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Religion and politics (split from "It's officially an English word now")


3rd Level White Feather
Nov 20, 2002
TheChameleon said:
I'm super tired of the pundits running around asking for "source, proof, and law" all the time.

Now you know how Christians who defend/are forced to defend their beliefs feel. They can't simply be without athiests hounding, citing, and contradicting them when they preach and praise and people can't make jokes without stirring the ire of people who would slap such behavior as politically incorrect, regardless of political allignment.

What a sad state of affairs we live in when people snap at the slightest bit of difference. People love to be angry and even more forget why. People need to learn to focus more.
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labrat78 said:
Republicans screw up more than just the language 🙁

still kicking myself in the arse for signing up as Republican when i turned 18.
BigNorm said:
still kicking myself in the arse for signing up as Republican when i turned 18.

Aww, Norm. You shouldn't do that. Let me do it for you! 😛 *puts spikes on her boots* This should help with your political decision making process. 😉
I like the philosophy of "Get Fscked".

If someone doesn't like what you believe or like or feel, they can get fscked.
BigNorm said:
still kicking myself in the arse for signing up as Republican when i turned 18.

(don't bother reading this if you're going to complain. It seems only fair that if you choose to read it its your own fault and complaining does you no good. 😛)

And I, on the other hand, am beginning to doubt my having signed up with the Democrats when I turned 18.

I can actually laugh at this, as it displays just how different you and I are and how both of us have most likely evolved since that age.

The thing with me is, I am a democrat, but I think more like a republican. I have some liberal tendencies and viewpoints, but not enough to keep me here indefinitely. I do not have faith in a system under democrats that won't eventually crumble due to spreading itself too thinly and trying to do too much all the time. Democratic viewpoints are nice and dandy and everyone, even republicans, find them ideal in a perfect world and probably wouldn't mind ushering them in, but, in reality, they leave far too many loose ends for my tastes and often open up whole new cans of worms in the process, which, in turn, only gets us deeper and deeper into moral, social, and political quagmires. Its much too fickle and lacks the focus of republican thinking.

The problem with democratic thinking is that it works on blind faith that everyone else (including other countries and democrats) are going to play nice, fair, and even and that so everything balances out and everyone gets their fair share and entitlement.

Thats, of course, a fantasy and a dream with the way the world is now.

Republican thinking counters this sad truth and salvages a great deal and safeguards itself, but democratic thinking becomes susceptable to it and weakens and shortchanges itself. Democrats want so badly to make everything fair for everyone but the sad fact is that will never happen. The biggest difference between republicans and democrats is that republicans already realize this truth and are doing the next best thing to prosperity for everyone now- insuring an economical and viable country so that prosperity, as a concept, ideal, and possibility, are not lost to us in the future should the horizons bode well.

People often say you should stick with what you know works, and republicans think that way. Why take gambles and cast lots when holding and knowing when to fold is far more certain and safe. You can plan and coodinate far better, that way, the future of any government and country.

Democratic thinking takes honorable leaps and bounds and its idealogy is wonderful, and the intentions there are rightious, but reality just doesn't work that way right now and it won't for a long time. (In my opinion it won't happen until we spiritually heal ourselves and reclaim our destiny).

This balances almost perfectly with my religious life and my faith as I am able to balance my logical human nature with my undefinable spirit and soul.

Not everyone has that in their life, has that ability, (or sadly may not even want it) and I highly suspect its the reason for much suffering. People feel so beleaguered from all sides and totally spent that they have nothing left for them and their own hopes. The spirit is what fulfills and completes for you that which you body and human existance on a human earth cannot.

Fortunately, you can still jump ship, Norm. so theres no reason for you to be kicking yourself in the arse. I've always been told you can change your politican allignment.

(Good luck trying to get me to ignore you. Its simply not going to happen. I've got nothing to ignore, but maybe you do, or so you say. 😉)
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Isn't it funny how a humorous anecdote about a word turned into a political thread? n_n
Oh, and on the record, we all know this thread was going nowhere quick, so you'll all forgive me for posting that. If anyone claims there was something good to salvage here, I think it would be a lie or half-truth in that the only thing salvaged was animosity toward the subject matter. We already have indifference as a factor.

Therefore, I feel that, in this instance, its better and healthier to just get it out in the open and release it and not dance around it as if to pretend its not there or that its a no-no or a boo-boo when its most certainly a part of us everyday and never ceasing.

Those that wish to partake of this oppportunity should consider it.

Those that wish not to partake of this opportunity may opt out at any time.

Toward that point, if the mods feel the topic should be split or a new thread should be created, then I am for that also.

Alternatively, if no one wants to discuss it, then lets all shut the hell up, grin, and bear it. Not a healthy thing to do, but whatever yous. 😛
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Oh, I knew it was gonna happen. And there's really very little hope, if any, of getting it back to a light-hearted banter. I just can't resist the opportunity to mock anything that's being taken seriously. 😉 Life's too short to take stuff seriously.
Agreed on splitting.

