Thank you for posting! Also I've never really understood why some want to keep videos like this for themselves. These aren't copyrighted professionally produced videos. (Yes, technically every photo/ video taken is copyrighted, but I think most see my point.) This isn't a case where some producer is losing money by having his/ her material shared.
I see your point and i can understand, but the thing is, as i explained before to some forum members, when you spent hundreds of euros, buying those very VERY expensive renfaire videos, because the one who was selling those took advantage of the fact that he was the only one in their possession, so he was clearly overselling those, i 've got to admit that it's difficult to just share it for free with everyone..
For example, over the last year, i must have bought approximately 800 euros of unreleased renfaire stuff, i spent my money on that and it was a real effort, so , to me, it won't be faire to just post those for free.. To give you all an idea, at the beginning, the guy started to sell his material 60€ for a one hour video.
What i do is, i tried to sell those back , at a much cheaper price that i 've got them, this way everybody wins, and i try to get at least some of my money back..
Anyway, here is a little gift for the community :