Step 1: Stop fucking counting your rejections. (Sometimes counting and keeping track of fails will show the path to success.)
Step 2: Be confident/stop being not confident (Are you magic? OP, along with most people, probably isn't.)
Step 3: Take a look around the forum. Look at the people who you feel sorry for. Don't act like them. Look at the confident, fun, awesome people. Do that instead. (Sure, I guess.)
Step 4: Take your new confidence and go meet women. (Okay...)
Step 1: Post like a normal person. Talk about shit. Talk about shit other than fetish shit. Join Fetlife. Talk about shit there. Let chicks see that you're a normal guy. Delete this screenname and get a new one so that a chick who finds your new posting interesting doesn't do a search and fall into this thread, because then all your hard work just went into the shitter. (No. No. No. Don't meet women online. Meet a girl in real life. Trust me on this one.)
Step 2: Get out of your house and go to stuff and things. Like munches. Or gatherings. Or both. Chicks will be happy to meet you after seeing all the dope shit you've posted. No munch in your area? Host one yourself. Pick a place, post it, and people will show up. Maybe just one or two at first. Eventually you'll have like 78. (And open up your own BDSM dungeon, too! Or... or or.... or... just try a local club or bar?)
Step 3: Go do all that stuff now.