Meanwhile, in reality he was a fetishist like the rest of us (that’s why he was here) who didn’t want his stuff put online so that he could continue tickling girls he knew where underage even though WE didn’t know and weren’t actully binding them and making physical contact. When that was pointed out to him he got, oh.... snippy.
Or perhaps this guy is here just to look after the pictures broadcast, what is out, what is in...
Reading you, you really seem to be the good guy the mean one try to frustrate, this sounds so pathetic and so irritating, do you want to someone cry ?
Perhaps this guy is able to control his "fetish" and take people (male, etc) just to make the show, and not for your fetish ?
That's messed up. This is the dark side of the renfaire phenomenon, and it's a reason I have mixed feelings about the pictures and videos from renfaires. Tickling seems like a grey area, since it doesn't have to be sexual, but you would think that someone who does get sexual gratification from it would be careful not to put underage girls in his stocks. It's pretty gross that he would know that he is talking to an underage girl and and still be willing to tickle them.
Oh, you seem to be a reasonnable man. Someone with who, you can talk.
And you're absolutely right. When chating with canelli's guys, and Kurt too, something appeared very cleary. There is a common point between tickle fetishits and pedo guys (sorry I do not know the english word). I've never noticed that before, but when my friend told me this, it kept in my mind.
I've seen a lot of fetish tickle guy during faires. All of them have the same behaviour, like a pedo freak chasing kids (one of canelli's guys is a policeman). They always try to take pictures or videos in a sneaky way, staying hidden, or stuff like that. BDSM people, feet fetishits (or else) never do that. They take pictures, in front of the persons in the stocks and everyone.
This is a very sensitive point. Once you faced it, it never leaves you.
The tickler is a former member of TicklingFR (French tickling forum). He left in acrimonious circumstances. Since then, he's been fulfilling his fetish through these renfaires.
In the renfaire community, he does stand out as a...difficult person to deal with. Not really caring about the events, just focusing solely on tickling young ladies.
In a way he's abusing these people.
I think I know who you are. Let's play cluedo, ah ah !
More seriously, this is right. I was on this forum full of creeps. This forum is dying because all of their moderators were bannishing people for being "competition", in chasing women for "tickling sessions". And also they were many manipulative and that's why a lot of people left them.
And, also, it is not known but this guy chased a man, also moderator, who was trying to have a tickle session with a minor, while married. Everyone has its hobbies... And this guy loves hunting creeps on the net. But this time, he lost (don't cry
😛 ).
And in the renfaire community, this guy did more than 50 faires in Europe and have a lot of friends in this community. Who are you to talk about this community, perhaps someone whose company had been banished for being "dicks" ?
Medieval community is not full of love. YOu have some people inside who took the medieval stuff to bully other people or visitors, or being smug. Or they are just boring and useless, like you...
This is also competition between companies. And here, the loser is trying to be mean with its comrade.
I’m not even worried about that, since it can be non-sexual. It was his “Don’t post these pix out of respect for the young participant so that I can keep doing MY thing in these pix to the young participant” attitude that he had, and then when folks questioned that grey area you mentioned, he kept on fighting with them.
If he’d kept his mouth shut no one would have known it was him in the photos to begin with. If cornered by producers of the faire he could have then plead ignorance.
My friend from Canelli told me the tickle fetishit oftenly says : it's non sexual. Oftenly, when people said that, this was to "hunt" tickle sessions with minors. I hope you are not of them.
And why producers would not know about that ? This guy is not playing "hidden", but in light.