While on this subject though...

Who really gives a frel about "liberal" or "conservative"? Why do you feel you have to conform to yet another pre-packaged label? Are you seriously not able to think for yourself? Not able to say "I think this way, and that's that," then be happy with it?

This whole "OMG IM TEH LIBAROL" and "OMG I B TEH KONSARVUTIV!!!!11" crud is a joke.

Just realize that your arguing is nothing but an amusing play for Sammi and then you'll realize just how pointless it is 🙂

Or you can keep throwing wood on the fire and help her raise her post count! 😀
Sammi-chan said:
Oh, I knew it was gonna happen. And there's really very little hope, if any, of getting it back to a light-hearted banter. I just can't resist the opportunity to mock anything that's being taken seriously. 😉 Life's too short to take stuff seriously.

With all due respect, my dear, the ones wanting light-hearted banter have it in almost every other thread, spam thread, or threads dedicated to such talk or even ones that are not. It is not an understatement to say that you have it better than you realize and you're taking it for granted.

Are you honestly not satisfied and so displeased with the lack of services and opportunities which cater to your whims that you cannot stand but one thread that has evolved into something that will make people actually think?

If you were to measure the silly threads and compare them against the serious threads, I am certain you will find that they are ridiculously out of balance.

I agree, life is too short to take stuff too seriously. But its also too short to do the opposite all the time. Its no suprize here that those that advocate banter and spamming fun are the same people who perpitrate it.

You have your outlets all the time. Let us have ours, as they are seldom.
Huh... I've been painted as the puppeteer. Or perhaps just some bored bourgeoisie watching from the balcony. 😛 I talk funny when I start to get tired. Too flowery. And Jimmy's weird. n_n

Vladislaus Dracula said:
With all due respect, my dear, the ones wanting light-hearted banter have it in almost every other thread, spam thread, or threads dedicated to such talk or even ones that are not. It is not an understatement to say that you have it better than you realize and you're taking it for granted.

Are you honestly not satisfied and so displeased with the lack of services and opportunities which cater to your whims that you cannot stand but one thread that has evolved into something that will make people actually think?

If you were to measure the silly threads and compare them against the serious threads, I am certain you will find that they are ridiculously out of balance.

I agree, life is too short to take stuff too seriously. But its also too short to do the opposite all the time. Its no suprize here that those that advocate banter and spamming fun are the same people who perpitrate it.

You have your outlets all the time. Let us have ours, as they are seldom.

Ah, but I could just as easily claim that this was supposed to be a fun thread that was taken away and made into something else. But I'm not looking to argue. Fret not, kiddo. Once the day comes and more people arrive and make the place more active, I'll move on to more fun threads. 😉
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But political whining sucks and everybody else hates it. End of discussion on that topic.


Sammi-chan said:
Huh... I've been painted as the puppeteer. Or perhaps just some bored bourgeoisie watching from the balcony. 😛 I talk funny when I start to get tired. Too flowery. And Jimmy's weird. n_n

If you say you so.
Vladislaus Dracula said:
If you say you so.

That was in reference to Jim's post. I responded to yours, but I editted it in since I was posting while you were. n_n Sorry 'bout that, kiddo.
the_jimmy_james said:
But political whining sucks and everybody else hates it. End of discussion on that topic.

Be VERY CAREFUL, my friend, when you use the word "everyone", when we all know "everyone" represents the same handful of people every time. You are NOT a majority to decide that. Neither the silly spammers nor the people who want seriousness once in a while have a majority holding, so using terms like "everyone" is unwise and very inconsiderate of not just everyone else, but of the stature of this forum.

At least I have stated options we can all take. Its the people that want it only one way or the other that are suffocating this situation.
Sammi-chan said:
Ah, but I could just as easily claim that this was supposed to be a fun thread that was taken away and made into something else. But I'm not looking to argue. Fret not, kiddo. Once the day comes and more people arrive and make the place more active, I'll move on to more fun threads. 😉

Actually, yes, you are looking to argue, or at least contradict. Take a look at what I said and then what you said just now. Go back and read it if you have to.

I stated that you guys get your fun all the time and it takes up a majority of the threads in this forum, so theres no reason why you should grimmace at this when it doesn't go your guys' way.

You now say that you could just as easily claim this was supposed to be a fun thread.

My point is, are you guys never satisfied? You have every day, and every thread you desire, with threads dedicated just to this kind of activity, yet its not enough.

You want to take cheap jabs at Bush in the form of a cleverly and easily excused joke/humor thread? Fine. I even agree its funny. No one has stated that you did not have the luxury of doing so. But you cannot honestly expect everyone who does not fall into this circle of people that joke all the time, to not have their own opinion or to not have something to say.

Its bad enough that you guys populate this forum with your stuff all the time. For you to then hope or expect others to either "get with the program, enjoy it like we enjoy it, or get lost, you're being serious" is asking a bit much.

