general, not just incoming newbies. My reasoning is that isntead of people constantly leaving your target market (they've seen your post several times and it's not new to them), the general membership of the TMF increases all the time rather than decreases. Your potential customer base will increase exponentially.

That being said, let's examine your marketing strategy and the complaints of "you dont' change your sample clip" at the same time. Keeping the same sample clip will indeed target the newcomers to the forum at the expense of the older members' interest (older a factor of membership at the TMF, not literal age). Rotating it on a monthly basis will attract significantly more members of the TMF, while not detracting at all from the new members' interest. Granted, you'll eventually start to lower your free sample / paid clip ratio. However, since you're only adding one sample per month and presumably gaining several new clips per month, you'll still come out ahead. Particularly since it will serve to attract more customers.

I imagine it would chafe at you to change your sample clips because people get more things for free out of you without joining your site. However, this is psychological, not quantitatively accurate. There's only one way you can lose out by doing this. I'll illustrate by four main outocmes.
Best outcome: Someone wasn't planning on joining your site, but the extra sample clips changed his mind and he decides to join it. (major gain here).
Good outcome: Someone was going to join even with the continuous sample clip, and your changing the clip on a repeating basis didn't change his mind. (No gain or loss from changing, but a favorable outcome).
Neutral outcome: Someone had no intention of joining, and changing the sample clips didn't change his mind, despite his getting mroe clips. (No gain or loss on your part--he wasn't going to join anyway, so you didn't lose any money if you think about it).
Bad outcome: Someone was considering joining, but the extra sample clips made him decide to save his money and just enjoy the clips. (This is the only outcome that results in a loss to you).

The fourth outcome is the least likely. The third is the most--but like I said, even though it might seem annoying, you suffer no loss from it. Realistically, the first outcome is significantly more likely than the fourth, and that's the main thing.

Let's also talk about the clips you advertise. As I'm not a member, I have no idea what the entirety of your clip collection is. I'll proceed on the assumption (correct me if I'm wrong) that your old clips remain, and as new tickling media comes in you add it to your site.

That said, I've visited your site's free area numerous times, and most of the clips advertised remain the same. This leads to your detractors squawking about how you have no new clips.
I presume you have many more. Shout about it! Don't keep it secret! When you get a new clip, brag. Tell people. Show a still or provide a description. The whole idea is to let people know what they're missing by not joining, and therefore make them want to join.

Okay... I've said a mouthful here. Hopefully this is of service. With luck
a) your site's membership will increase
b) The quality of your site will be fine-tuned
c) We can all stop this abominable flamewar.

Good luck all, and take care.

Leo, as much as I'm enjoying ripping the shit out of tom, I have to request you take your last comment back. It's not on, insulting someone's family, and in fact, posting just plain insults isn't advisable, either. I haven't exactly been the model of tolerance, but I try to make a point at the same time as hurling a spit-ball. So please romove or edit your last post.

I actually had a membership to this site like, a year ago...I joined for one month, got what I wanted, (honestly though, the material sucked ass) and never joined again. And I'll never join again. My honest opinion is that it's the worst tickling "media" site out there, but again, thats JUST MY OPINION, nothing more.
shire: The comments were "most likely made before anyone had a chance to join the site"???? Since the comments came from members, how would they be able to rate the site or give an opinion one way or the other before joining and looking at it? "Hello, McFly?? (tap tap) Hello??"

How is, "Looking good!" a user comment? "Looking good!" is the kind of thing people say when they see a preview. If you joined a site and saw all its content, you wouldn't say, "Looking good!" You'd say, "Good site!" or something to that effect. Dodgy comment, there, tom, and I don't see any proof that it came from a member.

It seems that your only fan is that one guy who posted three comments.
Re: T-world

tomservo said:
Tickle Brat: Thanks, and legit point you make about the "freebie munchers"

That's rich coming from someone who takes other company's freebies and offers them as part of the content of his member's paysite!

This thread is getting rather personal and will therefore not address the real issues, which are 1. The quality of the material on the site, 2. The hype in promoting the site which amounts to a con-job, 3.The blatant contradictions in Tomservo's various posts.

Why am I interested in this question? Because I see a lot of good sites out there that lead one to expect a certain standard when joining a site. Tickleworld does not offer anything near a good deal, not even at the price. And the one thing Mike never addresses is the picture resolution and sound quality of his clips, which is as poor as the worst of what I have got free off these forums. You only realise this once you have actually downloaded the stuff. And then you will also realise that you have already got many of the clips off TMF or Tickletheater. And what you have not got is really not worth having.

Sites within a similar price range: Feetonline, Extremetickling, Tropcal Tickling and Tickletown, to name a few, all provide you with the kind of material that is worth what you are paying, both in quantity and, most particularly, in quality.

As I see the Tickleworld scenario, it looks like Mike at one time set up the site and put the available 180, I think he said, clips on it. Since then, with 30 - 60 at a wild guess, joining every month, he is able to make a nice little couple of hundred bucks a month on the side with no input - not even the changing of the ads he places on these forums once in a while. And the site cannot cost him more than about $50 - $100 a month, depending on how many people have used it and so on (Judging by the fact that Jeff says his bill for the TMF is between $400 and $600 a month). When the numbers drop, a new ad comes in here and we get to slate it, but never so badly as this time.

And why? Because there is a basic unwillingness there to own up to the truth and either put in some effort or do, in reality, what he says he does at the moment, namely share them with others by posting the lot on Tickletheater, where they would be freely available to all - those that are not there already.

The painful attempts to explain away the objections made here by bluster and whining and feeling sorry for himself, all because he
does not wish to shift his rear and actually earn the money he is making, are only a provocation to anyone who has actually been a member and got disappointed to become more and more explicit in pointing out the facts.
Re: RE: Tickleworld

tomservo said:
Bollocks!!!? Oh no, not Bollocks!!

Hopefully this will set things straight for once and for all....

Traveler of Shadows

Join Date: Dec 2002

Posts: 3,774

Location: Where the shadows lie.

Gender: Male

Preference: Slightly more ler'ish than lee'ish


Lookin' good!!!!
Know: The TickleTheater Rules ::: The Clips Section Rules
Report posts that break those rules.

And incidently, His Divine Shadow is a moderator on Tickletheater - he was probably replying to one of your posts.

And incidently, posting here means by your so-called loyal customers, not some outdated e-mails you received,or some thread replies posted by you out of context. At least motivate your customers to show up in person.


Your last post has definitely stirred up a lot of conversation between Sue, myself, our tech gal, and the rest of the tickleworld team. First af all, we would lke to say that we wish all posts could be as logical and decent as yours consistently are. Putting aside all of the flame, (which we heartily agree with) really leaves just a difference of opinion, as you pointed out.

The points you make and your suggestions seem well considered and thought-through. I'm not saying we will definitely change anything, but it does give us some food for thought. I notice shire tells you to remove or edit your post because he doesn't like the fact that you don't agree with his "ripping the shit" out of people or "hurling spitballs" (and doesn't that about sum it up?) Unbelievable.

I guess our main point in all of this mess (and please tell us what you think about this aspect of things) is that everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether it is right or wrong in someone else's eyes. It may be that we are not doing things in the way that would make us the most money or gain us the most members. OK, those who are of that opinion are ENTITLED to it, and we never directly insult someone else's opinion. THAT is our main point- OK, you don't agree with us and you think we could be doing things more efficiently. Is that a reason to say things like our site "sucks ass", or the many other vulgar statements and put downs that seem to follow most of our posts? We cerainly don't think so. It would be one thing if we had ripped off these folk's hard earned money in some kind of scam operation, or if we did not have a standing policy of a full refund for any unsatisfied member. That's all we don't understand- the nastiness for nastiness' sake. Sue and I live by a kind of "live and let live" mentality. And as we have pointed out numerous times, we are not some huge conglomerate looking to rip off the common man. We are simply a husband and wife into tickling who run a tickling club. Our dues are low, we do our best to deliver quality, and we care about our members. And since we have a good many stills showing the types of clips we carry in the archives (in addtion to the main sample), we feel we give everyone who takes a look (new TMF members and old) a good idea of the type of site tickleworld is.

That being said, we can never get folks like golfer, mart or shire to address the question of how we have hurt them to the point that they feel the need to go beyond simply giving their opinion (once, not 20 times and after all of our posts!). So OK, you have stated your position that you don't like what we do- why can't they then let it go, and let us all get on with other things? It get's really old! And we have told them for the hundreth time- YOU DON"T LIKE OUR SITE, DON'T JOIN! shire then says that "vitriol" will follow all of our posts, and THAT is what we call immature and meanness just for the sake of being mean.