Consider all that I've said as accumlated frustration that hasn't been released nearly as much as your joy and fun has the luxury of being.

Consider past instances where moderators had to do something about your activities. Consider when it was your own faults.

Consider that maybe, just maybe, there is going to be a tomorrow and maybe you guys need to start pacing yourselves.

If this problem cannot be rectified, then I also suggest to the adminstrators that a seperate forum be created for general discussions/serious discussions and for this....banter, spam, nonsense...whatever you want to call it that you guys flood this single forum with.

I know that Valerie has expressed a desire to see something done about this, and I can only hope that the "powers" find and create a mutually agreeable solution.

Politics in the real world may not work the way we want them to, but we can sure as hell make this site do it. That much we can do.
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Those are all good words, but I think they're already part of the lexicon.

What about "jiwhanger"?
As I have no personal interest in what happens here, I will retire.

I would hope however that the moderators (whom are now administrators and have the abilities now) consider what I've said about making seperate forums. Its been an underlying issue for quite some time now, this spam/sillythread/pruning/merging/cutting back, etc, and to deny it would be to deny these problems as they occur, which could have easily been prevented and can be prevented.

I would love to believe this portion of the website, that of General Discussions, exists to be used in many more ways than it is currently being utilized and that every ideal, wish, or form of activity is given a proper method and place of venting in such a manner that is either encouraged or obliged.

For this to truely be a "general" discussions forum, it needs to be more general. It is no overstatement to say that the banter, the spam, and the silliness dominates and pretty much runs this forum, and the same people who create this atmosphere are the same people who prolong it.

This does not call for division of our members, but rather division of our circumstances and alotting and directing them where necessary.

This is not only within our means, but it is practical, efficient, and all but eliminates the imbalance. Considering that the silly spam and banter has thus far been entertained and allowed without disruption or without having been countered, intentionally, with serious discussions (nor have those wanting some persued more than their fill), it is only fair that anything not pertaining to that is given that same benefit and possibility the way the patient among us have considered "everyone 😉" else in the hopes they would be paid back the same way and with the same generousity and consideration.

This issue is actually very similar to the idea of cleaning up the non-tickling forum and organizing it better, which several, so far, have agreed should be done. The general discussions forum is really no different.
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All discussions and viewpoints are welcome here provided that they do not become disruptive. We have partially addressed the spam problem with new "Posting Guidelines" and are still weighing the costs and benefits of topical subforums.

In any case, everyone needs to keep this discussion civil.
i got a funny feeling that at next presidential election, the Democrat is going to win for sure.
Vladislaus Dracula said:
With all due respect, my dear, the ones wanting light-hearted banter have it in almost every other thread, spam thread, or threads dedicated to such talk or even ones that are not. It is not an understatement to say that you have it better than you realize and you're taking it for granted.

Are you honestly not satisfied and so displeased with the lack of services and opportunities which cater to your whims that you cannot stand but one thread that has evolved into something that will make people actually think?
You have your outlets all the time. Let us have ours, as they are seldom.

Thanks Vlad. Some people can't take it when someone wants to talk about something serious. Granted, on the internet, it's easy to mistake a long post on a serious subject for worry.
But the fact is some people just like talking about certain things. Since when do you tell people what they should and shouldn't find interesting to talk about?
aucklandtickler said:
Just a note on the point of the difference between "liberals" and "conservatives." A "liberal" is actually someone who favours less government intervention, fewer regulations and a more markte focused economic policy. That would not seem to equate with the Democrats, who are painted (here at least) as tax-and-spend, regulate types.

If anything, the Republicans would be political liberals, although I understand that one would call them social conservatives. But then, it would seem that a lot of America is socially conservative (if Europe, Canada and the OECD is used as the point of comparison).

A political "conservative" is someone who is more of a reactionary - wants to keep things the way they are. Perhaps it might be associated with populist notions. Indeed, conservatives usually hide behind spurious names such as "The Progressive Party" or "Reform Party."

I always thought "liberal" meant like a big helping. As in, be liberal with the amount of paint you put on; be liberal in the amount of governing you set up.
And that "conservative" meant one would take a conservative approach to what should and shouldn't be the government's powers. Less regulation, less welfare, less arts endowment, less warfare.

It seems one side makes the observation that people perform better when they have a chance, when they are shown the way, and when they are educated as to how to use money (or whatever resource). The other side makes the observation that people perform better when they have to, when it's sink-or-swim, and the only way to get anything is to go out and get it- that holding people's hands makes them lazy.
Both observations are valid and can be observed all over the place. So obviously neither of these viewpoints ought to be embraced ideologically.

"A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election."
-Bill Vaughan
BigNorm said:
i got a funny feeling that at next presidential election, the Democrat is going to win for sure.

I think this is exactly why Hillary has been named as a possibility. Under any other circumstances, the powers that be would simply say a woman still has no chance of winning in this country, and that it would be a wasted campaign to nominate her.
But all of this is still assuming there will be another presidential election in the United States.
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