We would like to get your take on that, Jim, and thank you for your
comments, and the common courtesy you show when making them. There are many who could learn a lesson from you- flaming is unneccessary, and insulting people because you don't care for what they do is just plain ignorant.

Mike & Sue

Tomservo: Many people who have been through near-death train collisions say...AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
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It looks more like you and people like you are the ones doing all the whining and feeling sorry for yourselves- get a life. You know shire really hit it on the head in summing up the maturity level of people like you and he when he said he enjoys "ripping the shit" out of people and "hurling spitballs" All he's doing is making my point- where have we heard those types of phrases? Oh Yeah, Junior High.

So here is our response, as promised-

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That being said, we can never get folks like golfer or shire to address the question of how we have hurt them to the point that they feel the need to go beyond simply giving their opinion (once, not 20 times and after all of our posts!). So OK, you have stated your position that you don't like what we do- why can't they then let it go, and let us all get on with other things? It get's really old! And we have told them for the hundreth time- YOU DON"T LIKE OUR SITE, DON'T JOIN! shire then says that "vitriol" will follow all of our posts, and THAT is what we call immature and meanness just for the sake of being mean.


1) You have not 'hurt' us at all, tom. What you have done is insult us by refusing to listen to the complaints we've offered. We've been harsh in our critiques, yes, but that's only because we've made our points before and you have pointedly ignored them. The result is that over time, more new users, such as Leo tickles (for whom I have to apologise) see this ad and post their own responses. And I've never seen a positive one. I happen to think yours is the worst tickling media site I've ever seen, but if that was it, I would do as you say and leave it alone. The reason I can't leave it alone is because of your arrogance.

2) I don't like your site, so I won't join.

3) When I said 'vitriol will follow your posts', did I at any point say it would be from me? Have I showed up every time you've posted this thread the past several times? No. I had one spat with you about this before, then ignored you the next few times. So what gave you the impression that I would be posting flames here for meanness' and nastiness' sake? The simple fact is that as long as you continue to start threads in this vein, those threads will continue in this vein. Look at the number of people who have posted derogatory comments about you in this thread alone. Count the amount who say they were once members of TickleWorld but hated it. It is not simply me and golfer, as you keep stating; there are a lot of us who feel that TickleWorld is the biggest rip-off out there. Maybe next time neither of us will post here but, by God, someone will, and I'm pretty certain the words won't be nice.

You should realise that the only one acting victimised here is you.
Comments from shire

Wrong again, shire- we don't feel "victimized" or act victimized, and we DO acknowledge your point- OK, you don't like the site, and you think we should change our samples- point taken. That doesn't mean we have to AGREE with you or change what we do. We are simply saying that you are entitled to your viewpoint, and we have no "spitballs" to hurl at you, and we don't want to "rip the shit" out of you.

We are saying OK, you have your opinion, and that's fine. We don't happen to agree with you, so let's agree to disagree and let the folks who come and look at the site decide for themselves whether or not THEY agree with you. And if they do join and later decide it was not worth the money (actually a VERY small percentage of our members), we will refund their dues with no hard feelings. And what you label "arrogance" is simply Sue and I defending ourselves against immature attacks made well after your point has been made... and made... and made... and finally run into the ground.

As far as the negative posts- every time Sue and I post some of the positive (often EXTREMELY positive, such as the remarks from DALLAS FOOT TICKLER) remarks, you just ignore them or say they must be false. Well, guess what? they are NOT false, they are real, but as I have stated previously, NEGATIVE REMARKS ARE MORE FUN TO READ, AND ARE DRIVEN BY SPUN-UP EMOTIONS, WHEREAS POSITIVE COMMENTS ARE BORING. It is that way pretty much across the boards, because rarely do people who are happy with something bother to tell the world about it- it's tedious, time consuming, and usually fails to entertain the way good hardcore "vitriol" does.

In closing, Sue and I have nothing personal against you, so again, can we just agree to a difference of opinion and move on, or do we need to keep shooting the spitballs? And yes, we had originally planned to answer any more negative posts with a simple "whatever", but Sue suggested that we instead try to deal with things in as mature a way as possible, and tell you how we feel. Obviously if the posts are extremely vulgar or insulting, "whatever" will no doubt be our response.



Tom why dont you just look at the numbers. It seems like more people hate your site than like it. Even if someone types "Looking Good" and you take it as a giant butt licking comment. The only reason I dont mind ripping on your site is that nothing is original. Extremetickling.com never had anything original but they had a whole lot of shit you could flip through. I have been a member of your site and the two or three pages of other peoples material, cartoons, and the self proclaimed non consenual attacks....cough cough..are just not all that good. Dont take these attacks so personally and just do something about it. It just seems with this kinda material your not trying to do any work in creating your own stuff and your trying to make a buck on it. I dunno maybe your not making any money at all from the way it seems. You guys are just like bad elvis impersonators (if there actually is a good one) and your proclaiming that night raid is sooo good. EVERYBODY LISTEN in this awesome clip night raid their is no response other than foot twitching and it could be made and faked by anybody with a cheesy digital cam and a foot. You have got to cum orginal!!!!!!!!

1)We're happy with our numbers and our membership-

2)You don't like the site, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, so for the billionth time, you don't like it, don't join.

3) We're also happy with all compliments and kind remarks we've ever had on the forums or via email.

"Giant Butt licking" comments??

OK Dude, Whatever.

"Is it true that URANUS is big and gassy?" "We need to make a trip to URANUS and wipe out the clingons"

Crow T. Robot
I'm sorry...it's come to this.

Mike, you simply are not very bright. I know that sounds mean, but after reading your arguments...believe me, I'm being nice.
Re: Comments from shire

tomservo said:
Wrong again, shire- we don't feel "victimized" or act victimized, and we DO acknowledge your point- OK, you don't like the site, and you think we should change our samples- point taken. That doesn't mean we have to AGREE with you or change what we do. We are simply saying that you are entitled to your viewpoint, and we have no "spitballs" to hurl at you, and we don't want to "rip the shit" out of you.

We are saying OK, you have your opinion, and that's fine. We don't happen to agree with you, so let's agree to disagree and let the folks who come and look at the site decide for themselves whether or not THEY agree with you. And if they do join and later decide it was not worth the money (actually a VERY small percentage of our members), we will refund their dues with no hard feelings. And what you label "arrogance" is simply Sue and I defending ourselves against immature attacks made well after your point has been made... and made... and made... and finally run into the ground.

As far as the negative posts- every time Sue and I post some of the positive (often EXTREMELY positive, such as the remarks from DALLAS FOOT TICKLER) remarks, you just ignore them or say they must be false. Well, guess what? they are NOT false, they are real, but as I have stated previously, NEGATIVE REMARKS ARE MORE FUN TO READ, AND ARE DRIVEN BY SPUN-UP EMOTIONS, WHEREAS POSITIVE COMMENTS ARE BORING. It is that way pretty much across the boards, because rarely do people who are happy with something bother to tell the world about it- it's tedious, time consuming, and usually fails to entertain the way good hardcore "vitriol" does.

In closing, Sue and I have nothing personal against you, so again, can we just agree to a difference of opinion and move on, or do we need to keep shooting the spitballs? And yes, we had originally planned to answer any more negative posts with a simple "whatever", but Sue suggested that we instead try to deal with things in as mature a way as possible, and tell you how we feel. Obviously if the posts are extremely vulgar or insulting, "whatever" will no doubt be our response.



So you've resurected the thread AGAIN. What are you hoping for? No more negative responses? Its not that people have a different opinion - it seems clear that they just don't believe what you say.

And why am I stating this so crassly? I don't believe you will understand or acknowledge anything said here, because if you did, you would have to change the content of your site, and that is what you are obviously and doggedly unwilling to do.

So all this other stuff is actually to warn any unsuspecting "new member" that there are a whole lot of others who, like he is just about to do, have deposited $5 in your account and sometime later we suckers have sat in front of our computers staring in disbelief at what we have just downloaded.

And thats really the only point - you try and hook them, I try to unhook them.

OK look. This shit has got to end. Tickleworld sucks, everyone knows it, Tomservo won't admit it, whatever. This thread is getting nowhere. Tom has a right to advertise his site, and we have a right (and a duty) to inform noobs and other potential buyers that his shit is lame. That is the way it is.....so Tomservo, stop arguing about us voicing our opinions and just wait politely for one of your "loyal fans" to come to your rescue. If you shutup about it, people will flame you less. People will STOP flaming you if you get some new shit and actually make your site a quality place to spend money. Here's an idea that should satisfy both sides of our little flame war...Tomservo, have Sue put on a tank-top and take off her shoes...tie her up and tickle her, find new settings, lather..rinse..repeat. If you don't like that...hire a model using the money from your "wildly popular" site and tickle her. Doesn't matter either way...but get some new shit and people will not only leave you alone whenever you advertise...but may actually become patrons and stop telling people that your shit sucks. *sigh* That's my two-cents.....and someone should make me a mod 😀

Jesus H. Christ... You summed it up Tidas. My suggestion Tom, take his advice before Tickleworld crumbles into a bigger piece of shit than it already is. Sooner of later all the newbies that do join your site will get the hint, it's inevitable. Tidas, you got my vote bro.
ummmmm Tworld sucks.

now you can whatever that all you like but it is still the reigning opinion.
Re: Usual Crap

There goes Mart, just proving my point again- he doesn't address the fact that we refund the money of anyone who doesn't like the site. Get a clue, MART- We don't keep anyone's $5 if they don't want to stay with us. So there's no need to "warn" anyone.

"Doggedly" refuse to change our content? You're damn right, because we like our content.

Apparently so do the members who have stayed for over 2 years. Look, guys- once again, Sue and I are just a husband and wife who started a tickle club with extended cartoon clips (we felt that the amount of tickling shown in cartoon tickle scenes was very often too short), quite a few original at home tickling clips caught on home vid cameras, and a bunch of other original material combined with clips from other producers. BTW, we have good relationships with most of the folks whose material appears on Tickleworld, one example that comes to mind is someone saying we simply "ripped off" material from footparadise when in fact we have an advertising agreement with them allowing us to use their material! You also bring up Extreme tickling as an example of how it "should be done". Well guess what, they use ONLY other producers material, and I'm not aware of them having ANY agreements to do so. BTW, Uncle Steve- nothing against you, I like your site. This is how B.S. often gets mistaken for the truth.

Bottom line- we are not a huge "conglomerate" or corporation, we are just two ordinary people with a tech gal and some friends helping us, who run a tickling club. We DO NOT "rip people off", we DO NOT make a "killing" (as one idiot suggested), and we are not trying to revolutionize the tickling industry. We are quite happy with our membership base, we have regular 9 to 5 jobs and a beautiful 2 year old baby boy, and are content to stay where we are and continue running our site as we see fit. Unlike some of these obsessed wackos, tickling and the tickling site is for FUN and the enjoyment of our members, not the focus of our lives. Remember folks, there are a lot of things much more important in life. If you don't agree with it or don't like it, OK. After you make your point, how about moving on and not acting like an immature moron. We are harming NO ONE, and we take good care of our members and don't keep the money of anyone who joins and isn't happy. And we are not changing our site, so GET OVER IT! I swear you'd think from some of the vehement, emotionally charged, nasty remarks in this thread that some of these losers think tickling is the all-encompassing center of the universe!

I think when someone talked about 'changing' your content, he meant 'augmenting:' as in, keep old clips up and add new ones.

I'll make you a proposal, Tom. This will take place in a few months, not just yet. Here's what I suggest.

I'll purchase membership to your site for a month. I'll then post a lengthy review of it here. I think most people can agree that I'm a neutral party; I have no axe to grind and no reason to either please or attack anyone. Thus, I'll be objective. Depending on how I feel about the content, I'll either continue membership, cancel after one month, or request the refund advertised on your site. Either way, we can (hopefully!!!) put an end to this debate once and for all.

The reason I can't do it just yet is becuase I still live at home, and in the off-chance that someone glances at my credit card bill I'd prefer not to have any questionable billing sources on it ;-). But I'll be moving out in september or thereabouts, and once I do I can take the actions I suggested.

How does this sound, everyone?
He won't listen to all our opinions together so what makes you think he'll listen to the review of one man?
I sent an e-mail at the time expressing the same views that I afterwards posted in my own review. As I said above somewhre, I got no reply from the site, only from the billing company noting the cancelation of my membership. So, I guess one would actually expressly have to ask for a refund - because the offer is not advertised anywhere exept in this thread.

Sure, Tomservo, you love your site with all its wonderful ideas, and so do all the loyal members who keep on paying the $5 per month for the same content they have had for over 2 years.

The amazing thing is that you actually expect anyone to believe this!
I mean, this is carrying bullshit to a new level.
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